what is happening in BIOLOGY 12 this SEMESTER?
Hi! I would like to take this opportunity to personally welcome you to the Science Dept. at Clayton Heights Secondary. The following course outline explains how the class will be structured, my personal expectations of you as Biology 12 students, and the marking scheme that you will be graded on this term. Please take time to read this over with your parents so that you know what you need to do in order to be successful!! I look forward to working with you in Biology 12 this year.
Ø Cell compounds and structures
Ø Protein synthesis
Ø Transport
Ø Enzymes
Ø Systems: Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Nervous, Urinary and Reproductive
The following supplies must be brought to class on a daily basis: blue pens, pencils, a ruler, a 3 ring binder, lined paper, a calculator, pencil crayons, at least 6 notebook dividers, and liquid paper.
It is my intention to make learning the Biology 12 curriculum as interesting, and enjoyable as possible. However, in order to accomplish this it is essential that class time not be wasted on dealing with inappropriate behavior that interferes with student learning and enjoyment. Therefore, for the benefit of all students in the class the following rules and procedures are to be followed at all times!!
* ATTENDANCE: This course moves at a fast pace, and attendance problems may cause you to experience difficulty with the course material. If you miss a class, make certain you obtain notes from a reliable peer, and obtain the necessary handouts from me. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make up missed work or tests after an absence from class. PLEASE NOTE: ***Any student that misses a test or quiz will automatically receive a score of zero. To be considered for a re-write, you must bring a signed note from a parent / guardian on the day that you return to class, and you must be prepared to write it the day you return! If the absence is unexcused you will receive a zero with no chance of a make up. **Students who do not make up a written test or written assignments due to an excused absence (after a weeks period) may also receive a score of zero.
* LATES: Arriving late to class is impolite, and disrupts the class environment. If you are late without a signed note from a parent or staff member, you will be required to serve a 10 minute detention at lunch or after school. Obviously you are responsible to catch up on any work that is missed at the beginning of a class, but if you miss a quiz due to an unexcused late you may receive a score of zero! PLEASE NOTE: Students generally are not allowed to leave class for any reason (unless it is an emergency!). Please bring all necessary materials to class, and make sure all bathroom duties are taken care of before class begins.
* BEHAVIOR: It is generally expected that students will behave in a responsible, considerate, RESPECTFUL manner at all times! There is no excuse for impoliteness to other students, to me, or to substitute teachers. Also, PLEASE RAISE YOUR HAND TO ASK OR ANSWER QUESTIONS as it is impolite to interrupt the teacher or another person who is speaking, and note that: THERE IS NO TALKING WHILE THE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE ON!
* SAFETY: All students will work safely in the class and LAB at all times!! People acting in a dangerous manner, or who do not listen to class instructions will be prohibited from participating in lab or class activities and will receive zero. Science PREP & EQUIPMENT rooms are off limits.
* CLOTHING: Jackets, coats, hats, etc. are not permitted during labs, as they may catch on equipment causing injury or damage to students or staff members. Coats must be left on the back of your chair, or at your locker during all LAB activities.
* ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments must be neatly printed, written or typed. Each assignment must include an underlined TITLE, the students FULL NAME, and DATE & BLOCK, or marks will be taken off. Regular homework assignments (Review Questions, Labs, and Worksheets) must be submitted at the start of next class. Assignments submitted by the end of the DUE DATE will be penalized –50%. LATE ASSIGNMENTS HANDED IN 2 DAYS AFTER THE DUE DATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Major Projects (Posters, Models, etc.) handed in up to two (2) days late will not be accepted.
* DAILY HOMEWORK: All TEXT, WORKSHEET, & LAB ASSIGNMENTS assigned for homework will be graded on completion and neatness. Unless a student was away when the homework was assigned, a score of zero will be given to any student who has not attempted the assignment. There will be no chance of making up those lost marks, and NO late marks will be given in the future (unless a student has an I), because the homework answers may be provided to all students in order to aid material comprehension and test preparation.
