End-of-term test 1 (after unit 5)

1 Complete the email with words from the box.

breathtaking filthy foreground good horns make packed
paddling pollution serene strikes

Hi Kayla,

Guess what! I’ve just found an old photo album that mum and dad made when we were kids – before you could store photos online. It’s really funny to look through. There’s a set of photos of us on holiday in Greece. Do you remember? One was taken on the beach – it’s so (1) ______with holiday makers,
you can’t see the sand!And there in the (2) ______are you and I,
(3) ______in the water. We must have been about four and five. So cute! Another one shows us outside this little restaurant in the hills. The scenery is
(4) ______– it looks so (5) ______and peaceful. I can (6) ______
out some people on the right – I think they’re the owners. The thing that
(7) ______me about this picture is how green everything is. The photo I like best is us in the centre of Athens. You know, I remember that day – it was really hot and there were car (8) ______making a terrific noise. You can see in the photo that the (9) ______in the air makes the sky look white, not blue. I love this photo because it’s the only one where you and I are both smiling and for some reason we look clean and tidy – in most of the photos our dresses are
(10) ______! I must send the album to you so you can have a
(11) ______laugh, too. It’s great!

See you soon,

Love Fran.

Score __/11

2 Read the dialogue. Circle the correct alternatives.

SamHave you made any plans for when you finish school?

KateNo, not really. It’s so difficult to know what to do. How about you?

SamMy dad wants me to get a(n) 1apprenticeship/training to learn how to become a motor mechanic – but I’m thinking of staying 2in/on an extra year at college and doing a course there.

KateMy parents want me to go abroad to study English at a 3language/linguistic school but I’d rather apply 4for/at a place at university straight away.

SamMy sister 5entered/enrolled on an English course when she went to England last year. She was there to get some work 6practice/experience – she was working for a law firm – but she did an English course, too, in the evenings. She stayed with a wonderful 7guest/host family. She said the 8thing/point she liked about being at the school was mixing with different nationalities.

KateYes, I can see the benefits. I’ll 9make/have a think about it. There are so many options! The problem about going to England is that the course 10balances/fees are so high.

SamWell, my sister said that some schools actually give students 11costs/grants to help them study there – it’s worth looking into.

Score __/11

3Write words to match definitions 1–9.

1 A shop where you can buy newspapers and magazines is a ______.

2 The shop assistant gives you this when you’ve paid for something. ______.

3 The place where a football match is played is a ______.

4 Handbags, scarves, jewellery, etc are called ______.

5 A moving staircase is an ______.

6 Something you push around a supermarket and put products into is a ______.

7 A person who steals things from shops is a ______.

8 The place in a supermarket where you pay for things is the ______.

9 The space between the shelves in a shop where people can walk is the ______.

Score __/9

4Complete the collocations in the sentences.

1 The assistant gave me a credit ______so that I can buy something else when I want to.

2 How much is the shirt? There’s no price ______.

3 We’re going to stay in a self______apartment by the beach for two weeks.

4 I think my best subject is ______drawing. I like designing things.

5 There’s a meeting ______at the station just by Platform 6. I’ll see you there.

6 I’d like to take a course in ______English please. I really don’t know much at all and I have to move to London with my husband soon!

7 The sound ______of the speakers that came with my computer isn’t very good.

8 Is there a ______store near here? I need to get some bread and milk.

9 There was a hole in the jeans so they gave me a cash ______.

Score __/9

TOTAL ___/40


5Listen to the introduction to a radio programme and answer the questions.

1 Where is the programme broadcast from today?

2 How many national parks are there in England?

3 What is the area well-known for?

4 How long have the two people been friends?

5 What mistake does the interviewer make?

Score __/5

6Listen to Megan talking about living in the New Forest. Complete the table with the good and bad points she mentions.

Good points / Bad points
nice nature/varied scenery
peaceful village
you can ask anyone for help
new forest horses

Score __/5

7Listen to Katya talking about living in Bournemouth. Complete the table with the good and bad points she mentions.

Good points / Bad points
lovely beach – not clean or polluted
lots of shops and facilities
young people from different countries
people are nice

Score __/2

8Listen to Megan and Katya again, and decide if the statements are true or false.

1 Katya is working in a language school in Bournemouth.T / F

2 There are some railway stations in the New Forest.T / F

3 The New Forest horses do not belong to individual people.T / F

4 The horses do not stay out during the winter.T / F

5 Katya and Megan met at a night club in Bournemouth.T / F

6 Katya’s family made the decision to send Katya to Bournemouth.T / F

7 Katya’s home town is a bit like Bournemouth.T / F

8 The interviewer interrupted the girls while they were having lunch.T / F

Score __/8

TOTAL ___/20

Speaking Test

9Describe the pictures. Say how you think the people in the pictures might be feeling, and why. Write or record your descriptions.





Score __/10

10Work in pairs. Discuss your opinions.

1How important is it to have green parks and areas in cities?

2Where would be your ideal place to live? Why?

3What do you think a visitor to your town would think about it?

Score __/15

11Work in pairs. A town is planning to build new facilities for tourists. Some options are listed below.

•A sports centre with swimming pool

•A shopping centre

•A cinema and entertainment complex

•A five-star hotel

•A water theme park

Add one more suggestion of your own. Then discuss the pros and cons of each option, and decide which would be best for the town. Report your decision to the class, explaining your reasons.





Score __/15

TOTAL ___/40

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