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ESM Appendix 2: Modeling positive feedbacks
We modeledthree positive feedback mechanisms, where the strength of each is determined by one parameter (η, α, and σ) (Fig. S1). The feedbacks interact synergetically, as illustrated by the bifurcation plots in Fig. S2.
Herbivory-escape feedback (Table 1, feedbacks 1-3): We assumed that herbivores have a certain handling time when consuming macroalgae (η). If availability of macroalgae increases, herbivores can handle less macroalgae, and thus herbivory pressure per macroalga decreases (Fig. S1a).
Competition feedback (Table 1, feedbacks6–7): We assumed that macroalgae can reduce coral recruitment, for example, by pre-empting, shading and overgrowing juvenile corals. The strength of this inhibition is represented by the parameter α. The level of αdepends on the macroalgae and coral species present. A lower coral recruitment per unit area of empty space per adult coraloccurs if macroalgae cover increases, which leads to a competitive advantage for macroalgae (Fig. S1b).
Coral–herbivore feedback (Table 1, feedback 15): Herbivores have a positive effect on corals, because they release them from competition with macroalgae. We assumed that corals can also have a positive effect on herbivores by providing shelter (e.g., for Diadema or parrotfish) (Fig. S1c). The strength of this dependence (σ) will depend on traits of the herbivore and coral species.
Fig. S1 The effect of the three modeled positive feedback mechanisms on the relevant rates of change, with the feedback strength at three different levels, ranging from low to high: (a) herbivory-escape feedback, (b) competition feedback, and (c)coral–herbivore feedback.
Fig. S2 One feedback amplifies the effect of another feedback on the response to a driver, such as fishing. Synergetic effects occur among all combinations of feedbacks(with the third positive feedback set to 0): (a) herbivory-escape feedback () and competition feedback (). (b) Coral–herbivore feedback () and competition feedback (). (c) Herbivory-escape feedback () and coral–herbivore feedback (). The shaded areas represent the parameter space in which the system has two alternate stable states.