Floors, Makerstoun, Nenthorn & Smailholm Community Council
Meeting held in Makerstoun Hall on 30th January 2018
Draft Minutes
1. Present: Mr A Carter(Convenor), Mrs V Ross(Vice Convenor), Mr K Bone(Treasurer), Lady Biddulph. Lord Biddulph, Mrs H Kerr, Mr I Malcolm, Mr J Roberts, Mr D Stark, Mrs L Stark, Mr I Topping, Mrs J Duncan(Minutes Secretary)
Apologies: Mr T Kime, Mrs K Baird(Secretary), Mr T Weatherstone(SBC)
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th September 2017: with no amendments required the minutes were proposed by I Topping and seconded by D Stark.
3. Matters arising: There were none.
4. Finance: Mr Bone advised that he had sent the 2016/17 Accounts to SBC. The Balance on 22/11/2017 was £794.87 and there was £34.85 Cash in hand. He had received an invoice from British Legion For the Poppy Wreaths for £60 and this had been paid. However, there had been 3 Wreaths received and this should have come to £90. Mrs L Stark undertook to ask J Smith, Session Clerk of KCC what had happened.
5. Reports
5.1 Police Report: Hare coursing had been reported in the Makerstoun area. This had previously been reported in Nenthorn. A gang had been subsequently arrested near Duns.
5.2 SBC Councillor Report: None as T Weatherston was unable to attend.
There was a meeting of the Area Forum due to be held at KelsoHigh School on 7th February. A Carter was unable to attend but would pass the Agenda on to anyone interested. The format of the Area Forum was about to change, with all Councillors included, but only 6 out of the 15 Community Councils to be represented. It was thought, with this change, the towns would be well represented but the rural areas would not.
6. Correspondence:
6.1 Nenthorn Village Hall. A member of the public has asked what is happening to the funds raised from the sale of Nenthorn Village Hall. He suggested that they might be used to create footpaths in the Nenthorn area. I Topping (Nenthorn Village Hall Trustee) stated that there is a Trust which is responsible for the funds from the sale of the Hall. There are plans for the use of the funds, the Trust are awaiting approval before these can be shared. It was suggested that the Small Grants Scheme could be approached for funding to improve pathways in and around the village. It would also be good to have pathways connecting all villages in our area, though this would be a scheme of a larger scale. A discussion took place about various paths and it was decided to concentrate on improving the existing ones at the moment.
6.2 Planning. Planning had been approved for a license extension to Blinkbonny Quarry. This involved making the hole deeper but not wider. The retention of jobs was welcomed but the continued effect on the roads of the heavy lorries was unfortunate.
7. Broadband: A Carter had not made any progress with the Scottish Government regarding a better provision in all our area. He had been in touch with MP John Lamont who informed him that the Scottish Affairs Committee had launched a public enquiry into broadband coverage. He advised that the CC submit a letter to this committee. This had been done recently and we now await results. A Carter to keep pressing for an improvement.
8. Roads: The condition of of our roads is now deteriorating, with many potholes opening up again. A Carter would report these to SBC. Serious concern was raised about the condition of the C79 Courthill road. The ruts on both sides of the road are so deep now that it is impossible in many parts to draw off the road to pass. This was a real problem when meeting the many lorries which do not slow down. This, along with the large potholes, made it very dangerous for motorists. CC to again send a letter of complaint to SBC, looking for urgent repairs and at least one passing place to be provided.
A reply had been received from SBC regarding the lack of warning signs at NenthornBridge, saying, that although there were minor incidents these were not serious enough to warrant more signs. Members were not happy with this response and asked that A Carter write again. The Give Way and 40mph signs cannot be seen until you are at the bridge, where there can be queuing traffic as well as ice, as the gritter only covers one side of the road at the bend; therefore a warning sign further back is much needed.
Speeding through Nenthorn. SBC thought that providing a Speed Sign at Nenthorn would not be a good use of council funds. If CC wished to pay for this they could do so. SBC had not replied to an enquiry about a speed survey. A Carter to chase this up as a survey would tell us a lot.
9. AOCB (open session): The noticeboard in Nenthorn needs refurbishing or replacing. As the board is on the side of a private house, we would need to find out if we had the right to replace it. A Carter to ask SBC if this is possible and also to provide new boards for both Nenthorn and Makerstoun. If necessary, we could make a claim from the Small Grants Scheme for this.
Grit Bins. Two bins were needed in Smailholm, one near the Village Hall and the other at the bottom of Eden Road. Also the bin at Nenthorn needed some repair. CC could buy the bins as SBC supplies grit when requested. A Carter will look into this.
Slow signs painted on the road at Sucklawridge, Makerstoun need redoing. Also parking place at MakerstounCemetery needs gravelling.
There being no other business A Carter thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 17th April at Floors Tearooms 7pm followed by AGM