Agenda: Student Teaching Seminar, K - 12 Art, School of Art, Illinois State University

Friday, August 19, 2016 * CVA Room 302 * 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. Coffee, Tea, Juice, Breakfast Snacks and Welcome

IAEA and NAEA Membership, Activities, and Conferences

·  IAEA 68th ANNUAL CONFERENCE, November 3-5, 2016 – Normal, IL

·  NAEA Annual Convention, March 2-4, 2017, New York, NY

University Information

·  Graduation Application Deadline - Friday, September 11 for commencement on December 17, 2016, Fee required. Applications are available in the Student Service and Referral Center, Moulton 107 or at

·  Graduation and Commencement

·  Important Dates and Deadlines

·  Commencement (with College of Fine Arts) Saturday, December 17, 2016, 9:00 a.m. Redbird Arena. Check for deadline and fee information on ISU website – click on Commencement. Register online. Graduation Services (Important Dates & Deadlines).

·  Educational Placement Information from Counseling and Career Services (Must have account) 309-438-2200

State Certification

·  TAP and Content Exams (Yes, you successfully passed these!)

·  edTPA

·  Initial Certificate (register online after completion of student teaching – details at the second placement seminar)

Overview of Semester Calendar

Review of Student Teaching Handbook Download, print, and bring to seminar - access online on the Teacher Education Center Website

Student Teacher Expectations

·  Weekly Reports: Schedules, Journals

·  Eight Activities, Grades, and Evaluation (one each placement)

·  Teaching Portfolio aligned with the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (IPTS), Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Principles, and the Visual Art Content Standards

·  LiveText Documentation

·  You must have at least half of your LiveText submitted by week 9 and all of your livetext complete by week 12. Grades for student teaching are due by Friday of the 14th week of school. Failure to have your livetext complete by week 14 will result in your grades not being turned in and you may NOT be able to apply for licensure with the other graduates.

Lesson Plans

·  Preparation and Format (Refer to Art 309 website)

Assessment Expectations Rubrics and other strategies

Managing the Art Classroom

·  Behavior, Materials, Tools, and Equipment

Health and Safety in the Art room What is the student teacher’s responsibility?

·  Universal Precautions

·  Care and Supervision of Tools, Equipment, Materials, and Facilities, Use of Approved Art Materials

Access to Resources: ISU-Milner, Local, Regional, State, and National

·  edTPA Elisa Palmer 11:00am

o  Final submission to Pearson: October 24, 2016. Scores released November, 17, 2016. This gives you time to resubmit a section if your score did not meet the cut off.

o  MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SUBMITTED ALL 3 TASKS ON LIVETEXT A WEEK BEFORE THE DEADLINE so we can check your formatting and make sure you have addressed everything.

12:15 Lunch (provided)

12:45 - 2:00 p.m.

·  Continue topics from a.m. and discuss any questions and concerns

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

·  Meet with your University Supervisor