1st Trimester ~ 3.1: Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value (including some Geometry and Additional Key Content)
Performance Expectations3.1.A, 3.1.B, 3.1.C, 3.5.A / Performance Expectations
(3.1.A, 3.1.B, 3.1.C), 3.1.D, 3.1.E, 3.4.C, 3.6.A, 3.6.B, 3.6.C, 3.6.D, 3.6.E, 3.6.F
24 days / 27 days
Unit 1: Trading Stickers, Combining Coins / Unit 3: Collections and Travel Stories
Investigation 1:
1.1 Base 10 Model
1.2 Place Value
1.3 More than Ten Ones
1.4 How Many More to get to 100
*1.5 Capture 5 game
*1.6 Collect $2 game
1.7 Strategies for Capture 5
1.8 Place Value
1.9 – Skip this session / Investigation 2:
2.1 Skip this session(2nd grade PE)
*2.2 Close to 100
*2.3 More or Less than 100
2.4 Skip this session
2.5 Replace with Origo and Dist. Assessment
*2.6 Story Problem
*2.7 Combinations to 100
2.8 Skip this session / Investigation 1:
1.1 Make class chart, not individual
*1.2 Intro Collection Cards
*1.3 Go Collecting – Estimating 100’s
1.4 How Many 10’s
1.5 How Many 100’s
1.6 Representing How Many 10’s / Investigation 2:
2.1 Base 10, splitting, partial sums
2.2 Number line
*2.3 Capture on the 300 Chart
2.4 Practice addition strategies
2.5 Practice addition strategies
*2.6 Collections Match
2.7 Assessment
Investigation 3:
3.1 Replace with Origo for Facts Strategies
3.2 Subtraction on open number line
*3.3 How Far From 100
3.4 Subtraction on open number line
3.5 Subtraction strategies
3.6 Assessment
3.7 Assessment (cont.) / Investigation 4:
4.1 Comparing as difference
4.2 Compare on number line
4.3 Subtraction Word Problems
4.4 Subtraction Word Problems
4.5 Subtraction Word Problems
4.6 Use Dist. Assessment
Supplemental Resources
YMW Contexts for Learning - T-shirt Factory (deepens place value to three and four places and develops the standard algorithm for addition and subtraction) Can be used to replace Unit 1 Investigation 1
Mathletics – 1A Place Value (skills 1-9) and 1C Whole # Subtraction (skills 16-22) / Supplemental Resources
T-Shirt Factory replacement for Unit 3 Investigation 1 sessions 1.4, 1.5, & 1.6
YMW Context for Learning – Ages and Timelines (Modeling of subtraction on the open number line. Explores various subtraction models. Develops mental arithmetic for subtraction.) Can be used to replace 3.4, 3.5, 3.7 and Investigation 4
Mathletics - 1A Place Value (skills 1-9) and 1C Whole # Subtraction (skills 16-22)
Every Day Counts Calendar Math
Sept- Counting Tape, Daily Depositor, Computations and Connections
Oct- Same as Sept, add Measurement, Coin Counter, AM and PM / Every Day Counts Calendar Math
Nov – Counting Tape and Hundred Chart, Daily Depositor, Computations and Connections, Measurement, Clock, Coin Counter (Graph matches 4th grade standards)
Basic Facts
Check for mastery of basic addition and subtractions (2nd grade Docushare).
Use Origo and YMC Context for Learning Minilessons for Addition and Subtraction. / Basic Facts
Continue mastery of 2nd grade basic addition and subtraction facts.
Use Origo and YMC Context for Learning Minilessons for Addition and Subtraction.
Vocabulary: compare, difference, digit, equal, equation, estimate, expression, number line, operation, order, quadrilateral, rhombus, round to nearest, sum
Notes / Notes
* Games that should be introduced no matter which curriculum resources you chose to use. / * Games that should be introduced no matter which curriculum resources you chose to use.
· Be sure to add in Core Process Standards listed above to the lesson activities.
2nd Trimester ~ 3.2: Concepts of Multiplication and Division (including some Geometry and Additional Key Content)
Performance Expectations3.2.A, 3.2.D, 3.2.E, 3.2.F, 3.6.A, (3.6.B, 3.6.C, 3.6.D, 3.6.E, 3.6.F) / Performance Expectations
3.2.A, 3.2.C, 3.2.D, 3.2.D, 3.2.F, 3.2.G, 3.2.H, 3.4.A, 3.4.D, (3.6.B, 3.6.C, 3.6.D, 3.6.E, 3.6.F) / Performance Expectations
3.2.B, 3.2.C, 3.2.D, 3.2.E, 3.2.F,3.2.H, 3.5.D, 3.3.A, (3.6.B, 3.6.C, 3.6.D, 3.6.E, 3.6.F), 3.6.G, 3.6.H, 3.6.I
13 days / 19 days / 18 days
Unit 5: Equal Groups / Unit 5: Equal Groups / Unit 5: Equal Groups
Investigation 1:
1.1 Skip, 2nd gr. PE
1.2 combine equal groups
1.3 problem solving
1.4 problem solving / Investigation 2:
2.1 skip counting
2.2 doubling
2.3 story problems
2.4 doubling & halving
2.5 assessment
2.6 review / Investigation 3:
3.1 arrays
3.2 skip this session
3.3 arrays
*3.4 Factor Pairs
3.5 Replace with Origo
*3.6 Count and Compare / Gr. 4 Unit 1, Investigation 1:
1.1 arrays
1.2 using arrays to find factors
1.3 making arrays (skip the terms prime, square, and composite)
*1.4 Factor Pairs (again)
1.5 using arrays / Investigation 4:
4.1 Multiplication/Division connection
4.2 Mult/Div story problems
4.3 Writing story problems
*4.4 Missing Factors
4.5 Solving word problems
4.6 solving word problems
4.7 Assessment
Supplemental Resources
YMW Context for Learning – Groceries, Stamps, and Measurement Strips Can replace Investigation 1 and 2.
