Deception Pass Park Foundation

Meeting Minutes

July 31, 2013 Board Meeting

I. Call to order

·  Board President Liz Merriman called to order the regular meeting of the Deception Pass Park Foundation at 6:03 PM on Wednesday July 31, 2013 in the Deception Pass Park Administration Office.

II.  Roll call

·  The following members were present: Liz Merriman, Barry Wenaas, Estelle Johnson, Barbara Shaw, Brian Shelly, Jack Hartt and Sam Wotipka. Absent were Steve Young, Matt Klope and George Churchill. Also present were Karen Rye, Ken Hunt and Julian and Jean Lee.

III.  Approval of agenda and minutes from last meeting

·  Barry W. moved to accept the agenda as amended, seconded by Estelle J. There were no objections.

·  The minutes from the June 26th meeting were presented. Barry W. moved to approve the minutes as corrected, and seconded by Barb S. There were no objections.

IV.  Officers Reports

a)  President’s report:

·  The executive director of the Washington State Parks Foundation has asked that we address and resolve our concerns regarding their organization. Discussed were the frustrations in communicating with the WSPF, especially having emails returned. Liz has invited the Exec Director to speak with our Board and will follow up after the “busy” season.

·  Also discussed was the need for public comments/concerns while representing the DPPF Board to be vetted with the President and/or Board first.

b)  Treasurer’s report:

·  A financial statement was not presented due to the absence of the Treasurer.

·  Barry presented the outcome of the financial meeting with George C. and the bookkeeper regarding the Chart of Account categories: the bookkeeper is streamlining the categories. Barry acknowledged that the Board will have an opportunity to review.

·  A request for information to resolve the sales tax and Department of Revenue issue was put before the Board. The request will be restated at the next meeting unless answered by Treasurer via email.

·  It was agreed that an update to the financial section of the Foundation’s policy and procedure manual include the above.

V.  Committee Reports

a)  Project Committee update:

·  Sam W. presented an update of interpretive projects that are completed, in progress, ready for funding, and the budget spent.

Ø  Park History Photo Exhibit (“People in the Park”) for the Park Admin office is done and being installed.

Ø  Funding request for $600 initial printing of 100 copies of “Two Hands and a Shovel: An illustrated exploration of the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps at Deception Pass State Park was tabled at last meeting. The book can be acquired on Copies will be available for sale at the Centennial Celebration.

Ø  Work is continuing on the Bowman CCC Shelter.

Ø  Three interpretive panels each (Beaver and Bridge) will be installed shortly.

b)  Fundraising Committee update:

·  Calendars were presented and winners will be acknowledged at Centennial. Good work Mona and Barb! They are wonderful calendars.

·  Next Fix-It day is August 24st. Brian S. has volunteered. Please do not forget the booth, etc., before heading up to the Anacortes Farmers Market.

·  The author of “101 Things to do on Whidbey Island” would like to donate books for the Foundation to use as a fundraiser.

·  The idea of Eco-cabins was presented again. It was discussed and agreed that Estelle will present a business by August 8th to be presented to Park Admin. staff.

c)  Centennial Committee Update

·  Committee meeting preceded Board meeting. All is ready for Saturday.

VI.  Unfinished business

·  Website: automatic billing with “How It Works” for website hosting skipped a year. Next bill will have two payments due.

·  Estelle J. has agreed to take over the website when Sam W. leaves.

VII.  New Business

·  Jack H. has offered room in the park’s double wide trailer for Foundation’s storage space. It was enthusiastically accepted.

·  Julian Lee has volunteered to spearhead a Marketing plan to help generate more benefactors. Will work with Fundraising team on strategy.

  1. Adjournment

·  Liz Merriman adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM

·  Meeting minutes submitted by Liz Merriman, President.