School Year Data 2004 / 2005


2004 continues the downward trend in enrollment but is unremarkable in all enrollment categories other than Band Operated Schools. There are data for Enrollment by School Type (including and excluding adult learners), Enrollment by Grade Level (excluding adult learners), results for the S4 Language Arts Standards Test (merged with 2 birth cohorts to better reflect S4 composition), and a record of students enrolled in Grade 12 by 17. There are also S4 Math data.


2004 / 2005Enrollment Records by School Type Including Adult Learners
Type of School / Enrollment / % of Total Enrolled
Institutional Schools / 111 / 0.05
Band Operated Schools / 3,287 / 1.57
Evening and Summer Schools / 228 / 0.11
Independent non-Funded Schools / 150 / 0.07
Hutterite Schools / 2,513 / 1.20
Independent Funded Schools / 12,625 / 6.03
Public / Other / 190,548 / 90.97
Total Enrolled: 209,462
2004 / 2005 Enrollment Records by School Type Excluding Adult Learners
Type of School / Enrollment / % of Total Enrolled
Institutional Schools / 109 / 0.05
Band Operated Schools / 2,948 / 1.45
Evening and Summer Schools / 92 / 0.05
Independent non-Funded Schools / 142 / 0.07
Hutterite Schools / 2,400 / 1.18
Independent Funded Schools / 12,392 / 6.10
Public / Other / 184,998 / 91.10
Total Enrolled: 203,081
Total Adult Learners: 6,381

Note: The two above tables include 1 student who for some reason had an error in their enrollment.

S4 Language Arts Standards Test (From 1987 Cohort)

The 1987 Birth Cohort and the 2004 S4 L.A. Standards Test
Test Status / Frequency / % of Cohort
No Data / 142 / 1.58
Absent / 123 / 1.37
Dropped / 304 / 3.39
Exempt / 41 / 0.46
Obtained / 480 / 5.35
Failed (0-49%) / 885 / 9.87
Passed (50-100%) / 6,993 / 77.98
Total: 8,968
Missing: 3,957
2004 S4 L.A. Standards Test Marks
Mark / Frequency / % of Cohort
95 - 100% / 85 / 0.66
90 - 95 % / 252 / 1.95
85 - 90 % / 397 / 3.07
80 - 85 % / 636 / 4.92
75 - 80 % / 866 / 6.70
70 - 75 % / 974 / 7.54
65 - 70 % / 1,026 / 7.94
60 - 65 % / 1,051 / 8.13
55 - 60 % / 1,409 / 10.90
50 - 55 % / 695 / 5.38
45 - 50 % / 463 / 3.58
40 - 45 % / 283 / 2.19
35 - 40 % / 144 / 1.11
00 - 35 % / 118 / 0.91
Absent / 123 / 0.95
Dropped / 304 / 2.35
S4-no Test / 640 / 4.95
S3 or lower / 1,942 / 15.03
Not Enrolled / 59 / 0.46
Withdrawn / 1,458 / 11.28
Total: 12,925*

*: Describes total S4 enrollment.


2004 / 2005 Enrollment Records by Grade Level: Excludes Adult Learners
Grade Level / Enrollment / % of Total Enrolled
01-08 / 118,705 / 58.45
S1-S4 (Gr. 9-12) / 66,804 / 32.90
Kindergarten / 13,359 / 6.58
Nursery / 2,846 / 1.40
Special Elementary / 542 / 0.27
Special Secondary / 824 / 0.41
Total Enrolled: 203,080

Note: All the above tables exclude 1,542 students (2,418 if adult learners were included)enrolled in HomeSchools or Interdivisional Student Services, or Adolescent Treatment Centre or Wpg. Adult Ed. Centre or Aggasiz Adult Ed. Centre.

Adult learners were loosely defined as anyone aged 21 or older.

