Darling Downsswitchover area
Switchover period 1 July – 31 December 2011
December 2010

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Published by the Australian Communications and Media Authority
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Contents (Continued)

Coverage evaluation matrix

Executive summary

Darling Downs switchover area

Coverage evaluation

The ACMA’s CEP methodology

Digital channel plans

Implementation plans

Survey planning

Field survey measurement program

Same coverage

Signal-deficient areas

Fortuitous reception issues


Appendix A

Darling Downs switchover area

Appendix B

Transmission sites in the Darling Downs switchover area

Appendix C

Licence areas overlapping the Darling Downs switchover area

Appendix D

Measurement locations in the Darling Downs switchover area

Appendix E

Urban centre/locality-specific results for the Darling Downs switchover area

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Coverage evaluation matrix

Category / Coverage
description / Affected services / Evaluation / Description of issue
strength / Reception quality
No issues / Strong / All / Suburban + 12 dB / Above threshold / n/a
Very good / Suburban + 6 dB / Above threshold / n/a
Good / Suburban / Above threshold / n/a
Minor issues / Adequate / At least
one below suburban threshold / Rural / Above threshold / While adequate coverage should provide good signal reception over an area, some statistical signal variations can cause occasional reception difficulties
Issues / Poor / At least
one below rural threshold / Below
rural / Below threshold / Isolated*—
relates to an issue identified as affecting less than approximately 5% of the populated area
relates to an issue identified as affecting between approximately 5% and 25% of the populated area
No coverage / All / Widespread*—relates to an issue identified as affecting more than approximately 25% of the populated area
*Please note that this percentage figure should not be used to calculate the percentageof the affected population.

Executive summary

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) performed field survey measurements as part of its coverage evaluation program (CEP) across the Darling Downs switchoverarea from March to May 2010. Based on the available information and the evidence gathered through prediction modelling and survey measurements, those planned digital services in the switchover area thathave been rolled out are, in general, achieving the same level of coverage and potential reception quality in digital mode as is provided by existing analog television services (same coverage policy objective).[1]A potential exception exists at the Ballard transmitter, where it remains unclear whether the ABC intends to convert the existing analog service to digital. In addition to the potential same coverage issue at Ballard, the ACMA also notes apparent discrepancies between some analog and digital simulcast servicesfrom the Darling Downs and Southern Downs transmitters.

The ABC currently transmits an analog service from the Ballard transmitter; however, the ACMA has had no formal indication that the ABC intends to roll out a digital simulcast service. The ABC will need to submit either an implementation plan (IP) detailing the technical specifications for the rollout of a digital service or an application to determine Ballard as an exempt digital transmission area. National Broadcaster exemption applications and implementation plans are submitted to and assessed by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

Analysis of CEP data showed apparent coverage discrepancies betweenSBS analog anddigital simulcastservices from the Darling Downs transmitterto Goombungee and Dalby. The SBS and its broadcast service provider has investigated these issues and reported back to the ACMA. Allowing for variable factors including existing broadcasting infrastructure and the differences between analog and digital broadcast characteristics, the ACMA is satisfied that the digital service has been implemented to, as far as practicable, achieve the same coverage policy objective. The impact on viewers, if any,of the minor disparities between the analog and digital simulcast servicesis likely to be minimal.

To address apparent simulcast service discrepancies between its analog and digital simulcast services from Southern Downs, the SBS and its service provider have been provided with the relevant ACMA CEP measurement data for the SBS simulcast services. The service provider has performed additional analysis, including field measurements,and continues to investigate.While any potential impact on viewers is likely to be minimal, the SBShas agreed to advise the ACMA of the outcomes of its service provider’s investigation,with a view to rectifying any issues.

While the ACMA has determined that broadcasters in the switchover area are generally achieving the same coverage policy objective, allowances for the different broadcast characteristics of analog and digital television signals under certain circumstances must be considered in the overall analysis. Areas have been identified in whicha number of households in marginal or signal-deficient areas are likely to experience poor analog and digital television reception. Localities (with populations in brackets) identified as having potential widespread reception issues include Cambooya (854), Greenmount (336), Proston (304), Stanthorpe (4,272), Tara (819), Wallangarra (384), Withcott (1,000), Wondai (1,402) and Yarraman (945). In addition, Blue Mountain Heights including Ballard (805), Boggabilla (646), Cherbourg (1,129), Chinchilla (3,680), Forest Hill (341), Gatton (5,294), Goombungee (717), Gowrie Junction (1,216), Highfields (5,913), Killarney (828), Meringandan (1,473), Nanango (1,226) and Toowoomba (95,252) are likely to experience patchy reception issues. The ACMA has also identified locations where analog and digital coverage inconsistency may cause isolated or minor reception problems (see Appendix E for area-specific details).

