School Board for Teaching and Learning

Agenda template with explications

This document is intended to be read alongside the draft SBTL agenda template. Explications on the purpose of each agenda item are included in the guidance below. It is provided for the convenience of Chairs and Secretaries of SBTLs.

The sample agenda is not intended to be restrictive and should be adapted and expanded at each meeting, as appropriate. SBTLs are encouraged to discuss additional areas of development and enhancement within their purview, not otherwise included on this sample agenda. Not all of the suggested agenda items will be appropriate at each meeting of the SBTL, nor will they necessarily be relevant for all SBTLs. It is therefore expected that the length of agendas will vary across Schools and at different times of the year.

The sample agenda is sub-divided into the categories of, ‘For consultation’, ‘For discussion’, ‘For report’, ‘For approval’ and ‘Reserved business’ to ensure that items requiring consultation and fuller discussion take place at the start of the meeting. However, depending on the content/nature of items, items may be repositioned and placed elsewhere on the SBTL agenda.


1.  Introductions (Autumn Term agenda)

Around the table introductions from all members – it may be necessary to do this beyond the first meeting if there are a significant number of new members at any given meeting.

2.  Apologies (each meeting)

The Secretary should report/record apologies for absence.

3.  Minutes of the previous meeting and progress of action points (each meeting)

The minutes and actions list/progress updates should be circulated with the agenda. Some progress updates may be reported orally in the meeting.

Here the SBTL should formally agree to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The SBTL should agree/note any amendments to the previous minutes. The minutes are considered fully approved at this stage.

The Chair should lead a discussion of the actions list and the Secretary will record any further updates on progress.

4.  Matters arising not covered elsewhere on Agenda (each meeting, as required)

This is an opportunity to raise any issues mentioned in the previous minutes but not dealt with in the actions list or elsewhere in the agenda

5.  School Risk Register 2017-18 (Autumn Term agenda)

The T&L-related risks that appear on the School Risk Register should be noted/discussed as appropriate.

6.  Membership and Terms of Reference (Autumn Term agenda)

The MToR should be circulated to the Autumn Term meeting to reflect any changes in personnel within the SBTL and/or any changes to the standard MToR provided by the University.

It will be useful to reflect on the ToR at the start of the session so that the SBTL is aware of its remit.

7.  Chair’s report (oral) (each meeting)

This is an opportunity for the Chair to provide an update on a range of matters, including T&L developments, initiatives and enhancement opportunities within the School, wider University or sector.

8.  School Reps' report (oral/written, as preferred) (each meeting) (can be merged with item 12, as appropriate)

The School Reps can report on any issues raised and addressed across the SSLCs/BoS within the School and/or which might require further consideration at School level.

9.  Teaching and Learning Dean’s report (oral) (each meeting)

The TLD will provide an update on any University-level developments that may impact upon the School – they are likely to draw upon key points included in the report from UBTL further down the agenda.

For consultation

10.  Any issues which may have been referred to the SBTLs for consultation from other committees, e.g. Teaching and Learning Strategy Board (TLSB), University Board for Teaching and Learning (UBTL) or the Sub-Committee on the Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (DELT) (at any meeting)

SBTLs will be contacted, as the need arises, in respect of issues to be added to the agenda under ‘For consultation’. SBTLs will typically receive a report requesting that they respond to specific issues raised by another committee, such as TLSB, UBTL or DELT.