Enrolled in Grade 12 by 17 (From expected age cohort 1987)

Students Enrolled in Grade 12 by Age 17
Enrolled in Grade 12 / Number of Students / % of Age Cohort
Yes / 9,214 / 71.58
No / 3,659 / 28.42
Total in Cohort: 12,873**

S4 Math Courses

Students Enrolled in S4 University Preparatory Math Course (’87 cohort)
Enrolled in UP Math / Number of Students / % of Age Cohort
Missing / 4,404 / 34.21
No / 5,201 / 40.40
Yes / 3,268 / 25.39
Total in Cohort: 12,873**

**: Does not describe the total S4 enrollment but rather the number of births in 1987.

Graduation Rates by University Prep Math Enrollment (’87 cohort)
Graduate w/ 4+ S4 credits / Graduate w/ <4 S4 credits / Enrolled 5th year not 6th / 1+ yrs. absent → returned / Continu-ing / With-drew / Not in Marks Data / LeftMB in 5th &/or 6th yr. / Total:
No S4 Math / 401
19.05 / 84
3.99 / 364
17.29 / 168
7.98 / 175
8.31 / 826
39.24 / 87
4.13 / 0
0.00 / 2,105
No UP Math / 4,871
95.51 / 63
1.24 / 80
1.57 / 7
0.14 / 21
0.41 / 58
1.14 / 0
0.00 / 0
0.00 / 5,100
Yes UP Math / 3,222
99.54 / 10
0.31 / 2
0.06 / 0
0.00 / 1
0.03 / 2
0.06 / 0
0.00 / 0
0.00 / 3,237
Total: / 8,494
81.34 / 157
1.50 / 446
4.27 / 175
1.68 / 197
1.89 / 886
8.48 / 87
0.83 / 0
0.00 / 10, 442†


BandOperatedSchool enrollment numbers appear to be a bit too high. Other enrollment data seems representative of other years, continuing the downward trend in enrollment.

Standards Test and S4 Enrollment data show among the highest S4 enrollment recorded but are not implausible. Distribution of marks in the S4 Language Arts Standards Test seems to favor those marks that are lower than 80% more than previous years.

S4 Mathematics data are fairly typical; the number of students enrolled in university preparatory math is in keeping with previous years. The percentages pertaining to graduation are mostly in keeping with other years; while the numbers for those that had S4 math courses (university preparatory or otherwise) are nearly identical to other years the distribution of those that did not have S4 math courses favors graduation far more than any other year

The recorded S1 enrollment from the 1987 birth cohort is ~1500 students less than the preceding years. This loss of students comes mostly from the ‘No UP Math’ category (those who were enrolled in S4 math but not university preparatory).

This year there is little agreement between the Graduation Rates data, S4 Math Enrollment data and S4 Enrollment data. Approximately 880 students from the ‘No S4 Math’ category from the Graduation Rates data must have been enrolled in S4 to account for the Grade 12 by 17 data, while ~750 students from the ‘Missing’ category of the S4 Math Enrollment data must have been enrolled. Because in every other year the number of students enrolled in S4 Math has exceeded the number of students in Grade 12 by 17 it was assumed that neither

†: Describes the number of students enrolled in S1 during or after 1997 that were born in 1987.

‘Missing’ nor ‘No S4 Math’students contributed to the number of students in Grade 12 by 17. Because this cohort is the only one where such a consideration is necessary the numbers for S4 Math Enrollment and Graduation Rates data should be considered with caution.

As always there is a discrepancy as to how many are actually enrolled in university preparatory math courses. The numbers suggest that somehow there were students who never enrolled in S1 and then went on to do S4 university preparatory math courses or that there were children born in 1987 that enrolled in S1 in 1996 before the S1 enrollment began being recorded. It is possible that these students were allowed to skip S1 or that students were enrolled in S1 but flagged as being enrolled in some other year. In total 31 fewer students were counted as having been in both S1 and S4 UP Math than just S4 UP Math, which is ~1% of those enrolled in UP Math. However, like always, the graduation rates show similar proportions of kids graduating from UP Math, No UP Math and No S4 Math.

In conclusion most data from this year should be usable, with caution for BandOperatedSchools, S4 Math Enrollment and S4 Math Graduation Rates. This is the last year for which there are S4 Math data.

*: Describes total S4 enrollment.

**: Does not describe the total S4 enrollment but rather the number of births in 1987.

†: Describes the number of students enrolled in S1 during or after 1997 that were born in 1987.