Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Main Point: Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled all of God’s promises.

Key Verse: Jesus explained to them what was said about Himself in all the Scriptures. He began with Moses and all the Prophets. - Luke 24:27

Materials: Abstract picture of Jesus (attached), cut into puzzle pieces.

Personal connection:

·  Say: Two of Jesus’ followers were walking along, and they couldn’t stop talking about what had just happened to Jesus. They were probably saying things like, “How could this happen? I thought Jesus had more power than those Roman soldiers. Why didn’t God stop this from happening?” You know, at times there are things I don’t understand either.

Leader, take this opportunity to tell about a time you struggled with understanding God’s plan for you or someone you care about.

Hands on Application:

·  Say: The Bible says there are some things that will remain a mystery to us until we get to heaven. But in the case of Jesus dying on the cross and being raised again, God wants us to understand all about it!

·  Say: In the beginning of the world, everything was good. But people chose to sin and that brought death and separation from God. There was nothing the people could do to fix their sin problem. Only God could provide a solution to take away the people’s sin. God promised His people that He would send a rescuer, or Messiah, to bring people back to God. Through the years, God sent prophets to tell about the Messiah. They didn’t tell His name, but they told other important things about Him. They told the line of His ancestors, where He would be born, where He would grow up, how He would act, and what would happen to Him - just to name a few things. These facts were like pieces of a giant puzzle. But Gods’ people were stubborn, and they didn’t understand. When Jesus walked with His disciples, He explained to them that He was the Messiah, but they still did not understand. So, finally, after all the events had happened, Jesus returned to explain it one more time. It was like He put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

·  Hand out one puzzle piece to each student, and keep extra pieces for yourself. Today, we know that all of God’s puzzle pieces pointed to Jesus. I want to go around the room, and when it’s your turn, lay down your piece and try to remember one of the promises God made about the Messiah that He was going to send. If you can’t remember a promise, give me a word that describes Jesus. Give each student a turn and try to assemble the puzzle. If you have extra pieces, jump in when you can fit it in the puzzle. Remember to tell one of the prophecies!

Group Discussion:

·  Say: Why do you think God explained who Jesus was so many times? Allow the kids to answer. Say: God wants everyone to know that believing in Jesus is the only way to be brought back to God. Have the group read John 20: 31.

Conversation with God (Prayer):

In today’s prayer time, pray that the group understands that only Jesus could fulfill all of the promises God made about the Messiah. Fill in prayer journals and close in prayer.

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