August10, 2015
Hopkinton City Council met in regular session this date at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers with Mayor Harris presiding. Present at roll call were: Hucker, Davis, Porter,Collmann, & Buckner. Absent:None.
Also present atthe meeting were:Jennifer Clemen, Brandy Beaman, Craig Wilson, Kelly Bush, Julie Kemp, Steve Herington, Doug Melchert, Mike Feldmann, and Amy Ries.
Month of July, 2015
FUND / RECEIPTS / EXPENDITURESGENERAL / $16,763.31 / $32,991.63
ROAD USE TAX / $6,457.33 / $21,364.46
AMBULANCE / $2.88 / 3,114.26
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS / $2,014.63 / $2,870.41
EMERGENCY / $172.38
POOL PROJECT / $5,970.00
SEWER FUNDS / $16,276.03 / $13,766.75
DEBT SERVICE / $1,203.43
Collmann moved, second by Davisto approve the August 10, 2015 Agendaand the Consent Agenda including: minutes of the July 13,2015 council meeting; library board report; utilities report; monthly budget and financial reports; bills approved by finance committee; building permits-Francis Wells/garage, Don Felton/garage, Lloyd Collmann/deck; cigarette permits- none; Liquor License-The Mini Mart LLC. Ayes: all. Carried.
Craig Wilson, Fire Dept., was present to update the Council.
Brandy Beaman, Little League committee member, was present to discuss the items listed on resolution #02-2016 listing which items are the Little League's responsibility and which are City's. Porter moved, second by Hucker to approve Resolution #02-2016 entitled,"A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES BETWEEN THE CITY OF HOPKINTON AND THE HOPKINTON LITTLE LEAGUE PROGRAM". Ayes: all. Carried. Estimates for concrete work was not presented.
Steve Herington, Hopkinton EMRS, was present to ask the Council to consider approving the department to become an occasional transport service. Clerk presented information about PCC Billing Company including insurance enrollments and fees. City would have to pay PCC 10% of the collected amount from the claims. On behalf of the City, PCC will try to collect any unpaid amount due by the patient. Any amount not collected, the City has the option of going thru a collection agency or participate in the state offset program to collect the remaining amount. Area services also use this company. Hucker moved, second by Buckner approving the department to become an occasional transport service. Ayes: all. Carried.
Doug Melchert, updated the Council on WWTP operations.
Mike Feldmann statedthe 13 year old pool pump broke down and cannot be replaced in time for the pool to reopen for the rest of the season. Replacement cost for the pump and impeller is between $4,000-5,000. Hucker moved, second by Collmann to purchase a new pump from Hupp Electric Motors and impeller from Pool Tech. Ayes: all. Carried. Jake Harris, City of Earlville, met with Feldmann & Ries for security camera placement. Council reviewed the prices and tabled the item until spring. Council person Porter stated the tree along the alley between 202 Third St SE and 106 Chestnut St SE needs to be cut down as well as the tree along Chestnut St beside property located at 112 Third St SE.
City received an application for an ATV permit. Applicant stated his vehicle is not registered with the IA DNR since it is being used for farm use. Ries stated the ordinance specifically states that vehicles have to be registered with the IA DNR. Council agreed the applicant will need to register with the DNR before the permit can be issued.
Council reviewed sample chicken ordinances and will review again at the September meeting. They also reviewed an ordinance regarding livestock. Clerk was directed to prepare a livestock ordinance for the September meeting for consideration.
Clerks Report: Annual exam has been completed. City received $388.66 from Hopkinton Community Church to go towards EMT training for emergency medical service. Remaining pool concession items have been sold.
Porter moved, second by Hucker to approve Resolution #03-2016 entitled,"RESOLUTION TO APPROVE NAMING DEPOSITORIES". Ayes: all. Carried.
Council Comments: None.
Porter movedfor adjournment at 9:05 p.m.
Cathy Harris, Mayor______
ATTEST: Amy M. Ries, City Clerk