Orangeburg Consolidated School District 5

6th Grade Common Assessment: Writing


Read the questions below. Then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which word best completes the sentence?

______Jodie has a sunburn, she is very uncomfortable.
/ A. Until
/ B. Because
/ C. Although
/ D. Before

2. Choose the correctly spelled word for the following sentence.

Jackie used to live in an ______.
/ A. orfanage
/ B. orphanege
/ C. orphanage
/ D. orphanedge

3. What needs to be corrected in the following sentence?

Sam can't go to the park, talk, to his friends, or watch television because he is grounded.
/ A. A comma should be added after "because."
/ B. The comma after "park" needs to be removed.
/ C. The period should be an exclamation point.
/ D. The comma after "talk" should be removed.

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

(1) Susan was sitting in math class. (2) She began laughing like crazy. (3) The teacher thought Scott was making Susan laugh. (4) “I didn’t do anything!” he claimed after the teacher yelled at him. (5) Susan burst out laughing again. (6) “Scott!” the teacher yelled, and again the poor boy said that he was innocent. (7) Susan was giggling about something she saw on America’s Funniest Home Videos the night before. (8) Luckily, she kept her giggling under control for the rest of class. (9) This saved Scott from being sent to principal Moss’ Office.

4. Which sentence would provide a supporting detail for the paragraph above?

/ A. The teacher told Susan's parents about her silly behavior in class.
/ B. The night before, Scott watched America's Funniest Home Videos, too.
/ C. The video showed a boy who crashed his sled into the side of a car.
/ D. The teacher warned Susan not to watch television during the week.

Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows.

(1) Peggy was supposed to write a report about George Washington Carver for school. (2) She had two weeks to write the assignment, but she waited until the night before it was due to begin working. (3) She didn’t know anything about George Washington Carver. (4) Peggy liked to take naps. (5) She was too lazy to do any research. (6) She simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington. (7) She said to herself, “Who cares as long as I turn something in?” (8) Peggy brought home her graded paper a few days later.

5. Which sentence should be removed from the passage?

/ A. sentence 5
/ B. sentence 4
/ C. sentence 7
/ D. sentence 2

Read the passage below. Answer the question that follows.

(1) Susan was sitting in math class. (2) She began laughing like crazy. (3) The teacher thought Scott was making Susan laugh. (4) “I didn’t do anything!” he claimed after the teacher yelled at him. (5) Susan burst out laughing again. (6) “Scott!” the teacher yelled, and again the poor boy said that he was innocent. (7) Susan was giggling about something she saw on America’s Funniest Home Videos the night before. (8) Luckily, she kept her giggling under control for the rest of class. (9) This saved Scott from being sent to principal Moss’ Office.

6. What is the best way to combine sentences 1 and 2?

/ A. Because Susan was sitting in math class, she began laughing like crazy.
/ B. When Susan was sitting in math class, she began laughing like crazy.
/ C. Susan was sitting in math class, therefore she began laughing like crazy.
/ D. Susan was sitting in math class, then she began laughing like crazy.

7. Which verb should be used in the sentence below?

The group at the sleepover ______Justin Timberlake.
/ A. has love
/ B. loves
/ C. have loved
/ D. love

8. Choose the correctly written sentence.

/ A. Danny did his job really good.
/ B. Danny did a real good job.
/ C. Danny did a really good job.
/ D. Danny did his job real well.

9. Which interjection best completes the sentence?

______! I almost fell.
/ A. Ouch
/ B. Yuck
/ C. Wee
/ D. Whoops

Read the passage below. Answer the question that follows.

(1) Peggy was supposed to write a report about George Washington Carver for school. (2) She had two weeks to write the assignment, but she waited until the night before it was due to begin working. (3) She didn’t know anything about George Washington Carver. (4) Peggy liked to take naps. (5) She was too lazy to do any research. (6) She simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington. (7) She said to herself, “Who cares as long as I turn something in?” (8) Peggy brought home her graded paper a few days later.

10. What is the best way to combine sentences 5 and 6?

/ A. She was too lazy to do any research, so she simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington.
/ B. She was too lazy to do any research; simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington.
/ C. She was too lazy to do any research, therefore, she simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington.
/ D. She was too lazy to do any research, she simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington.

Read the passage below. Answer the question that follows.

(1) Tracey was eating her lunch in the school cafeteria. (2) After eating all of the boring stuff, she was ready for her dezert. (3) She munched on her Oreo cookies happily and quickly. (4) Before she knew it, Oreo cookie was all over the table, herself, and her best friend. (5) While the chewed up Oreo was in her mouth. (6) Tracey sneezed hard and unexpectedly. (7) Oreo chunks flew out of her mouth and nose. (8) She immediately felt upset. (9) Soggy Oreo chunks were everywhere, so Tracey apologized to her friend and did her best to clean the mess.

