
Primacy is given to the revealed covenant Name of יְהֹוָה and Word hence יְהֹוָה and all Scripture references are highlighted in bold font.

יְהֹוָה is used in the notes as the name of the Deity as it was revealed to Moshe (Moses). There are many so called ‘gods’ but only one יְהֹוָה (pronounced Ya-hoo-a) ( This is the only name used in the Bible by which the Eternal Self-existing One has commanded us to call Him. However, there are various pronunciations but no clear definitive conclusion. Therefore יְהֹוָה is used throughout. All other references (El, `Elohiym, El Shaddai, LORD etc.) are all titles and refer to what יְהֹוָה is capable of doing or of His character. However, these are not set apart on to Him alone but can be used of people and false deities. Therefore, I believe that it is of vital importance to proclaim His Name as He commands (Deut. 28:58-62). The references to ‘Jesus, Christ, God, Lord, LORD or Yeshua’ in the quoted Bible verses have been retained but readers must be aware that these are words derived from tradition and not Scripture and only used due to copyright. The word god is used to denote all the false deities. The use of names and titles of false deities, demons, powers, principalities and angels are not used in any way or form to praise or exalt them. All created beings should be referred to by impersonal pronouns (it, them). Only יְהֹוָה `Elohiym (Father, Son and Spirit) and Man (formed) are not created and should be referred to as He, he, she etc.

All Scripture verses are full or paraphrased (usually from the Hebrew Names Version). # refers to the Strong’s Number G(reek) or H(ebrew) and * to TWOT. For example Righteousness’#H6663 צָדַק tsadaq *1879 sadeq where the word tsadaq/sadeq is the transliteration or English approximation to the sounding of the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek word.

All Scripture references have been kept to the anglicized for simplicity or where they have been taken from a direct quote.

However, I must stress that:

the pronunciation of יְהֹוָה is a blessings and curses issue and not one of salvation.

All statements are my own beliefs arrived at by 25 years of studying the Word of יְהֹוָה and commentaries of both the Bible and social conditions before and after the Master’s time on this earth, observations and the leading of the Set Apart Spirit. The leading of the Spirit is infallible; my following is not. In all things, I give over to the leading of the Set Apart Spirit, our only perfect Teacher, and ask that you do not take anything I write (nor that of any man) without weighing carefully and with prayer against your own reading of the Word of יְהֹוָה and leading of His Spirit. These beliefs are opinions and are meant to assist and not to command; they are not to act as doctrine.

All proper names have been amended to their original (non-anglicized) names. This includes Yahshua (Ya-shoo-a) HaMashiach or Messiah Yahshua (Jesus Christ). It is belief that the true Name of the Almighty, יְהֹוָה and of His Son Yahshua will be returned to their rightful glory (Psa. 22:22; Prov. 30:4; Heb. 2:12). My preference, therefore, is to use the original Hebrew or Greek but all creation, principalities and powers recognises the Power and Authority no matter the manner of Name used.

It is intended that this study to be read alongside a Bible. In my opinion, there is no ‘best’ translation but this study utilises a literal translation version (Hebrew Names Version). Please note that there may be some slight differences in the verse notation due to the differing translations. All the Bible quotations are from unless otherwise stated. I recommend that no Bible verse to be taken in isolation but that in looking up the verses quoted below, its context is examined.

I welcome your feedback on this discussion. All the discussion notes are live documents and will be amended and updated as and when necessary.

All Bible Discussion Notes are not subject to copyright and all readers are encouraged to download or print and to share them with others. All material is free but it is asked that the reader to include a link to this website and refrain from altering the text.

Spiritual Armour

(Eph. 6:10-18)

“Finally, be strong in יְהֹוָה, and in the strength of His might.” (v10). Rav. Sh’aul (Paul) is in prison in Rome, chained to one or two guards (v20) and he is dictating a letter to Tychicus (v21) to the Believers at Ephesus. Like all Scripture, this is relevant to all Believers for all times. He is letting them know how he is and how they (like him) may withstand the coming onslaught of the Adversary. Sh’aul tells Believers to do two things: i) to put on the spiritual armour (v11a) and ii) to pray in the Spirit at all times (v18). Vv11b-17 can be considered to be parenthical between the two imperatives of put on and pray. These verses are used to describe exactly what spiritual armour entails.

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world's rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (v12). Sh’aul instructs why Believers must be strong in Messiah for the battle is not against flesh and blood. It is important to stress that the war is not against Muslims, Hindus, Humanists etc., but against the demonic spirits that lie behind their ideology.

“Therefore, put on the whole armour of יְהֹוָה, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.” (v13). It is necessary to view this passage (vv10-18) in light of the Roman soldier(s) chained to Sh’aul. Rome’s expansion was due to the effectiveness of the army. This came about by the constant discipline, training and superior armour and tactics. In a battle the Roman soldiers marched forward but braced themselves when confronted by a mass attack. This preparation would be foremost in the legionnaire’s mind when order to stand. This command was to stand firm and resist all attackers.

“Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,” (v14). Stand firm - this makes no sense if put on is considered as present sense. A soldier would already have the physical armour on prior to making the stand. Therefore the verbs put on (armour), gird (loins/belt), put on (breastplate),shod/protect (sandals/legs), taking up(shield),put on (helmut), take hold (sword) all should be preceded by having as is the case for the belt, breastplate and sandals according to the NKJV.

Therefore Believers, having put on the armour must stand firm (Abbott). The armour must already be on in order that the soldier can stand firm. The put on is a one off event and is an action that has been fully completed and is in the same sense that Messiah was sacrificed once for all. It is not to be repeated therefore the inference is thatthe armour is never to be taken off.

Stand firmandpray imperatives are to be considered as events that once started continue until the outcome has been established. This would be when there is no longer a need to stand against the strategies of the Accuser i.e. when a Believer goes home to Glory or Messiah returns for His people.

Abbott Rev. T.K. (1897) Epistles To The Ephesians And To The Colossians, T&T Clark,
