Dissemination EFBWW-FIEC “Guide for developing a H&S management system” and “Information modules for safer handling of asbestos”
Dissemination Seminar in Ljubljana
14-15 April 2014
14 April 2014
MEETING Venue : Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia (CCIS), Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana
Meeting room : HALL A
(For all participants who come by car there is free parking space in the garage of CCIS on the 1st floor!)
12:30 Joint lunch
13:45-14:00 Welcome to the participants
By Jože Renar (Director CCBMIS – Chamber of Construction and Building Material Industry of Slovenia)
14:00-14:30 Introduction to European Social Dialogue By Domenico Campogrande (FIEC)/Rolf Gehring (EFBWW)
Followed by an interactive questions and answers
14:30-15:45 “EFBWW-FIEC Guide for developing a H&S management system”
- “Presentation of the EFBWW/FIEC Guide” by Domenico Campogrande
- “Benefits and advantages for clients and the building sector using companies with focus on OHS” by Lars Vedsmand (Health and safety consultant for BAT-kartellet, Denmark)
- “Implementation of H&S policy in the UK - working with regulators and trade groups to ensure an effective H&S management system” by Alexander McKenna (National Federation of Builders, UK)
Followed by:
Roundtable: experiences with systems of OSH in companies
- Open debate among the participants, moderated by Domenico Campogrande
15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:45 “Information modules for the safer handling of asbestos”
- “Presentation of the Asbestos Information Modules” by Rolf Gehring
- “What are the primary needs for information concerning asbestos?” by Lars Vedsmand (Health and safety consultant for BAT-kartellet, Denmark)
- “Asbestos detection, handling and management, cases and examples” by Alexander McKenna (National Federation of Builders, UK)
- “Dangers related to asbestos at the workplace” “H&S at the workplace” by dr. Metoda Dodič Fikfak (University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Clinical Institute of Occupational medicine, Traffic and Sports) (t.b.c.)
Followed by:
Roundtable: national asbestos activities and campaigns
- Open discussion among the participants, moderated by Rolf Gehring
o Which activities on asbestos are being carried out at national level?
o Which results have been achieved? Which are the priorities for the future
17:45 End of the first day
19:00 Joint dinner in the Ljubljana castle “RESTAURANT NA GRADU”: Grajska ploščad d.o.o., Grajska planota 1, 1000 Ljubljana
15 April 2014
MEETING Venue : Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia,
Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana
Meeting room : HALL C
09:00-10:30 Role of state labour inspectorates and OSH agencies
- “Role of state labour inspectorates and OSH agencies” by Gerd Albracht (IALI)
- “Experiences from labour inspectorates in Slovenia” Lidija Korat, Labour Inspectorate of the RS, Regional Office
- “On-field experiences” by Roger Wagner
- Ingenieurbüro für Gebäudesanierung Schadstoffe, Energie, Brandschutz (Germany)
Followed by interactive questions and answers
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Final roundtable and conclusions
- Which role can the social partners and other stakeholders play in the fight for a safe and asbestos clean workplace and for the development and implementation of OSH policies at company level ?
- The Guide and the Information Modules: how can they be better disseminated and put in value? Practical ideas for disseminating information and raising awareness
12:30 End of seminar and lunch
Departure of the guests