Guess Paper - 2008
Class – X
Subject – Social Studies

Q.1. Which powers wanted to control the Balkans?

Q.2 What is the main disadvantage of shifting cultivation?

Q.3 List the soil and climatic conditions suited for cultivation of rice.

Q.4 Why does India export iron ore even though we have to import certain varieties of steel?

Q.5 Social divisions may or may not lead to disintegration. Establish by one example of each case.

Q.6 State any two religious practices that involve discrimination based on gender

Q.7 Give one example to support that economic growth may be faster under dictatorship but it carries with it the risk of disintegration.

Q.8 All groups of people seek certain common developmental goals. Identify and list any two.

Q.9 List two ways an approaching tsunami may be detected.

Q.10 Identify any four constituents of a Resource Map.

Below are given three groups of A, B and C of questions 11 and 12. Select any one group for answering these questions.


Q.11. How were the small farmers in England affected by industrialisation? How did they respond?

Q.12 What measures are needed to ensure than the development of cities and environmental concerns are balanced? Give any one example.


Q. 11. Explain how mass production was an important feature of US economy in the 1920s.

Q. 12. Give three reasons for the Great Depression of 1929-30s.


Q.11 Explain the Bretton Woods system briefly and its impact. [3]

Q.12 Show that the Second World War was even deadlier than the first. [3]

Q. 13 The most exciting elements of the novel was the involvement of women.

Q. 14 Give two points in favour of and two against building dams on rivers. Give comments on problems faced by persons ousted from reservoir sites.

Q. 15 which areas democracies must take care of minority considerations? Mention any three and explain any one of them briefly

Q.16 Why are rates for commodities of everyday use higher at convenience stores near our residences? Why are they still patronised?

Q.17 If you were the chief coordinator of District Relief Committee in a flood affected area, what other departments would you need assistance from? List any five.

Q. 18 What protection measures can help in minimnising damage to homes in flood prone areas?

Q.19 Why is existence of nations considered to be a good thing and even a necessity?


Mention 3 features of the Ho-Chi-Minh Trail. What role did it play in the Vietnamese war?

Q.20 What was the significance of the Salt Satyagraha? How did the agitation spread over different parts of the country?

Q.21 What are the two types of metallic minerals? Give one example of each.

Q.22 What human factors (mention any four,) determine the location of industries in any one particular region? Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples.

Q.23 Explain with a suitable example the essential difference between a unitary and a federal system of government. Give any two reasons why a federal system is more suited to India.

Q.24 How are caste divisions different from divisions based on educational attainments? Why are some castes still backward educationally? Give any two reasons.

Q.25 Political parties in India face a number of problems. Identify any four and briefly comment upon any two of them.

Q.26 Mention any three ways in which consumers are exploited. What should the consumers do by way of precautions?

Q.27 Why is growth in manufacturing sector desirable as compared to growth in the services sector? Give three reasons.

Q.28 Explain briefly the functioning of Self-Help Groups in securing credit for their day to day needs.

Q. 29. On the outline map of India identify Raniganj, Digboi, Korba and Ankaleshwar

Q. 30 On the outline map of Africa label the following: (i) Northern Rhodesia (ii) Southern Rhodesia (iii) Madagascar (iv) Middle Congo

Guess Paper - 2008
Class – X
Subject – Social Studies

Q.1 What would a nation state provide to people?

Q.2 Where and why is Terrace Farming becoming popular in India?

Q.3 In which States are most Tea Plantations concentrated in India (name any two,)? Why can tea not be grown on plains?

Q.4 Name one Mineral that is of organic origin and one which is of inorganic origin.

Q.5 When do social differences take the form of violent protests? Illustrate with an example.

Q.6 What percent of India population comprises SC and ST groups?

Q.7 What happens if minority consideration are ignored in a democracy? Give one example to illustrate your answer

Q.8 Why does a government put trade barriers on imports?

Q.9 What damages are cause by earthquakes on earth? Mention any two.

Q.1O What should be the first concerns of a Search and Rescue Team? Mention any two.

Below are given three groups of A, B and C of questions 11 and 12. Select any one group for answering these questions.


Q.11. What causes led to the decline of the Surat seaport by the end of the 18” century?

Q.12. Give three reasons why small scale industries need to be encouraged in India in preference of large scale industries.


Q.11 Show that geographical explorations were not driven by an innocent search for scientific information they were directly linked to imperial projects.

Q.12 Why is hand technology and small scale industry still important?


Q.11 One newspaper warned in 1880 that “underground railways must soon be discontinued for they are a menace to health.” Was this person justified in his remarks? Give 3 reasons.

Q.12 Mention 3 features of the New Paris which Haussman built for 17 years.

Q.13 Giving examples from his novels Godan and Rangbhoomi, show how Prem chand’s novels look to the future without forgetting the past.


See the picture and answer the following questions

(ii How does the picture of Nehruji portray Bharat Mata?

(ii,) Mention two other ways Bharat Mata was portrayed by famous artists’

(iii) How would you like to portray Bharat Mata now?

Q. 14 In which parts of country is water percolation relatively high and why? Why has underground water level gone down in some parts of the country?