11. How should the underlined word in sentence 2 be spelled?

/ A. dessert
/ B. dezzert
/ C. desert
/ D. dezert

Read the passage below. Answer the question that follows.

(1) Peggy was supposed to write a report about George Washington Carver for school. (2) She had two weeks to write the assignment, but she waited until the night before it was due to begin working. (3) She didn’t know anything about George Washington Carver. (4) Peggy liked to take naps. (5) She was too lazy to do any research. (6) She simply wrote what little she already knew about President George Washington. (7) She said to herself, “Who cares as long as I turn something in?” (8) Peggy brought home her graded paper a few days later.

12. Choose the best sentence to use after sentence 8.

/ A. Therefore, her parents grounded her for three weeks.
/ B. Additionally, her parents grounded her for three weeks.
/ C. Also, her parents grounded her for three weeks.
/ D. Finally, her parents grounded her for three weeks.

13. What type of sentence is the following?

Carla went to the movies, so she had to have popcorn and candy.
/ A. compound-complex
/ B. compound
/ C. complex
/ D. simple

14. Which verb tense would correctly complete the following sentence?

Yesterday, my parents and I ______a dog.
/ A. have rescued
/ B. rescue
/ C. rescued
/ D. had rescued

15. Choose the correctly written sentence.

/ A. Jonas ate a sandwich and watched television.
/ B. As the wind blasted the trees and shrubs.
/ C. The author finished writing the book, it was long.
/ D. Which of the nicely dressed gentlemen went to?

16. Fill in the blank with the correctly spelled word.

The wrestling champion is ______.
/ A. gigantic
/ B. jigantic
/ C. jygantic
/ D. gygantic

17. Fill the blank with the correct adjective form.

I've been to many parties, but Christy's party was the ______.
/ A. funnest
/ B. more fun
/ C. most fun
/ D. funner

18. Which sentence is written correctly?

/ A. The cat curled up, she soon fell asleep.
/ B. Hanna is deeply in love with Mark.
/ C. When the rain came pouring down.
/ D. The football player fell then he got up.

19. Choose the correct adjective form for the following sentence.

Lightning McQueen is ______than the rest of the race cars.
/ A. more fast
/ B. fastest
/ C. most fast
/ D. faster

20. Which sentence properly uses commas?

/ A. They played for a while, and ran home for dinner.
/ B. All three of the boys are from Las, Vegas, Nevada.
/ C. Robert ran to the park, and waited for his friends.
/ D. Kenny met Robert, Tommy, and Ted after school.

21. Which underlined word in this sentence should be capitalized?

Last summer, Jake's dad and uncle took him to see the Statue of liberty in New York.
/ A. liberty
/ B. uncle
/ C. summer
/ D. dad

22. Which sentence has correct end punctuation?

/ A. Why is the cat whining!
/ B. What kind of cake is that.
/ C. Stop, drop, and roll!
/ D. Mind your own business?

Read the passage below. Answer the question that follows.

(1) Susan was sitting in math class. (2) She began laughing like crazy. (3) The teacher thought Scott was making Susan laugh. (4) “I didn’t do anything!” he claimed after the teacher yelled at him. (5) Susan burst out laughing again. (6) “Scott!” the teacher yelled, and again the poor boy said that he was innocent. (7) Susan was giggling about something she saw on America’s Funniest Home Videos the night before. (8) Luckily, she kept her giggling under control for the rest of class. (9) This saved Scott from being sent to principal Moss’ Office.

23. Choose the correct capitalization for sentence 9.

/ A. Sentence 9 in the paragraph is correct.
/ B. This saved Scott from being sent to Principal Moss' Office.
/ C. This saved Scott from being sent to Principal Moss' office.
/ D. This saved Scott from being sent to principal Moss' office.

24. Choose the correct pronoun for the following sentence.

The baseball team lost _____ game.
/ A. there
/ B. it's
/ C. their
/ D. its

25. Which pronoun would correctly complete the following sentence?

Everyone went on the field trip except Jackie and ______.
/ A. I
/ B. me
/ C. she
/ D. myself

6th Grade Writing Common Assessment Answer Key

Item # / Answer / Indicator
1 / B / 4.4
2 / C / 4.7
3 / D / 4.6
4 / C / 4.3
5 / B / 4.5
6 / B / 4.5
7 / B / 4.4
8 / C / 4.4
9 / D / 4.6
10 / A / 4.5
11 / A / 4.7
12 / A / 4.3
13 / B / 4.2
14 / C / 4.4
15 / A / 4.6
16 / A / 4.7
17 / C / 4.4
18 / B / 4.6
19 / D / 4.4
20 / D / 4.6
21 / A / 4.6
22 / C / 4.6
23 / C / 4.6
24 / D / 4.4
25 / B / 4.4