For discussion

11.  Portfolio: Whilst programme initiatives may be discussed at any meeting of the year, the SBTL should bear in mind the advance deadlines for Open Days and the Prospectus. A sample timeline is included in the Programme Lifecycle Policy.

a)  Educational Portfolio HoS Self-Directed Framework (Optional, with inclusion determined by HoS in Spring Term)

This is a portfolio of financial information for HoS prepared by Finance, with a breakeven point provided for UG and PGT modules to inform sustainable planning. It is referred to the Planning and Strategy Office and subsequently sent to HoS, and includes a flow chart and prompts for self-evaluation of undersubscribed modules. SBTLs may want to use this information to prompt discussions about future amendments to programmes.

b)  Proposals for new programmes (at any meeting);

Programme Lifecycle Policy and forms available under Section 5 of the Guide to Policies and Procedures in Teaching and Learning

The SBTL may be asked to consider initial proposals for new programmes at the idea development stage under this agenda item. Where a proposal might be expected to be particularly complex the SBTL is urged to send an outline of the proposal to the University Programmes Board for initial consideration.

Once fully developed, the SBTL should review proposals for new programmes and refer them to the University Programmes Board (via CQSD and TLD) for approval. The UPB may return proposals and ask the SBTL to develop proposals further under this item of the agenda.

c)  Proposals for amendments to programmes (at any meeting);

Programme Lifecycle Policy and forms available under Section 5 of the Guide to Policies and Procedures in Teaching and Learning

Minor amendments (as defined by the Programme Lifecycle Policy) should be approved and recorded by the SBTL. (Note that any amendments to modules delivered at UoRM will be treated as ‘major amendments’).

Major amendments should be reviewed by the SBTL and then referred to the University Programmes Board (via CQSD and TLD) for approval. In most cases the TLD will be able to grant approval to these proposals, under the delegated authority of the University Programmes Board.

In the case of the removal of optional modules from School-owned programmes where alternative provision has been made for the affected programmes (and where the published Programme Specification is not impacted) the School can grant approval (in line with the guidance on the Amendments to Programmes (Minor amendments)). Removal of modules that are compulsory on a programme (including programmes owned by other Schools), and changes to modules also delivered at UoRM, must be referred to University Programmes Board for approval.

Guidance on the process for making changes at modular level (e.g. introduction/withdrawal/major changes within existing modules) will be available shortly and further information on the role of the SBTL will be included within this template.

d)  Proposals for withdrawal of programmes (at any meeting);

Programme Lifecycle Policy and forms available under Section 5 of the Guide to Policies and Procedures in Teaching and Learning

Proposals for the withdrawal of programmes should be reviewed by the SBTL and referred to the University Programmes Board (via CQSD and TLD) for approval.

e)  Open Online Courses (at any meeting);

The SBTL should receive an update on any OOCs in development or being delivered within its purview. See also the policy Approval and monitoring of Open Online Courses

f)  Partnership programmes (at any meeting);

Proposals for new partnership programmes should be considered as per arrangements for standard University programmes. Additional steps required for these programmes (including a Business Case) are specified in the Programme Lifecycle Policy .

g)  Accreditation and re-accreditation of programmes by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (this item may not be required within all Schools. Where the item is required, it is likely to be at infrequent intervals)

List of relevant programmes can be found at:

The SBTL is responsible for matters relating to accreditation and re-accreditation of programmes by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, including the preparation of submissions, consideration and response to reports, implementation of recommendations or requirements, and monitoring of relevant actions (support to be provided by CQSD).

h)  Entry requirements (at any meeting)

A change to entry requirements is a ‘major programme change’ and should be referred to the UPB (via CQSD and TLD).

12.  Issues raised by students (each meeting, as advised by students in advance) (can be merged with item 8, as appropriate)

This is an opportunity for students to raise any School-level issues not previously dealt with by BoS/SSLCs. Students should inform the SBTL Secretary of the issue(s) they wish the Board to discuss in advance of the meeting.

Student members represent the student voice on all matters within the purview of SBTLs and their contributions should therefore be encouraged in respect of all agenda items. They provide a mechanism for immediate feedback from a student perspective.

13.  Annual Programme Reports:

a)  Annual Programme Reports from Boards of Studies and their responses to the reports of External Examiners (Autumn Term)[1]

Policy and templates are available under section 3 of the Guide to Policies and Procedures in Teaching and Learning

UG APRs to be considered by the SBTL in the Autumn Term.

