Bio 100 Spring 2016Final Exam Review
This review is only for the new material that will be covered on the final. Please study old exams for the cumulative portion. The final will be 50 true and false, and 50 multiple choice.
Chapter 20: Animal Structure and Function
- Know the following terms/concepts:
Organ System
- Know that Organ Systems all work together so that an organism can function.
- Know the functions of the following Organ System:
Integumentary, Respiratory, Circulatory, Digestive, Excretory, Nervous, Muscular, Reproductive, Immune, Endocrine, Skeletal
Chapter 22: Respiration
- Understand the three steps involved in Gas Exchange.
- What is meant by “Respiratory Surface”, and what are typical characteristics of respiratory surfaces?
- Know the various respiratory surfaces (or organs) through which animals breathe. Know which of these applies to earthworms, fish, insects, and terrestrial vertebrates.
- What is the relationship between surface area of respiratory surface and the metabolism, or energy needs of an organism?
- Why do terrestrial vertebrates have respiratory surfaces housed deep within their bodies?
- What are alveoli?
- Know the path of air flow from nose to alveoli in humans.
- Understand how and what gases are transported to and from the air, lungs, heart, and body cells.
- Know the structures (e.g., heart, lung alveoli, veins, arteries, capillaries, tissue/body cells).
Chapter 23: Circulation (the Cardiovascular System)
- Know the meaning of the following terms/concepts:
- Review how blood flows through the body. With respect to this, you need to know the function of the Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, and Left Ventricle
- How is oxygen carried in the red blood cells? Why do we need iron to efficiently carry O2 to our cells?
- How are gases exchanged between the blood in capillaries and the body’s tissues/cells?
- Know the 4 different components of blood and their function.
- What are stem cells, and what types of cells can stem cells from adult bone marrow turn into?
Chapter 28: The Nervous System
1. Know the meaning/function of the following:
Cell body
2. What are the parts of the Central Nervous System? The Peripheral Nervous System?
3. Review the organization of function of the Nervous System.
4. Know the basic structure of neurons, including the functions of the various parts of a neuron.
5. What type of signal (chemical or electrical) is transmitted along axons? What type of signal is usually transmitted across a synapse?
6. What are SSRI’s, and what effect do they have on serotonin availability to cells? Know that serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine are all neurotransmitters. What effects do serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins have on people?
8. What are the functions of the Limbic System?
Chapter 27: Reproduction
1. What is asexual reproduction? What are the benefits of asexual reproduction?
2. What are hermaphrodites?
3. What is involved in sexual reproduction? What are the benefits of sexual reproduction?
The following all refer to human reproduction:
4. Be able to identify the following parts of the male and female reproductive systems, and understand their function:
Females: ovaries, eggs, oviducts (also called fallopian tubes), uterus, vagina, cervix
Males: testes, sperm, scrotum, epididymis, penis
5. Know that the female gonads are ovaries, and the male gonads are testes. The female gametes are eggs, and the male gametes are sperm.
6. What occurs during ovulation? When does ovulation occur?
7. What are the components of semen?
8. Know and understand the steps that occur during fertilization. Where does fertilization take place in humans?
9. During what part of the female reproductive cycle can fertilization occur?
10. What is a placenta? What substances move from the mother to the fetus across the placenta? What substances are carried away from the fetus across the placenta?