Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease is a lung disease characterised by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible. COPD is a preventable and treatable disease with some significant extra pulmonary effects that may contribute to the severity of the disease in individual patients.COPD is a major cause of disability and mortality. Currently millions of people are diagnosed with COPD.It is one of the major causes of disease burden globally.Around 65 million people in the world have moderate to severe COPD. Someof them are not aware of their disease.Symptoms often worsen overtime and can limit the ability to do routine activities.Severe COPD may prevent the patient from doing even basic activities like walking ,cooking etc.Apart from cigarette smoking there are various other risk factors for the development of COPD such as air pollution ,burning of biomass fuels,genetic factors etc.
- Acute exacerbations
COPD patients are prone for exacerbations which requires hospital admissions and use of different medications ,ventilatory support and other supportive measures.Frequent acute exacerbations of COPD cause lung function to deteriorate quickly.
- Decreased quality of Life and mood
Nearly half of patients with COPD have a limitation in daily activities. Breathing becomes hard work for them. More than half of patients with COPD have insomnia. Such impairment in quality of life can negatively affect mood.Almost half of patients with COPD have anxiety, depression or other psychiatric disorders.Low oxygen levels also can impair mental function and short-term memory in these patients.It can also have an effect on social interaction.
3.Malnourishment–COPD patients usually lack good nutrition. Loss of weight and muscle mass is associated with a poor outcome in COPD.
4.Systemic manifestations- It includes Cardiovascular disease( including CAD , COR PULMONALE) ,diabetes mellitus,metabolic syndromes,
Osteoporosis,decreased exercise capacity due to musculo skeletal dysfunction.
5.Other manifestations– These patiens are also more prone for Lung cancer,acute myocardial infarction,stroke, pulmonary embolism,GERD, decreased sleep,complications from use of supplemental oxygen such as nasal irritation,dryness etc.
6.Economic burden –There is a significant economic burden to the patient and family including treatment costs, loss of work time thereby productivity and the use of supplemetal oxygen therapy .
In order to live a productive life after being diagnosed with COPD it is important to implement life style changes that are meant to make life healthier and easier.
- Smoking Cessation – The first and foremost thing to do is smoking cessation and thereby preventing further damage to the lung.These patients should be educated, motivated and assisted to stop smoking.
- Nutrition – Good nutrition improves the ability to exercise, which in turn builds muscle strength and lung function.A diet chart can be prepared and given to the patient after consulting Dietician.
- Motivation- COPD patients should be motivated which can help them taking care of their health .Formation of groups of these patients and communicating among themselves may find helpful for some of the patients.
- Appropriate Treatment – Proper treatment helps to reduce the frequency of infections and exacerbations.There should be a proper communication between the doctor and the patient.Patient should be properly educated as how to use the medicines prescribed including inhaler treatment,supplemental oxygen and the technique assessed.Patients should be on regular follow up .A fixed day can be kept for Out patient management of these patients every week.
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation - COPD patients should undergo pulmonary rehabilitation which helps to improve muscle strength,improves breathing thereby decreases the symptoms.It increases exercise capacity thereby improving the quality of life.
- Appropriate psychological interventions -To manage depression and anxiety of these pateints.
- Managing other complications -such as osteoporosis,GERD,insomnia and other systemic co morbidities .
- Education ,Control Programmes and financial support –We have to create an awareness about the importance of the disease and to include COPD under National programmes and various health schemes so that the patients can get relief from the economic burden associated with the disease.
- Counselling and support group formation Ithelps the patient to live with COPD.It can help to reduce anxiety and stress of patients family and friends and make easier to live.
- Vaccination –Influenza and pneumococcal vaccines should be given.
- Paliative care - for people who have serious illness. Its goal is to improve quality of life,body and mind.
As the theme for WORLD COPD DAY 2015 suggests “Its Not Too Late” ,let us join our hands together and try to bring the change before its too late .