You must turn it in before the test.


1. What was England’s dominant economic philosophy during the 17th and 18th centuries?

2. What were the three parts to the Triangular Trade?

3. What was the Middle Passage?

4. With the exception of what group, everybody had the opportunity to improve their standard of living in the Colonies?

5. Who were Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley?

6. What was the Most important Native American political alliance?

7. What was the New England Confederation and what was the name of the Native leader they fought against?

8. What was the Dominion of New England and who was in charge?

9. What were the 2 long-lasting disputes exposed by Bacon’s Rebellion?

10. What was the Great Awakening?

11. Who was Jonathon Edwards and what was his most famous work?


12. Why was the French and Indian War different from the other wars in the series?

13. Why was the Albany Congress important?

14. Who created the “Join or Die” cartoon? What did he want colonies to join?

15. What were the important results of the French and Indian War for the English?


16. Define Proclamation of 1763. What did it do? What were the British and Colonial reactions?

17. Define Sugar Act. What did it do? What were the British and Colonial reactions?,

18. Define Stamp Act. What did it do? What were the British and Colonial reactions?

19. Define Declaratory Act. What act was it attached to? What was the Colonial reaction?

20. Define Townshend Acts. What did it do? What were the British and Colonial reactions?

21. What was the Boston Tea Party? How did the British react?

22. What were the Intolerable Acts? What were they a response to?

23. What was King George III’s response to the Olive Branch Petition?

24. Who wrote COMMON SENSE? What did it say?

25. What country helped the Americans win at Yorktown with their fleet?

26. What were the new boundaries of the United States of America after the Revolution (Treaty of Paris, 1783)?

27. Who introduced the resolution to break all ties with England in the Continental Congress? Why was it important?

28. List the following events in order:


Olive Branch Petition

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Declaration of Independence

Boston Massacre

Richard Henry Lee’s Resolution

Boston Tea Party

Valley Forge Winter

Battle of Yorktown

Intolerable Acts

29. Why were Lexington/Concord, Bunker Hill, and Saratoga all high points for the Colonials?

30. Why was Valley Forge a low point for the Colonials?

31. What happened at Trenton?

32. Who were Benedict Arnold and John Andre?

33. Who said “We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”?


______34. Led to increased tension between England & the colonies and was the foundation for England’s commercial system

______35. Was created as a result of mercantilism and resulted in goods being traded.

______36. Involved conflict between Nathaniel Bacon and Governor William Berkeley

over lack of protection from natives

______37. Used to help implement the Navigation Acts and had EdmundAndros in charge

______38. Because of this war, England needed to raise taxes to pay national debt.

______39. These court orders authorized customs officials to search

______40. This resulted in the deaths of 5 Bostonians including Crispus Attacks

______41. This gave the British East India Company a monopoly on Tea

______42. This pamphlet by Thomas Paine weakened resistance to independence

______43. This document written with influence from John Locke did not contain any

condemnation of British slave trade from earlier drafts.

______44. British troops went after weapons and were attacked in the first

fightingof the Revolution

______45. He was named commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army