Q. 15 In which area has democracy succeeded in achieving social equality? Which other areas still remain neglected? Mention any two.

Q. 16 How do multinationals promote their business interests even when their products be harmful to public health? Give two examples.

Q.17 What precautions are necessary to ensure that a victim of burns does not suffer any further damage ?List any three.

Q.18 Why are satellite based communication systems more dependable in case of a disaster?

Q.19 Indians are so diverse in terms of religions, languages, dresses, cuisines, and vet they comprise a nation. Identify the communities that bind people together as a nation.


Discuss the role and importance italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini in fighting for liberty and freedom.

Q.20 Events during the First World War and thereafter helped in the growth of national movement in India. Name the events (any three,) and their effect on Indian masses.

Q. 21 Why is conservation of minerals essential? Explain am’ two steps of conserving minerals.

Q.22 Describe the physical factors ( any four ) that lead to localisation of industries. Illustrate your answer with appropriate illustrations.

Q.23 In what respects is the federalism practised in Belgium different from that practised in India?

Q.24. How has the present system of federal government worked in India? Give any two observations.

Q.25 What are the consideration kept in mind by democratic governments to decide issues on which opinion is not unanimous? Give examples.

Q.26 What should be the role of public sector in industrial development of a country like India? Comment with special reference to the present industrial policy.

Q.27 How does the Reserve Bank exercise supervision over the functioning of commercial banks in India? Why is such supervision necessary?

Q.28 Mention any two beneficial and two adverse effects of the globalisation of Indian economy. Comment upon any one adverse effect.

Q.29. On the outline map of Africa identify the following.

(i) Former British Colonies Nigeria and Southern Rhodesia.

(ii) Former French Colonies Morocco and Algeria.

Q.30. On the given outline map of India, four geographical features A, B, C and D are marked. Identify these features with the help of map key and write their correct names.

Q.1 What does the symbol breast rate with an eagle represent?

Q.2 What is meant by a potential resource? Explain giving one example.

Q.3 Why was slate farming a failure in USSR? Give any two reasons.

Q.4 Why is extensive cultivation not popular in India? Name one country where it is most common.

Q.5 Give two examples to show that even small countries face fierce social divisions.

Q.6 How has reservation of seats for women in Panchayats affected their functioning?

Q. 7 Will corruption end if democracies are replaced by dictatorship? Support your answer with one real life illustration.

Q.8 What role does State play in determining the physical quality of life in a country? Illustrate with a suitable example.

Q.9 List four members who constitute the District Disaster Management Committee.

Q.10 Why is it essential to have alternative communications systems?

Below are given three groups of A, B and C of questions 11 and 12. Select any one group for answering these questions.


Q.11 Why was post-war recovery in USA quicker than in other European countries?

Q.12 How does urban development affect the poor people already settled in big cities? Give two suggestions for rehabilitating them.


Q.11 Give three examples to show how the migration of indentured labour from India illustrated the two-sided nature of the 19th century world.

Q.12 How did the Great Depression of 193Os affect India? Slate the three most important facts.


Q.11 Show with three examples, how advertisements have played a part in expanding the markets for products from the beginning of the industrial age.

Q.12 What were the main characteristics of cities in the modern period which amazed and confused Indians?

Q. 13 What role did printed literature play in the Social Reform Movements in Indic, during the 19th century?

Q. 14 See the picture and answer the following questions

(a) State what similarity was in the two images.

(b) What measures were taken by French Revolutionaries to create a collective identity among the French people?

Q.15 Democracy need not always lead to high economic growth. Why?

Q.16 You find that an electric fan supplied to you by dealer is defective and the dealer refuses to set it right. What course of action is open to you to get your grievance redressed?

Q.17 Mention the specific roles of State and Central governments in case of a disaster When do UN agencies come in the picture?

Q.18 Suggest three measures for helping a person who has fainted during a disaster

Q. 19.1 What do you understand by Middle Class? How did it emerge?


What did the term ‘liberalism’ meant to the new middle classes?

Q.20What do you understand by separate electorates? Why was Gandhji opposed to separate electorates for Harijans?

Q.21 How does availability of resources affect economic development? Show by appropriate examples that development is possible even when resources are scarce.

Q.22 How do you justify the protection given to Indian industries against foreign competition in the early years of independence? Why has this become unnecessary now?

Q.23 Why is the bill for reservation of seats for women in legislatures getting stalled time and again? What in your opinion the justification for such reservation?

Q.24 Give one example each of coalition government and community government. What are the merits of such arrangements?

Q.25 What role does caste play in social integration? Suggest three measures than can help in minimising the effect of caste distinctions in Indian society.

Q.26 State (any four) functions that political parties perform in a democracy

Q.27 State any four measures that would help workers in the unorganised sector by way of social security

Q.28 How do you explain the fact that the share of formal sector credit is higher in respect of well to do families than it is in case of families that need money for their occupational operations?

Q.29. Identify the British colonies named British East Africa and Southern Rhodesia on the outline map of Africa.

Q.30. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, a series of states were set up in Europe. Four of them are shown on the given outline map of Europe by number 1 to 4. Identify these states and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map.