Households situated in remote licence areas and digital terrestrial television signal-deficient areas will have access to the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service in line with any applicable satellite access arrangements. The population centre of Miles (1,167) falls within an overlap area between the Regional Queensland TV1 and Remote Central and Eastern TV1 and TV2 licence areas and will be able to access the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service subject to access arrangements specific to remote licence areas.

There are a number of transmission sites within the switchover area that do not currently provide a full suite of services in analog; consequently,corresponding digital services are not planned in the DCPs for these sites. There are no existing analog or planned digital SBS services from transmission facilities at Miles, Murgon or Tara; and no Network Seven(STQ)or Southern Cross Media(TNQ)services from the Tara transmitter.The ABC provides analog (ABDQ) services from the Ballardtransmitter and WIN currently provides an analog service (RTQ) from the Chinchilla translator. There are currently no planned corresponding digital services at these sites. While the CEP has confirmed that WIN provides adequate coverage to Chinchilla from the Darling Downs transmitter site, there are small areas of Ballard thatmay not receive ABC services should the Ballard site not be converted. As previously stated, the future of the Ballard site is a matter for the ABC to progress with the minister.

A number of households in marginal reception areas, particularly in and around population centres bordering the Brisbane TV1 licence area and the Wide Bay and Richmond/Tweed switchover areas,appear to be attempting to receive fortuitous broadcastsignals from transmitters not planned for their areas. The ACMA’s CEP does not focus on fortuitous reception of unplanned services and, as a result, is unable to definitivelyadvise on the ongoing viability of fortuitous reception in these cases.

The ACMA has received implementation plans (IP) for the majority of planned services listed in the DCPs for this switchover area. The Minister has approved all expected IPs for the ABC and SBS (national services), whilethe ACMA is currently processing WIN-submitted IPs for services at Goondiwindi, Murgon, Tara and Texas. Southern Cross Media (SCM) is yet to submit IPs for services at Goondiwindi and Texas. The ACMA is continuing to liaise with WIN and SCM in relation to theseIPs. All other commercial IPs have been approved by the ACMA.

According to the ACMA’s records, all planned national services listed in the DCPs have been rolled out in the switchover area andall but one planned commercial service (WIN’s service from Tara) have been rolled out.

As well as broadcaster-operated services, there is one analog self-help facilityin Crows Nest and one hybrid siteat Bell.[2]On 11 May 2010, the government announced that a substantial number of existing analog self-help retransmission facilities/services will be converted to digital. It was also announced that a number of new digital ‘gap filler’ sites will be implemented to provide terrestrial television coverage to nominated areas. The conversion of self-help facilities and the installation of gap filler sites is largely a decision for broadcasters and incumbent licensees. Presently, broadcasters are indicating the possible conversion of the analog self-help facility at Crows Nest and the self-help services at Bell. Unless these transmission sites are converted to digital, areas currently served by analog self-help services will become signal-deficient after the digital switchover.

In addition, possible gap filler sites are being considered atNanango, Toowoomba East, Toowoomba South and Yarraman. Network Seven and Southern Cross Media (SCM) are also considering implementing services at the existing Tara transmitter. These services are not planned in the DCPs and broadcasters are not legislatively obligated to submit IPs or rollout the services at any given point in time.

Darling Downs switchover area

The Darling Downs switchover area is located within the Regional Queensland TV1 licence area in the south-eastern corner ofQueensland, spilling slightly over the New South Wales border (refer to Appendix A). The switchover area overlaps the Remote Central and Eastern Australia TV1 and TV2 licence areas (refer to Appendix C).

The switchover area covers approximately 56,300 square kilometres and, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 Census data, has an estimated population of 268,500. For the purposes of the ACMA’s coverage assessments, a total of 47 urban centres/localitieswere identified within the switchover area.[3]

The Darling Downs switchover area is served by two main transmitters located at Darling Downs and Southern Downs. In addition, there arenine broadcaster-owned and -operated translator sites,one analog self-help facility and one hybrid site (refer Appendix B).Tables1-3outline all sites in the switchover area and provide a summary of services and switchover characteristics/solutions. A/D indicates analog or digital transmission, letters designate the service call sign and numbers designate the radiofrequency channel. The call sign is in bold text if the service has not yet rolled out.

