Marzano’s Effective Instructional Strategies with iPad Connection

Math Resource for iPad

Effective Instructional Strategies / iPad Resources
Setting Objectives / *Wiki – access to lesson plans
*NCW homepage lesson plans
*Rubistar website
*Discovery Education
Providing Feedback / *"Notes” to email student feedback on work
*Rubistar website
Providing Recognition / Many game apps have built in recognition
Cues, Questions, and Advanced organizers / *Discovery Education
*Math Contest
Nonlinguistic Representation / *Idea Sketch
*Easy Chart
Summarizing & Note-taking / *Penultimate
Cooperative Learning / *Wiki discussions
*UNO game
*My Math App
Reinforcing Effort / * many games with with built in reinforcement
Identifying Similarities & Differences
Homework & Practice / *Study Island (not game mode)
*“Times Tables Warp”
*“Flash to Pass”
*“Long Division”
*“EM Name that Number”
*Flash to pass
*Long division
*Quick Graphs
*Discovery Education
*Math edge
*My Math App
*Geometry Test
* iMathematics
Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Other Quality Resources / *“Google Earth”
*“” (MCA item samplers)
*Easy Grader
*Groovy Grader
*Brain Pop

Language Arts Resources for iPad

Effective Instructional Strategies / iPad Resources
Setting Objectives / *Wiki – access to lesson plans
*NCW homepage lesson plans
*Rubistar website
*Discovery Education
Providing Feedback / *“Notes” to email student feedback on work
*Rubistar website
*Games &Apps with feedback
Providing Recognition / *Many games with built in recognition
Cues, Questions, and Advanced organizers / *Story builder
*Scratch work
*Idea sketch
*Guardian Eyewitness
Nonlinguistic Representation / *Idea sketch
Summarizing & Note-taking / *“Notes”
*Guardian Eyewitness
*Story Patch
*Discovery Education
*Time Mobile
*Time Mobile
*CNN student news podcast
*Strip designer
Cooperative Learning / *Wiki discussions
Reinforcing Effort / *Many games with built in reinforcement
Identifying Similarities & Differences / *Idea sketch
*Guardian Eyewitness
Homework & Practice / *Study Island (not game mode)
*Discovery Education
*K12 Time Reading
*Free Books
Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Other Quality Resources / *“Pages” for word processing
*“Google Earth”
*“” (MCA item samplers)
*Easy Grader
*Groovy Grader
*Dragon Dictation
*Teacher Pal

Science Apps

·  Discovery education


·  Periodic Table

·  Ted

·  Google Earth

·  BrainPop

Social Studies Apps

·  National Parks

·  CNN

·  Discovery Education

·  USA Today

·  Guardian Eyewitness

·  This Day.....

·  Ted

·  Google Earth

·  BrainPop
