
Learn to Code Apps! Imagine the Possibilities!

@ Wayland Middle School

Grades 67

GRADES 6 & 7Minimum Enrollment: 6Maximum Enrollment: 12

Dates:Wednesdays, October 7 - December 9; no class on November 11 and 25


Fee: $160 for eight weeks

Materials required: Earbuds for the MAC desktops in the computer labs

Instructor:Rian Sousa, founder and 20+ year software developer.


CodeCampKidz @ WMS will introduce children to coding apps in a fun and achievable way. No experience is required. Your child will write real HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript code, progressing from the basics to more advanced projects, building skill and self-confidence along the way. More information on the projects is available @:

CodeCampKidz @ WMS Program Highlights Include:

  • Introducing students to coding HTML5,CSS3 and Javascript
  • Using the student friendly, intuitive codecampkidz eLearning platform to build projects
  • Producing completed app pages
  • Personal instruction and assistance completing projects when required
  • Instruction on using the Playroom features to create individual pages for continued learning


  • Complete the registration form
  • Return with a check for $160. Make check payable to WSCP and write “codecampkidz” in the memo line

Registration deadline: September 30, 2015 WSCP Information #: 508-655-6403


Codecampkidz @ Wayland Middle School, Fall 2015

Registration deadline: September 30, 2015

Student Information

Child’s Name: ______Grade: ______

Classroom # or Teacher: ______

Parent/Guardian and Emergency Contact Information

Parent/Guardian Name: ______E-mail:______

Home or Work #: ______Cell #:______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Home or Work #: ______Cell #:______

Please list any allergies, including food allergies:______

Please initial below:

_____ I agree to allow my child to be photographed/videotaped during codecampkidz

for possible use in brochures, newspapers, local cable television, and program websites.

_____ I do not agree to allow my child to be photographed/videotaped during codecampkidz.

Please make check payable to WSCP -- write “CodeCampKidz” in memo line. Send to:

WSCP, Loker School

47 Loker Street

Wayland, MA 01778

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date