Name :Code : AMarks Obtn:/100

Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q5 / Q6 / Total

Prelim – 2013 -12178

Semester : Fifth for CO/CM/IF Operating System(OPS)

Marks : 100 Time: 3 Hours30/10/2013

1. Attempt any TEN : 10 X2 = 20

(a) What is distributed system ?2

(b) Enlist any four system calls related with memory management. 2

(c) What is a context switch ? Define. 2

(d) State types of scheduling. 2

(e) Enlist Direct Methods of deadlock prevention. 2

(f) What is meant by clustered system ? 2

(g) State the role of operating system in process communication. 2

(h) List models of threads. 2

(i) What is meant by page fault ? 2

(j) State any four operations, which can be performed on the file. 2

(k) Explain the concept of Demand Paging in brief. 2

(l) Enlist free space memory management techniques. 2

(m) Write down any two disadvantages of priority based scheduling. 2

(n) Draw process state diagram with neat labellings 2

2. Attempt any TWO : 2 X8 = 16

(a) Explain in detail, various generations of operating system. 8

(b) Explain : (i) Monolithic operating sys. structure (ii) Layered OS structure

(c) Describe the terms : (i) Scheduling queues (ii) Scheduler (iii) Thread (iv) 8Multithreading 8

3. Attempt any TWO : 16

(a) (i) List services provided by operating system and explain any four of them. 4

(ii) Explain the concept of Inter-process communication. 4

(b) What is a process ? Describe process creation and termination along with

necessary conditions. 8

(c) Explain the following deadlock avoidance algorithm :

(i) Banker’s algorithm (ii) Resource – Request algorithm

4. Attempt any TWO : 2x8=16

(a) Explain any two page replacement algorithms with their advantages and disadvantages. 8

(b) What are the different file allocation methods ? Explain any one in detail with examples. 8

(c) Consider the following set of processes with arrival time as shown below :8

Find out Average waiting time by using

(i) Non Pre-emptive SJF

(ii) Pre emptive SJF

(iii) Non-Pre emptive priority and

(iv) Pre emptive priority scheduling algorithm

5. Attempt any TWO : 2x8=16

(a) Explain different characteristics of following operating systems : 8

(i) Windows XP (ii) Window 7

(b) What are system calls ? Explain system call implementation with its working. 8

(c) State and explain multithreading models with diagram. 8

Attempt any TWO : 2x8=16

(a) Explain in detail how deadlocks can be handled. 8

(b) Explain in detail any two directory structure with its advantages & disadvantages. 8

(c) Consider swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole size or partition sizes in memory order as 10 kB, 4 kB, 20 kB, 18 kB, 7 kB, 9 kB, 12 kB, 15 kB. Using different methods, find out which partition is selected for successive segment request of (1) 12 kB (2) 10 kB (3) 9 kB for (a) first fit (b) best fit (c) worst fit 8

Happy Diwali and Prosperous New Year and Good Luck - All the Best

Name :Code : BMarks Obtn: /100

Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q5 / Q6 / Total

Prelim – 2013 -12178

Semester : Fifth for CO/CM/IF Operating System(OPS)

Marks : 100 Time: 3 Hours30/10/2013

Q1. Attempt any Five of the following.20

A) What is Operating System? Explain the concept of time sharing.

B) State uses of system calls.

C) State and exp different process states.

D) State the concept of mutual exclusion.

E) Explain with suitable diagram layered and monolithic operating system structures.

F) Explain concept of swapping with diagram.

g) Describe evolution of the operating System

Q2. Attempt any Four of the following.16

A) State and explain different operating system services.

B) Differentiate between sequential and batch processing.

C) What do mean by scheduler? State types of scheduler.

D) Differentiate between Pre-emptive and Non-emptive scheduling.

e)) Explain following terms

i) Multiprocessor systems. ii) Distributed systems. ii) Clustered Systems

Q3. Attempt any TWO of the following.16

A) What is booting? Explain the concept of device management.

B) Write different types of operating system structures. Explain any two with suitable diagram.

C) What is process? Draw process state diagram and state its meaning.

Q4. Attempt any TWO of the following.16

A) Explain in detail multithreading models with suitable example.

B) What is Deadlock? Explain concept of critical region and Deadlock handling.

C) Differentiate between the following terms

i)Contiguous and Linked allocation. ii) Linked and indexed allocation.

Q5. Attempt any Four of the following.16

A) Differentiate between multitasking and multiprogramming.

B) State real time and multiprocessor system.

C) State and explain operations on processes.

D) Explain CPU and I0 Burst cycle with suitable diagram.

E)Describe segmentation and Paging Concept used for VMM

Q6. Attempt any TWO of the following.16

A) Epalin and Solve the following problem

Processes / Burst Time
1 / 27
2 / 6
3 / 3
4 / 9

by using following scheduling algorithms

i) FCFS. ii)SJF iii) Round Robin.

B) List and Explain different free space management techniques with diagram.

C) Explain the FIFO, Optimal and LRU page replacement algorithm for the reference string, and Solve7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 1 0 3.

Happy Diwali and Prosperous New Year and Good Luck - All the Best