Table 1 Broadcaster-owned and -operated sites
Area served / Switchover solution / ABC / SBS / Net. 7
(Seven) / Net. 9
(WIN) / Net. 10
Darling Downs
(Main transmitter) / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABDQ37 /
D:SBS49 /
D:STQ34 / A:RTQ0
D:RTQ46 /
Southern Downs
(Main transmitter) / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABSQ45 /
D:SBS48 /
D:STQ51 /
D:RTQ43 /
Ballard / Not planned in DCPs, same coverage obligation. /
Chinchilla / Not planned in DCPs, same coverage obligation (adequate RTQ coverage from Darling Downs). /
Goondiwindi / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABGQ56 /
D:SBS60 /
D:STQ59 /
D:RTQ65 /
Miles / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:STQ57 /
D:RTQ66 /
Murgon / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABDQ56 /
D:STQ59 /
D:RTQ65 /
Tara / Broadcaster converted ABC—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABDQ56 /
Texas / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage objective. /
D:ABSQ56 /
D:SBS60 /
D:STQ59 /
D:RTQ65 /
Toowoomba / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABDQ55 /
D:SBS67 /
D:STQ58 /
D:RTQ64 /
Warwick / Broadcaster converted—DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation. /
D:ABSQ56 /
D:SBS53 /
D:STQ59 /
D:RTQ65 /
Table 2Self-help retransmission sites
Area served / Switchover solution / ABC / SBS / Net. 7
(Seven) / Net. 9
(WIN) / Net. 10
Crows Nest / Community-funded analog—not planned in DCP, no IPs, no same coverage requirement.
On broadcaster candidate list for conversion. /
Table 3Hybrid sites
Area served / Switchover solution / ABC / SBS / Net 7
(Seven) / Net 9
(WIN) / Net 10
Bell / ABC and SBS—broadcaster converted, DCP planned, IP required, same coverage obligation.
Self-help services on broadcaster candidate list for conversion. /
(b’caster conversion) /
(b’caster conversion) /
(self-help service) /
(self-help service) /
(self-help service)

Coverage evaluation

The ACMA’s CEP methodology

Figure 1Methodology for the ACMA’s CEP

Figure 1 outlines the multi-layered methodology for the ACMA’s CEP. This program seeks to assess whether the same coverage objective has been met by relevant broadcasters in a particular switchover area.

The CEP also seeks to determine the boundaries of digital terrestrial coverage, identify areas of marginal or inconsistent digital terrestrial coverage, and verify the planning technical specifications and assumptions provided by broadcasters in their implementation plans. In addition, the program provides essential feedback on the accuracy of the ACMA’s initial desktop modelling.

Digital channel plans

To facilitate the introduction of digital television, the ACMA developed national and commercial digital channel plans (DCPs) in line with the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Planning Handbook and its obligations under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA). DCPs determine which channels are to be allotted to each area, the assignment of channels to each broadcaster in that area and the technical characteristics of those channels.

DCPs are developed to givebroadcasters the maximum envelope in which to plan their digital transmission coverage for an area, in order to achieve the policy objective of providing the same level of coverage and potential reception quality in digital as is available in analog mode.Both national and commercial DCPs for the Darling Downs switchover area werefinalised in October 2001.

Implementation plans

In accordance with the national and commercial television conversion schemes prepared by the ACMA under Schedule 4 to the BSA, commercial and national television broadcasters are required to prepare implementation plans (IP) relating to the conversion of the transmission of their services from analog to digital mode. IPs are a commitment by individual broadcasters to provide a television service in digital mode from specified sites to cover defined areas by specified dates. The aim is to achieve the same level of coverage in standard definition television digital mode as that service provides in analog mode. This objective is to be achieved as soon as is practicable after the simulcast periodbegins.[4]

The ACMA has received IPs for the majority of planned services listed in the DCPs for this switchover area. The Minister has approved all expected IPs for the ABC and SBS (national services), while the ACMA is currently processing WIN-submitted IPs for services at Goondiwindi, Murgon, Tara and Texas. SCM is yet to submit IPs for services at Goondiwindi and Texas. The ACMA is continuing to liaise with WIN and SCM aboutthese IPs. All other commercial IPs have been approved by the ACMA.

As previously mentioned, broadcasters are considering services in addition to those listed in the DCPs.There is no obligation for broadcasters to submit IPs to the ACMA or roll out services at any particular point in time for services thatare not planned in the DCPs.

Survey planning

As part of its methodology for assessing same coverage and potential reception quality, the ACMA undertakes desktop coverage modelling of a switchover area. This takes into account terrain, complaints to the ACMA from viewers within the area and, where possible, technical specifications of transmission facilities as outlined in implementation plans provided by broadcasters.

At the time of drafting, a total of five ministerial enquiries and 12 complaints were initiated in the Darling Downs switchover area. The issues range from digital reception to enquiries onthe implementation of analog self-help facilities. In addition, a total of 22‘Out of Area Direct to Home’ satellite applications were approved within the licence area.[5]

The findings of the desktop modelling process inform the ACMA field survey measurement program. The Darling Downs switchover area survey planning provided guidance to the ACMA’s field staff on where field measurements within the switchover market should be conducted. This includes predicted or potential reception-deficient areas and other information on transmission facilities in the area.

Field survey measurement program

The field survey measurement program enables the ACMA to acquire technical and signal data associated with analog and digital TV coverage and reception quality within a switchover area. The program is part of the ACMA’s CEP (Figure 1) and seeks to verify the information provided by broadcasters in their IPs as well as the predictions made as part of the ACMA’s initial desktop modelling.