World History Name:


Ms. Currey

Imperialism Prezi Project


Throughout this unit, we have learned how imperialism can be both good and bad. Imperialism has helped people in countries like India because it brought medicines, hospitals, schools, and new methods of transportation (trains) to the country. These new things gave Indians the opportunities to live their lives in a very different way. Some would argue that because of the results of imperialism India has been able to become as successful and industrious as it is today.

On the other hand, imperialism can also have very negative effects on a region. For example, in India the introduction of more hospitals and medicines led to a great increase in population that could not be fed. Many more people were forced to live in poverty because India simply couldn’t support the growing population. Additionally, countries, like India, that have been imperialized face other difficulties such as suffering local business, loss of culture, and poor treatment, as a result of imperialism.

As a result of these negative aspects of imperialism, many colonies of imperial rulers began to push for their imperial rulers to leave. They began to feel nationalism and love for the land that they called home. They wanted independence and a chance to have their own country free from imperial rule.

Directions: For this unit project you are going to randomly select one country that was once controlled by an imperial power but has since gained independence. You will research the history of imperial rule in that country and also how the people of the country were able to gain independence. In addition, you will evaluate how the country was, and remains, influenced by imperialism.

Countries to Choose From:

(country which imperialized the region is in parentheses)

Togoland, Cameroon, German E. Africa (Germany)

Taiwan (Japan)

South Africa (Britain)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (Belgium)

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia (France)

Indonesia and/or Malaysia (Dutch)

Angola, Mozambique, Brazil (Portugal)

Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (France)

India (British)

Ethiopia (Italy)

Mexico, Central and South America (Spain)

Requirements: You will work alone for this project. To get full points, you must answer the following questions in your presentation. The MOST important questions are in bold.

Content Rubric:

1.  What is the name of your country and where is it on a map of the world? (3 pts)

2.  What country was an imperial ruler of your country and what years did they have control of your country? Why did the imperial country want to take over this region? (10 pts)

3.  What are some good/bad things that happened in the country because of imperialism in the short AND long term? (You should try to find at least one good thing and one bad thing) (16 pts)

4.  How/When did your country gain independence? (5 pts)

5.  Choose one important leader for the independence movement in your country. What exactly did they do to help the independence movement? Why are they important? (5 pts)

6.  What were the results of imperialism on the economic/political/social aspects of the country? (15 pts)

7.  Do you think that imperialism was overall good for this country? Why or why not? What do you think this country would be like if it had never been imperialized compared to the way it is now? (16 pts)

Total Content Points: 70 pts

In addition to answering all of the above questions, your presentation must include each of the following:

1.  At least 10 pictures

2.  All questions must be answered and typed or written by hand and shown to Mrs. Currey on a date BEFORE the presentation. (20 pts)

3.  You must have AT LEAST 10 different transitions in your presentation.

4.  Each question must be FULLY answered and explained in a way that is easy for your classmates to understand. NONE OF THE ANSWERS MAY BE COPIED AND PASTED FROM ANOTHER WEBSITE OR YOU WILL GET A GRADE OF 0!!!!!!!

5.  You must correctly cite all of the websites and/or books you use to gather information for your presentation and include them all on the last slide of your presentation.

Rubric For Appearance:

Engaging Presentation with many visuals: ____/ 20

Easy to Understand: ____ / 10

Clear POV on how imperialism was overall good or bad for the country ____ / 10

Correct Citations: ____/ 10

Total Appearance Points: 50

Total Points: 120

Score: _____/ 120


Due Dates:

Questions Answered with citations of all resources:



Country Presenting on:

Content Rubric:

1.  What is the name of your country and where is it on a map of the world? (3 pts)

2.  What country was an imperial ruler of your country and what years did they have control of your country? Why did the imperial country want to take over this region? (10 pts)

3.  What are some good/bad things that happened in the country because of imperialism in the short AND long term? (You should try to find at least one good thing and one bad thing) (16 pts)

4.  How/When did your country gain independence? (5 pts)

5.  Choose one important leader for the independence movement in your country. What exactly did they do to help the independence movement? Why are they important? (5 pts)

6.  What were the results of imperialism on the economic/political/social aspects of the country? (15 pts)

7.  Do you think that imperialism was overall good for this country? Why or why not? What do you think this country would be like if it had never been imperialized compared to the way it is now? (16 pts)

Total Content Points: 70 pts


Rubric For Appearance:

Engaging Presentation with many visuals: ____/ 20

Easy to Understand: ____ / 10

Clear POV on how imperialism was overall good or bad for the country ____ / 10

Correct Citations: ____/ 10

Total Appearance Points: 50

Total Points: 120

Score: _____/ 120
