Baptism Jeopardy

So I wrote all the questions in standard Jeopardy form, but if it confuses my children, I’ll just read it like a normal question (e.g. What is the Age of Accountability?). I give references for most answers. We are going to pause after each 400 point question to elaborate a bit on the doctrine. We’ll start the game week 1 and finish it week 2.

Category 1: Baptism

100: This is the Age of Accountability. (8 years old, see DC 18:42, 68:25, 27)

200: These two principles of the gospel precede the ordinance of baptism. (faith and repentance, AofF #4)

300: Baptism by immersion is symbolic of this. (Death and resurrection)

400: These are the three baptismal promises we make to Heavenly Father, as given in the sacrament prayers. (take Christ’s name upon us, always remember Him, keep His commandments, DC 20:77)

Category 2: The Holy Ghost

100: The Holy Ghost attended Jesus’ baptism in this form. (A dove, Matt 3:16)

200: The Holy Ghost is also known by these two names. (Comforter, Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Revelation/Truth, are all possibilities, see BD pg. 704)

300: Receiving the Holy Ghost is described as a baptism by this. (Fire, 2 Ne. 31:14)

400: People who honor their baptismal covenants are promised this in the sacrament prayers. (That they may always have His Spirit to be with them, DC 20:76).

Category 3: Priesthood

100: This weekly ritual helps us to renew our baptismal covenants and be “washed” clean again. (The sacrament)

200: This Heavenly Messenger gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery the authority to baptize. (John the Baptist, JS-H 1:68-73)

300: A man must hold at least this priesthood office in order to baptize. (A priest in the Aaronic Priesthood)

400: Baptism is the first of these five saving ordinances. (Baptism, Confirmation, Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination (for men), Temple Endowment, Sealing)

Category 4: Jesus’ Baptism

100: Jesus was baptized in this river. (The River Jordan, Matt 3:13)

200: When Jesus asked John to baptize him, the Baptist said this. (“I have need to be baptized of thee,” Matt 3:14)

300: When Christ was baptized people heard Heavenly Father say this. (“This is [thou art] my beloved son, in whom [thee] I am well-pleased,” Matt 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22)

400: Nephi taught that Christ was baptized for these three reasons. (To show He was humble, to show He would keep all of the Father’s commandments, to set an example for us, 2 Ne 31:7, 9)

Category 5: Songs About Baptism

100: “I want my life to be as clean as…” this. (“Earth right after rain,” CS 103)

200: “When Jesus Christ was baptized, down in the River Jordan, three members of the Godhead were…” this. (“Present there in love,” CS 102)

300: “But I can’t wait until I’m eight, for then…” this. (“I’ll be baptized, you see,” CS 104)

400: Jesus said this “…When the Baptist questioned why.” (“To fulfill the law…And to enter with my Father in the Kingdom up on high,” CS 100-101)