Contact Details
Name: / Brendan Mc Fadden
Address / DCC, Dungloe PSC, Co Donegal
Phone / 0749153900 087 2239048
Email /
Project partners: / N/A
Date of request: / 28/01/14
Site location details
Location: / Magheraroarty Pier
County: / Donegal
Geographic co-ordinates*: / tbc
Size of area: (Hectares/Km2/M2) / Circa 200 square metres
Ordnance Survey (OS) Map No / tbc
Is the foreshore in question in private Ownership? / n/a
Please include map highlighting in red the proposed area of foreshore that will be subject to the application ( please refer to previous map)

*(in degrees, minutes seconds WGS 84( offshore) or Irish National Grid Co-Ordinates( for near shore and/or contiguous to the seashore/landfall)

Proposal Details
Is the proposed activity primarily fisheries/aquaculture related*?
The proposed activity is to allow access to the Pier
Description of proposed works/activity:
Emergency Works ; excavate silt and deposit on renourishment area as indicated on previously submitted Map.
Timelines, including proposed start and duration:
Proposed Start 31/01/14 . Complete 01/02/14 . 2 number 3 hour shifts anticipated
What other marine users or stakeholders may be affected by the proposal?
Status of planning permissions/other required consents (include ref. no)
Have Appropriate Assessment requirements under the Habitats Regulations been addressed?
Does the development require an Environmental Impact Statement (E.I.S)? If yes, do you require the Department to undertake a scoping exercise for the foreshore aspects?
Are there any related existing Foreshore consents/applications in respect of this proposal?
Foreshore Application submitted for larger scale Works at this location
Additional Information:
The proposal is to conduct minimal extraction to allow users access to the Pier as it is almost closed at present.
If possible, please include any drawings/designs that provide an overview of the proposal Please refer to Map previously submitted.

*If so the appropriate Foreshore consent authority may be the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Please email completed form and related documentation to :

Foreshore Unit

Marine Planning/Foreshore

Department of Environment, Community and Local Government

Newtown Road


Telephone: +353 053 9117500 LoCall No.: 1890 20 20 21 Fax No.: 053 9117603