Green City R-I Elementary
2017-2018 School Supply List
Blanket (marked with child’s name should be child size, no bigger than a beach towel NO PILLOWS)
Slippers (These are for use in the classroom or to wear at rest time)
Cuddle toy (optional for rest time) Backpack (No roller types, they do not fit in cubby)
2 clorox wipes
Tennis shoes with velcro closures for P.E.2 boxes of Kleenex
1 wide ruled notebook 1 baby wipes
3 plastic folders with prongs1 box of Ziploc bags (gallon or quart)
Small art box1 small water bottle (optional)
Your child will need a complete change of clothing to be left at school. This includes pants, socks, and underwear, placed in a marked Ziploc bag.
Art: 8 color Crayola watercolor set (no Roseart sets please, they don't last)
Optional Items: Headphones or ear buds for use in Computer Lab
Personal Items
Please label all personal items with your child’s first and last name.
P.E. shoes- These will be kept at school during the year and worn only in P.E. class.
2 Two pocket Folders1 Clip board
2 Notebooks1 Art Box
Water Bottle- (Optional) Your child may bring a water bottle to keep in their cubby.
Optional Item: Headphones or Ear buds for use in Computer Lab
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Community Property
Each Student needs to bring the following supplies for our classroom. These items will be community property and shared by the class. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may need to be replenished during the school year.
If you would like to make a donation of extra community supplies, you are more than welcome!
4 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons*
1 pair of school scissors (Please label if you would like to keep them at the end of the year.)
4 glue sticks*
2 pink erasers
1 four pack of black Expo dry erase markers*
1 box Ziploc bags (gallon or quart/sandwich size)
2 boxes of Kleenex tissues*
Please do not send…Markers or colored pencils, valuables, toys from home, or weapons.
First Grade: Please put your name on the crayons, flash cards and art box.
3 pocket folders any styleCrayons – 24 count
24 - #2 yellow coated pencils* 1 - 4pk - black dry erase markers*
2 – 4 Erasers - large pink kind (not the pencil top kind)*1 6-pk - glue sticks*
4 yellow highlighters*plain clipboard
1 spiral notebookssmall art box
Addition and subtraction flashcards2 boxes of Kleenex*
4 wide ruled composition notebooks1 pkg of baby wipes*
P.E. shoes1 box of Quart zip lock bags – boys*
Backpack with zipper 1 box of Gallon zip lock bags – girls*
3 – 3 X 5 ruled index cards; 100 count*
Optional Items: Headphones or ear buds for use in Computer Lab
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Please Do Not Send: pens, mechanical or colored pencils
* - community property – please do not put names on these items.
Second Grade:
2 boxes of KleenexBackpack with zipper
Crayola crayons – 24 countScissors (Fiskar-blunt end)
2 pkg. wide rule loose leaf paper1 red pen
1 pkgs. #2 pencils sharpened2 highlighters
Eraser or pencil cap eraserBaby wipes
3 composition notebooks (black marble type)3-4 Glue sticks
3 plain colored folders4 black dry erase markers
P. E. shoes3 packages of 3x5 index cards (white with lines)
1 package quart size Ziploc bags (A-M)Flash Cards- (addition, subtraction, and multiplication)
1 package gallon size Ziploc bags (N-Z)
Optional Item: headphones or ear buds for use in the Computer Lab
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Please Do Not Send: pens, markers, mechanical pencils, pencil sharpeners
Third Grade:
3 boxes of tissues3+ dry erase markers
1 pkg. of #2 pencils (wooden only)1 pkg. wide ruled, loose leaf paper
1 composition notebook3 spiral bound notebooks
2 erasers3 pocket folders
1 pkg. red pens2 highlighters
P.E. shoesbottle or stick glue
Optional Item: headphones or ear buds for use in Computer Lab
Flash cards – multiplication and division (addition/subtraction if not previously purchased)
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Optional Items: paper towels, anti-bacterial wipes, baby wipes, Ziploc bags various sizes, and a water bottle
Please Do Not Send: Trapper Keepers, toys, candy, personal pencil sharpeners, and mechanical pencils
Fourth Grade:
2 boxes of KleenexScissors
4 spiral notebook, 70 sheet/wide-ruled#2 pencils or mechanical pencils Multiplication/Division flash cards (if available) Pencil top erasers
P. E. shoesColored pencils or crayons
Baby wipesArt box (big enough for supplies)
2 packages of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper2 packages of lined index cards
2 dry erase markers-black1 box zip lock bags—quart sized
2 Pocket folders—1 for homework and 1 for classworkGlue sticks
Optional Item: headphones or ear buds for use in Computer Lab
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Optional items: Paper towels, extra black dry erase markers
Please Do Not Send:pens, markers, pencil sharpeners, rulers, clipboards, candy, toys
Fifth Grade:
3 Folders1 Package of grid/graph paper
2 Highlighters (yellow)1 box of 20 pencils - wooden
3 boxes of Kleenex1 Package of Blue Pens
4 Spiral Notebooks (single subject)
P.E. ShoesGIRLS:
1 sock or eraser for whiteboards1 Package of loose-leaf notebook paper
1 box of markers 4 Dry Erase Markers (Black)
1 Package of Red Pens
Optional Item: Headphones or Ear Buds for use in Computer Lab
Art: 8 colors Watercolor paint set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Optional Items: Zip-lock bags-various sizes, paper towels, anti-bacterial wipes, baby wipes, mechanical pencils, scissors, Multiplication/Division Flashcards, 1 Bottle of liquid Glue
Please Do Not Send: gel pens, pencil sharpeners, toys, or candy
Sixth GradeMath
6 pocket folders2- 5 subject notebooks
6 composition notebooks1 pkg. expo markers
Pencilsgraph paper
Multiplication & Division flashcardsBoys: germ-x
P.E. shoesGirls: Kleenex
Highlighters (yellow)
1 box Kleenex
2 glue sticks
Optional Item: Headphones or ear buds for Computer Lab
Girls Only:
2 small bottles or 1 large bottle of germ-x
1 pkg. black dry erase markers
2 pkgs. 3x5 notecards
Boys Only:
2 small bottles or 1 large of Clorox wipes
2 pkgs. red pens
1 pkg wide-ruled paper
Art: 8 color Crayola watercolor set labeled with child’s name in Sharpie
Optional Items: water bottle, Ziploc baggies
Please Do Not Send: gel pens, pencil sharpeners, toys, candy