Charter Council MeetingDraft sent to CC: 10-6-17

Stone Bridge SchoolApproved by CC: 10-12-17

SBS Handwork RoomSent to NVUSD:

1680 Los Carneros AvenueUploaded to website:

Napa, CA 94559

Charter Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Charter Council MembersPresent: Jeannette Long, JustinTomola, Linda Joshua, MariaGiusti and Jodi Ogden.

PublicPresent: HeatherShumaker, incomingmember (PC rep), Mary Cassidy, incomingmember (FC rep) and Christine Doran(possible new CommunityMember).

Absent: Marlo Cohen and AmiMautner

AdministrationPresent: MariaMartinez.

  1. Verse, call to order at 6:05 pm. Identify timekeeper as Linda Joshua.
  1. Approval of Agenda: Move item #14 and #15 up, between #4 and 5. Also table for next meeting #16 and #17. Maria Giusti motioned to table #16 and #17 to the next meeting and move up agenda items #14 and #15, after item #4. Justin Tomola seconded the motion and all are in favor.
  1. Public Comment: Linda Joshua asked about Community Enrichment for Kirsten Murray. Is the Education night mandatory or donation only? Donation only. Introductions of all incoming, outgoing and potential new members.
  1. Approval of Minutes of August 15, 2017: Jodi Ogden motioned to approve the minutes from August 15, 2017, Linda Joshua seconded. All are in favor.
  1. (#14) Approve Salary Schedules: Maria Giusti motioned to approve the salary schedules as Attachment 8 and Linda Joshua seconded the motion. All in favor.
  1. (#15) Approve Employee Contracts: Corrections: remove Karla Slay as office assistant (was replaced with administration assist) and Julia U’Ren remove COLA increase. Maria Giusti motioned to approve this motion with the corrections stated above and Justin Tomola seconded it. All are in favor.
  1. (#5) Form 700: Maria Martinez will bring the form next month and/or offer it online for all members to complete.
  1. (#6) Transition to New Charter Council Members: New members: Heather Schumaker, Parent Council Representative, Mary Cassidy, new Faculty Representative and Linda Joshua, Parent at Large.
  1. (#7) Election of Officers: Justin Tomola, President, Maria Giusti, Vice-President, Linda Joshua, Secretary, and Ami Mautner, Treasurer. Heather Schumaker, motioned to approve the new charter council officers. Mary Cassidy seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. (#8) Honoring of Charter Council Outgoing Members: Jeannette Long was honored with a card of appreciation from SBS
  1. (#9)Approve US Federal Rural Grant Spending Plan 2016/2017: Linda Joshua motioned to approve the US Federal Rural Grant and Justin Tomola seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. (#10) EPA Spending Plan for 2016/2017: Linda Joshua motioned to approve the EPA Spending Plan and Jodi Ogden seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. (#11) Educator Effectiveness Funds 2016/2017: Jodi Ogden motioned to approve the Education Effectiveness Funds and Maria Giusti seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. (#12) One-Time OutstandingMandate Funds Spending Plan for 2016/2017: Maria Giusti motioned to approve the one-time outstanding Mandate Funds and Linda Joshua seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. (#13) 2016/2017 Unaudited Financials: Maria Giusti motioned to approve the 2016/2017 unaudited financials and Linda Joshua seconded the motion. All are in favor.
  1. Diversity - tabled
  1. CAASPP – tabled (results not released yet)
  1. SBS Policy Review: Index of policies handed out. New policies will be brought to CC when updated or created.
  1. Charter Council Retreat: To be at someone’s home if possible. Justin Tomola will send out an email for dates.
  1. Charter School University Book: To be talked about at retreat
  1. Admin Update: Enrollment report, see attachment #12, financial see attachment #13a-13h, and Community Giving see attachment #14.
  1. Faculty Update: Ami Mautner on a field trip at Lassen National Park.
  1. Parent Council Update (Heather Shumaker):
  • New vice chair is Karley Asaro.
  • Next faculty lunch 9/14/17 hosted by 7th grade.,
  • Fundraising being discussed, PC to contribute up to $20K toward specialty programs, tbd.
  • Parent Enrichment: “Everything You Always Wanted to Ask Waldorf Alum But Were Afraid to” at the Napa Library 9/20/17
  • EVF, 9/30/17
  • Town Hall Meeting, 10/11/17
  • Harvest Festival, 10/20/17

No closed session

24. Next meeting: Tuesday Oct 10, 2017, 6 pm in the Handwork Room at SBS.

Possible items for next meeting: Diversity Update, CAASPP Results, Retreat Planning. Replace Jodi Ogden as Community Member; Form 700, and SBS Policy Review.

25. Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Jodi Ogden, secretary is acting as Scribe.