9th June 2015
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Year 10 Geography Field Trip –Formby
As part of their GCSE studies, it is compulsory for your child to undertake practical fieldwork and write up a report as coursework. This makes up 25% of their final GCSE grade in Year 11.This year, we will be taking the Year 10’s to the sand dunes at Formby. They will be looking at the impact of tourism on the stability of the dunes and the environment. The date for your child’s trip is;
Wednesday 8th July, 2015 / Thursday 9th July 2015.
We will be travelling by coach to and from Formby so there is a cost for the day of £12.00 each which should be handed in to Mrs Johnson by Thursday 18th June.
We will leave school at 8:45am and return by 4pm. Students are not required to wear their school uniform, but should wear sensible clothes and shoes for walking on sand. They should be dressed for the weather on the day, which may require suncream. Students need to bring lunchwith them, as there is no where to buy from once there. If your son or daughter usually receives their lunch from school, then please indicate this on the slip below and I will arrange for the school canteen to provide a packed lunch for them.
I will be in contact again nearer the date. If there are any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Johnson
Teacher of Geography
I give permission for ______(name of child) to attend the GCSE field trip to Formby.
You need to be aware of the following medical information: ______
On the day please use this emergency contact number: ______
My son / daughter’s mobile number is: ______
My son / daughter requires a packed lunch from St Paul’s canteen Y [ ] N[ ]
I enclose £12 towards the cost of the trip (please tick) Y[ ] N [ ]
Signed: ______Printed Name: ______