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A State Aid to Local Law Enforcement/Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, in the City of Dover Police Department conference room, 400 South Queen Street, Dover Delaware. Chairman William Bryson called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m (meeting was late due to the length of the Violent Crime Fund Committee held prior to this meeting). Attendees included:

Chief William Bryson, Chair* Camden Police Department, representing Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council

Chief Scott Collins* Selbyville Police Department representing Sussex County Police Chiefs’

Chief Christine Dunning* Wilmington Police Department

Major John Evans* Delaware State Police

Captain Wendi Feeser* New Castle County Police Department

Chief James Hosfelt* Dover Police Department representing Kent County Police Chiefs’

Tom Penoza* Department of Justice

Debby Golden SALLE/EIDE Coordinator

Chief Mark Anderson Greenwood Police Department

Chief Norman Barlow Harrington Police Department

Sr. Sergeant Michael Iglio Middletown Police Department

Sr. Lieutenant Mike Kelly Middletown Police Department

Chief William Phillips Milton Police Department

Deputy Chief Keith Shyers Harrington Police Department

Chief Henry Tobin Middletown Police Department

Lt. Norman Wood Smyrna Police Department

I.  Approval of March 12, 2013 Minutes of the Meeting

Chairman William Bryson asked if there were any amendments to the March 12, 2013 minutes of the meeting and hearing none, asked for a motion for approval. A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the March 12, 2013 minutes be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the minutes were approved by the Committee members.

II.  Approval of FY 14 State Aid to Local Law Enforcement Applications

S-01-14 Harrington Police Department $4,903.96

Applicant requests approval to use funds for a one time vehicle enhancement ($3503.96) and overtime for community policing ($1400).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-02-14 Greenwood Police Department $3,571.19

Applicant requests approval to use funds for a one time vehicle enhancement.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-03-14 Camden Police Department $4,332.77

Applicant requests approval to use funds to purchase a Dell 3 year extended warranty ($2895.40), 9 upgraded duty holsters ($987.38) and 1 HP color printer ($449.99)

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members with Chief William Bryson abstaining from the vote.

S-04-14 Elsmere Police Department $5,284.75

Applicant requests approval to use funds for training ($1500) and overtime for training and community services ($3784.75).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-05-14 Middletown Police Department $8,331.08

Applicant requests approval to use funds to purchase a SORT/SWAT locker ($2500) and overtime for criminal and drug investigations ($5,831.08)

A motion was made by Chief Scott Collins and seconded by Tom Penoza that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-06-14 Delaware City Police Department $3,571.19

Applicant requests approval to use funds for theft and drug overtime.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-07-14 Smyrna Police Department $7,379.10

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for community meetings, events, foot and bike patrol and drug investigations.

A motion was made by Captain Wendi Feeser and seconded by Tom Penoza that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-08-14 Georgetown Police Department $5,665.54

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations and buy/informant funds.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Captain Wendi Feeser that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-09-14 Millsboro Police Department $5,094.35

Applicant requests approval to use funds to upgrade their existing server.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-10-14 Milton Police Department $4,713.56

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug and high crime area investigations.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Captain Wendi Feeser that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

S-11-14 Dover Police Department $20,516.40

Applicant requests approval to use funds for policy technology and equipment upgrades to include installation of Rocket combo equipment to boost the signal strength for the cell lines used by the police vehicles.

A motion was made by Captain Wendi Feeser and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members with Chief James Hosfelt abstaining from the vote.

S-12-14 Dover Police Department $6,000.00

Applicant requests approval to use funds to conduct a Staff Development Seminar.

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Captain Wendi Feeser that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members with Chief James Hosfelt abstaining from the vote.

III.  Approval of FY 14 Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement Applications

D-01-14 Harrington Police Department $3,987.86

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($2187.86), buy money ($700), drug testing of police officers ($600) and drug test kits ($500).

A motion was made by Captain Wendi Feeser and seconded by Tom Penoza that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-02-14 Greenwood Police Department $3,296.36

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($2196.36), rental of undercover motor vehicles ($300), drug testing of police officers ($400) and drug test kits ($400).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-03-14 Camden Police Department $3,961.50

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for high visibility patrols ($996.55), drug testing of police officers ($300) and towards the upgrade of the Access Control System and Video Surveillance System at the police department ($2394.95).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members with Chief William Bryson abstaining from the vote.

D-04-14 Elsmere Police Department $4,185.43

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($3185.43) and buy/informant money ($1000).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-05-14 Middletown Police Department $5,766.01

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($5016.01) and undercover motor vehicle rental ($750).

A motion was made by Chief Christine Dunning and seconded by Tom Penoza that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-06-14 Milton Police Department $3,889.08

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Captain Wendi Feeser that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-07-14 Delaware City Police Department $3,296.36

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($2536.36) and to purchase 1 audio/video recorder to use during interviews ($760).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-08-14 Smyrna Police Department $5,272.08

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations ($3022.08), undercover motor vehicle rental ($750) and buy/informant funds ($1500).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-09-14 Millsboro Police Department $4,086.65

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Scott Collins that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members.

D-10-14 Dover Police Department $12,083.33

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug enforcement ($4320.19), towards the purchase of a new digital camera ($763.14) and drug/street crime informant funds ($7,000).

A motion was made by Tom Penoza and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning that the application be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the application was approved by the Committee members with Chief James Hosfelt abstaining from the vote.

IV.  Other Business

A. Grant Adjustments

D-03-13 Harrington Police Department

Requests approval to amend grant as follows:

Category / Approved Budget / Amendment / Change
Drug Training / $1,500.00 / 463.73 / -1,036.27
Buy Money / 500.18 / 500.18 / 0.00
Overtime / 2,147.45 / 3,183.72 / +1,036.27
Total / $4,147.63 / $4,147.63 / 0.00

A motion was made by Chief Scott Collins and seconded by Tom Penoza that the adjustment request be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the adjustment was approved by the Committee members.

V. Adjournment

Chairman William Bryson called for any other discussion and hearing none called for a motion for adjournment. A motion for adjournment was made by Chief James Hosfelt and seconded by Chief Christine Dunning. The Committee members approved the motion and the meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.