* MAJOR PROJECTS: Each MAJOR ASSIGNMENT OR PROJECT that is handed in LATE will have 50 % of the mark total deducted if handed in after the start of class, or at the start of the next class. ** I will not mark MAJOR assignments that are 2 days or more overdue. Remember that text, worksheet, or lab assignments that are not attempted will receive a score of zero with no chance of a make up!
* TESTS AND QUIZZES: Unit tests will be given approximately every week, and will cover material presented in class as well as in the textbook. An exam outline will be given for each major test so that you know what to expect, and a unit review may be presented in a game or another FUN class activity. Quizzes will be given on a random basis, so make sure that you keep up on all reading and homework assignments
* COPIED WORK: Some assignments will consist of group work activities, however when appropriate, students are expected to work quietly on their own. Copied work or tests will result in a mark of 0 for both individuals.
* NOTEBOOKS: An organized notebook will help you achieve success in Biology 12. Please use the necessary dividers to help you keep track of assignments, “intro activities”, and other class projects. Student notebooks will be collected and marked at least once during the semester (likely at the end of Term 2). I will be looking for a well organized binder that is neat, organized, complete, and shows signs of effort in the course. The specific marking criteria I will be evaluating your notebooks on will be handed out a least a week before the books are due!
* Grading: Formal letter Grades will be based on the following percentages:
A: 86-100% B: 73-85% C+: 67-72% C: 60-66% C-: 50-59% F: 0-49%
An “I” letter grade (communicated in WRITING or BY PHONE!) indicates that a student has incomplete or unsubmitted assignment(s), and is at risk of, or is currently failing the course. The student will be given a specific amount of time to complete the required work. At the end of the time limit, the I is either changed to a passing grade (C-) or a failing grade (F) depending on whether or not the work was completed to a satisfactory level. Please note that an “I” letter grade can be assigned even when a student is passing the course, but is “at risk” of failing the course at semesters end (i.e. borderline achievement of less than 60%).
* Course Evaluation: Your grade in science is calculated by totaling your marks in each of these categories and then weighting them as follows.
Homework, Assignments, Notebook: 25%
Tests and Quizzes: 75%
***Your final grade will be based 60% on work completed during the semester
and 40% based on your final exam mark.***
It is my belief that Biology as a discipline should be examined in a hands on learning environment in which students are actively involved in their own learning as much as possible. Therefore, I will attempt to utilize a number of different teaching strategies that are of interest to the students, and make learning the subject matter as much FUN as possible. I welcome feedback on my approach to teaching Biology from students and parents at all times!!!
If you have any questions concerning the course, or if you ever need help preparing for a test, completing an assignment or understanding a specific concept, please feel free to talk with me at any time. I am available for help during lunch, and on most days after school.
As a result of taking this course, students will:
A] increase their knowledge of Biology content, and apply that knowledge to life situations.
B] develop an interest in science, and demonstrate the proper use of science related equipment.
C] be given opportunities to think critically, and communicate scientifically.
D] gain an appreciation of the scientific endeavor, and their potential to contribute to it.
If you or your parents have any important concerns, please leave a message for me at the school, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mr. Eckert’s Biology 12 students:
Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the material in the Biology 12 course outline that has been presented to you. Also, please have the following form signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and return it to me at the beginning of next class (For HOMEWORK)! By signing below, you are also indicating that you agree to the safety requirements outlined in the following Safety Contract:
I agree to:
-conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times, and carry out safe laboratory practices;
-follow all instructions given by the teacher;
-read and follow the safety rules outlined in the beginning of the textbook.
-learn the location of the first aid kit, eye wash station, chemical shower, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, fire alarm, and emergency exit;
-protect my eyes, face, hands, and body when involved in science experiments;
-make it a point to know where to get help - fast!
Student Name (Please print) ______
Student Signature ______
Dear Parent / Guardian:
Would you please sign the space below indicating you have read the Biology 12 course outline for your son / daughter, and have them return it to me at the start of next class (this will be their first official HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT for marks). With your assistance, I am sure we will be able to facilitate the success of your child in Biology 12 this semester. Please feel free to contact myself at the school if you have any questions.
Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Name (Please print): ______
Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Signature: ______
Home Phone Number: ______
Emergency Contact Name and Number: ______
Important Medical Information: ______
Yours truly,
M. Eckert
Science Department