Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr. will present at San Sebastian Festival the comedy Tropic Thunder, one of the most eagerly awaited films of the year. Ben Stiller is the director of this DreamWorks production, distributed in Spain by Paramount Pictures Spain, to be presented out-of-competition as part of the Official Selection at San Sebastian Festival.

Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. lead an ensemble cast in Tropic Thunder, an action comedy about a group of self-absorbed actors who set out to make the most expensive war film. After ballooning costs force the studio to cancel the movie, the frustrated director refuses to stop shooting, leading a cast into the jungles of Southest Asia, where they encounter real bad guys.

Ben Stiller continues to combine his acting career with a directing and screenwriting facet earning him a cult name in recent years. Well established in the comedy field with films like Reality Bites (1994), The Cable Guy (1996) and the caustic portrayal of the fashion world, Zoolander (2001), Stiller now points his intelligent and daring humour towards the world of cinema, with an ironic interpretation of Hollywood, its stars and production systems. Set around the shooting of a war movie, Tropic Thunder combines the most inspired and brazen of humours with all sorts of cinematographic references and has the surprising collaboration of actors Tom Cruise, Nick Nolte, Matthew McConaughey and Steve Coogan, among other celebrities.

About Paramount Pictures Corporation
Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), a leading content company with prominent and respected film, television and digital entertainment brands. The company's labels include Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Paramount Classics, MTV Films, Nickelodeon Movies and DreamWorks Studios. PPC operations also include Paramount Digital Entertainment, Paramount Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., Paramount Studios, and Worldwide Television Distribution.

August 14, 2008