The SDTL will consider and approve APRs for PGT programmes on behalf of the Board and will prepare the School’s Evaluative Commentary for submission to TLDs via CQSD by 15 January 2018.

b)  Reports in respect of partnership programmes (Autumn Term)

Programme Directors responsible for programmes involving delivery with a partner are additionally required to complete a Partnership Annual Review Form (Form 1) at the same time as the APR and to refer this and the associated Partner Programme Sub-report to the SBTL. The purpose of the Form 1 is to monitor the financial and operational aspects of the collaborative programme, whereas the APR (and the associated Partner Programme Sub-report) focuses on academic quality. All Form 1s will be considered by the Global Engagement Strategy Board in the Spring Term.

c)  Feedback from TLD (Spring Term)

The TLDs will provide individual feedback to SBTLs (who, in turn, provide feedback to relevant Boards of Studies) during the Spring Term on the content of their reports and any resulting actions/outcomes.

d)  Feedback from UBTL (Summer Term)

CQSD will refer back to the SBTLs (who, in turn, refer back to the relevant Boards of Studies) an extract from the UBTL minutes detailing its consideration of the APRs and the University’s Annual Quality Assurance Report and any relevant actions/outcomes.

A selection of examples of good practice from across the University will also be disseminated to SBTLs.

14.  Periodic Review (Items below will be required at different stages of the six-year Periodic Review cycle, as appropriate)

The Policy is available at:

a)  Plans for Periodic Review and preparation of Self-Evaluation Document and Student Submission

Schools should identify at an early stage who will be responsible for preparing the SED and the Student Submission. It is particularly important that this process starts early for PR due to take place in the Autumn Term so that students on one-year programmes have an opportunity to contribute to the Student Submission before they leave the University.

b)  Self-Evaluation Document

Discussion of and feedback on the School’s draft SED ahead of PR.

c)  Initial report and response (including the associated action plan)

Following PR, the School will receive a report from the PR panel. The SBTL (or member(s) of staff identified by the SBTL) will prepare a response and action plan, identifying those responsible for completing the work. The SBTL is responsible for discussing and implementing the recommendations of the PR Panel.

The SBTL will refer the report and its response and action plan to DELT.

d)  1 year follow-up report

Six months after PR, the School will review progress on actions in order to identify next steps and any support required for enhancement activity and to gather concrete evidence for the ‘One-Year Follow-Up’ Report.

One year after the PR Report is approved by UBTL, the School is required to report on and evaluate the actions taken to address the issues raised in the PR Report. The School will send the draft Report to the relevant TLD for comment. A final version will be approved by the SBTL (including via Chair’s action), prior to its submission to DELT.

15.  Teaching and Learning Enhancement and Development:

a)  Peer review of teaching (Autumn Term)

The Policy is available at:

The SBTL will consider the School report on the Peer Review of Teaching from the previous session, prepared by the SDTL, and consider the process for the current session.

b)  School Planning and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (SPELT) (Autumn Term)

The policy is available at:

The SBTL should receive a copy of the School Teaching and Learning Plan submitted as part of the SPELT process and discuss the outcomes and next steps.

c)  Student recruitment (to be on the agenda as the need arises)

The SBTL has oversight of the admissions and recruitment process (including changes to targets and associated impact) and is responsible for advising the Head of School on student recruitment targets within the context of the School Teaching and Learning Plan.

This is distinct from considering confirmation and application statistics, which is included below in 'For report'.

16.  Curriculum Framework (each meeting)

a) Progress to date on curriculum review and future plans

The SBTL should discuss progress and future plans for curriculum review.

17.  Academic and personal support:

a)  Report from Senior Tutor (each meeting)

The SBTL should receive a report from the Senior Tutor.

The SBTL maintains oversight of the School’s personal tutorial arrangements and should work with professional services on the provision of academic and personal support.

18.  Equality, diversity and inclusion (each meeting, as needed)