SCC Biographical Data Monitoring Form

Strategic Command Course (SCC) Biographical Monitoring Form

For applications to:

  • Senior Police National Assessment Centre (Senior PNAC)
  • Senior Police Staff Assessment Process
  • Assistant Chief Officer (ACO) applications to attend the Strategic Command Course
  • External applications to attend the Strategic Command Course

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SCC Biographical Data Monitoring Form


This biographical data monitoring should be used by:

  • Police officers applying to attend the Senior Police National Assessment Centre (Senior PNAC) to attain a place on the SCC
  • Police staff applying to attend the Senior Police Staff Assessment Process to attain a place on the SCC
  • Assistant Chief Officers applying to attend the SCC
  • Those from external agencies applying to attend the SCC

This biographical data monitoring form should be completed alongside the Guidance Notes for Applications.

The data that you provide in this form is subject to the provisions under the Data Protection Act.The data will be used for equal opportunities monitoring purposes and to direct positive action initiatives.The data will only be used by members of the Selection and Assessment team and SCC team in the College of Policing.

Your name is requested on the form so that we can match your biographical data monitoring form to your application form.This is necessary to complete effective and comprehensive biographical data monitoring.Analysis will be undertaken to report on the trends relating to the biographical profile of candidates and also the success rates of different groups of candidates.It will not be used to determine the success of individuals.

Complete all elements of the Biographical Data Monitoring Form and submit to using the subject OFFICIAL (SECURE) SCC Bio Form [Applicant Name] by the application deadline, the application windows are:

  • 27 November 2017 - 31 January 2018 for those applying to attend Senior PNAC or the Senior Police Staff Assessment Centre April 2018 to attain a place on the SCC
  • 31 May 2018 - 31 July 2018 for those applying to attend Senior PNAC or the Senior Police Staff Assessment Centre November 2018 to attain a place on the SCC
  • 31 May 2018 - 19 October 2018 for ACOs and external applicants applying directly to the SCC

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SCC Biographical Data Monitoring Form

Last Name: / Preferred Name:
Force: / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Entry route to the SCC:
Police Officer application for Senior PNAC / 
Police Staff application for Senior Police Staff Assessment Process / 
ACO application to attend the SCC / 
External application to attend the SCC / 

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SCC Biographical Data Monitoring Form




Prefer not to say

Marital/Partnership Status

Civil Partnership








Prefer not to say

Academic Attainment

No formal qualifications


A Level/NVQ Level 3

Degree/NVQ Level 5

Postgraduate (e.g. MSc/PhD)

Prefer not to say

Sexual Orientation




Perfer not to say

Religious Belief/Faith







No religion

Other (please state):

Prefer not to say

Caring Responsibilities



Prefer not to say

Employment Status

Full Time

Part Time

Prefer not to say

First Language



Prefer not to say

If No please specify first language:

Ethnic Origin

Asian/Asian British – Bangladeshi

Asian/Asian British – Indian

Asian/Asian British – Pakistani

Asian/Asian British – Any other Asian background (please state):

Black/Black British – African

Black/Black British – Caribbean

Black/Black British – Any other Black background (please state):


Mixed – White and Black African

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean

Mixed – White and Asian

Mixed – Any other Mixed background (please state):

White – British

White – English

White – Scottish

White – Welsh

White – Irish

White – Any other White background (please state):

Other ethnic background

Prefer not to say

Disability (as defined by Equality Act)



Prefer not to say

If Yes please state nature of disability:

If Yes do you require a reasonable adjustment at the assessment centre



Previous application form to attend the SCC



Previous attendance at Senior PNAC/Senior Police Staff Assessment Process



If Yes please state the year(s) you attended:

Length of time in current rank/role

___ years ___ months

Length of time in police service

___ years ___ months

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