Mathletics: 1D Whole # Multiplication (skills 23-30) / Supplemental Resources
YMW Context for Learning – The Big Dinner (No Investigations equivalent. This unit emphasizes the ratio table and lays the foundation for the development of proportional reasoning.)
Mathletics: 1D Whole # Multiplication (skills 23-30) / Supplemental Resources
YMW Context for Learning – Muffles Truffles (Develops the open array as a model. Development of partial products and the distributive, commutative, and associative properties.) Can replace 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, & Investigation 4.
Mathletics: 1D Whole # Mult. (skills 23-30)
Calendar Math
Dec. – all components / Calendar Math
Jan. – use replacement calendar pieces from 4th grade December. For Measurement only focus on perimeter (area is a 4th grade standard). / Calendar Math
Feb. – Do all components except Graph (probability is a 4th grade standard.) 4th grade October calendar has a good lesson for introducing fractions.
Basic Facts
Begin instruction on 1’s and 10’s facts. Use Origo materials and District Assessments. / Basic Facts
Begin instruction on 5’s facts. Use Origo materials and District Assessments. / Basic Facts
Begin instruction on 2’s facts. Use Origo materials and District Assessments.
Vocabulary: divide, division, intersecting lines, line segment, multiplication, multiply, operation, parallel, perpendicular, product, trapezoid
* Games that should be introduced no matter which curriculum resources you chose to use.
3.2.C and 3.2.F will be assessed but are not covered in the curriculum resources. Will need to be added to classroom activities.
3rd Trimester ~ 3.3: Fraction Concepts & 3.4: Geometry (including some Additional Key Content)
Performance Expectations3.3.A, 3.3.B, 3.3.C, 3.3.D, 3.5.C / Performance Expectations
(3.3.A, 3.3.B, 3.3.C, 3.3.D), 3.4.D, 3.4.E, 3.5.D / Performance Expectations
3.4.B, 3.4.C, (3.4.E), 3.5.B, 3.6.J
19 days / 20 days / 32 days
Unit 7: Finding Fair Shares / Cont. Fractions / Unit 4: Perimeter, Angles, (Area) / Unit 4: cont. / Unit 2: Surveys and Line Plots
Investigation 1:
1.1 Equal Shares
1.2 Making Fraction Sets
1.3 Making a whole (adding fractions is a 5th gr. PE)
1.4 Parts of a set (add other denominators)
1.5 Fraction Problem Solving
1.6 Assessment
Investigation 2:
2.1 Parts of a Whole
*2.2 Fraction Cookie Game
2.3 Assessment
2.4 Parts of a whole and equivalent fractions / Continue work on Mastering Fraction PEs. Investigations does not fully cover State PEs for fractions. Mastery of 3rd grade fraction PEs is crucial in preparation for decimals in 4th grade. Will need to add in fractions on a number line, compare with symbols, all denominators from PEs, problem solving, etc. / Unit 4 Investigation 1:
1.1 Measuring length
1.2 Perimeter
1.3 Assessment
1.4 Perimeter Problems
1.5 Perimeter
Investigation 2: Area
Skip this, it’s a 4th grade Standard / Investigation 3:
3.1 Triangles
3.2 Skip this session
3.3 Quadrilaterals
3.4 Angles
3.5 Angles
3.6 Assessment
Investigations does notfully cover measurement PE’s in Additional Key content. Will need to add weight (3.5.C) and capacity (3.5.D) lessons. / Unit 2 Investigation 1:
1.1 Skip this session
1.2 Skip this session
1.3 Complete M2 sheet
1.4 Bar Graphs
1.5 Skip this session
1.6 Interpret bar graphs
1.7 Create bar graphs
1.8 Compare bar graphs
Investigation 2:
2.1 Line Plots
2.2 Line Plots
2.3 Skip this session
2.4 Skip this session
2.5 Skip this session
2.6 Skip this session
2.7 Skip this session
Supplemental Resources
John A. Van De Walle Fractions Lessons (Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally)
Mathletics: 1F ~ Fractions (skills 34-39) / Supplemental Resources
Mathletics: Skills 47, 48, 50, and 51 (measuring length) / Supplemental Resources
District provided graphing booklet.
Mathletics: Skill 60 (pictographs)
Calendar Math
March – all components / Calendar Math
April – all components / Calendar Math
May – change Graph to measure and record daily temperature in Fahrenheit.
June – do Graph like May but measure and record daily temperature in Celsius.
Basic Facts
Continue to practicing 1’s, 10’s, 5’s and 2’s / Basic Facts
Mastery of 1’s, 10’s, 5’s and 2’s
denominator, fraction, greater than, greatest, least, less than, numerator / Vocabulary:
angle, right angle, attribute/property, closed figure, diagonal, length, parallelogram, perimeter, quadrilateral, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, vertex/vertices / Vocabulary:
data, graph, key, label, line plot, pictograph, scale, survey, thermometer, title
*Games that should be introduced no matter which curriculum resources you chose to use. / · Data collection and graphing integrate well into science throughout the year.
· Skipped sessions from Unit 2 match 2nd grade standards.
Sumner School District Spring 2010