FEBRUARY 19, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle, withBeck, Sandquistand Beckmanpresent.

Beck moved to approve the agendawith the following additions: Mark Turner-Unfinished Business, Kitchen downstairs-reports, CWCB letter and Administration & Road Maintenance-New Business. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Mark Turner, E911, joined the meeting. Turner presented a letter to the Board concerning compliance with the E911 lines. Turner gave the Board documentation and will look into this matter and get back to the Board.

James Wittler, Attorney, joined the meeting. Juby Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Wittler and Cumming reviewed a letter sent from the CWCB concerning mapping and flood plains. The Board asked Cumming if Julesburg was in the flood plain. Cumming will research and get back to the Board. The Board will have a work session on Monday, February 28th at 9:00 to discuss the USDA Grant. Beck then asked Wittler if the county would be responsible for an accident at an event at the fairgrounds where the building has been rented and there is alcohol involved. Discussion was held. The Board will add this to the worksession. Discussion was then held on Resolution #2013-011, Petition for Abatement for Jess & Phyllis Smith.

Beck moved to deny Resolution #2013-011, Petition for Abatement for Jess & Phyllis Smith for property located at 717 Ash Street, Julesburg. Bauerle second, carried. Cumming left the meeting.

Paula Fraker, Mike Sullivan and Gary Price, SCED, joined the meeting. Sullivan explained that the Economic Development Board would like to discuss getting benefits for director Connie Juhl. Discussion was held. Sullivan asked the Board if Juhl can be covered as an employee by the county insurance. Beckman explained that because Juhl is not a county employee, she cannot be covered. The Board was asked if there was anything financially they could do to help cover the cost of insurance. They answered that they increased the amount paid to SCED annually this year so they are unable to increase that amount any more. The guests left the meeting.

Sandquist moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Second by Beck, carried.

Bauerle moved to approve theFebruary 12, 2013 minutes as presented. Second by Beck, carried.

Lisa Ault and Cindy Wecker, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Beck moved to approve the Human Service agenda. Second by Sandquist, carried. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2013 meeting. Second by Beck, carried. Beck moved to approve the December financials. Second by Sandquist, carried. Ault’s travel vouchers were signed. There were no Child support collections reported. Medicaid expenditures in January, 2013 were $137,372.36. Ault and Wecker left the meeting.

Beck reported on the kitchen in the community room of the courthouse and the painting behind the counter.

The Board reviewed a bid from Stuart Ranch for the painting of the courtroom. Beck moved to table the bid. Sandquist second, carried.

Beck reported on an offer made by EnableBillingto allow a discount for early payoff for an ambulance bill. Discussion was held. Crystal at enable was contacted by phone. Crystal contacted the citizen to offer a 20% discount off of the aging ambulance bill if paid off in full or to make $50 per month payments. The citizen agreed to pay $50 per month.

Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-006 to renew Certificate # 40010694 for $190,500 with Points West Community Bank for 18 months at .50% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Sandquist moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-007 to renew Certificate # 40010693 for $190,500 with Points West Community Bank for 12 months at .45% interest. Second by Beck, carried.

Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-008 to renew Certificate # 333453 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 12 months at .45% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Bauerle moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-009 to renew Certificate # 333555 for $400,000 with Points West Community Bank for 12 months at .45% interest. Second by Beck, carried.

Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-010 to renew Certificate # 333554 for $400,000 with Points West Community Bank for 12 months at .45% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Sandquist expressed his concerns that his road has not been graded for six weeks considering that it used to be graded every three weeks and feels that it may been retaliation. Sandquist then told the Board there have been a lot of complaints concerning the process of the appointment of the new Assessor. Beck and Bauerle have not heard any complaints and asked Sandquist to have the concerned citizens call either or both of them to discuss this issue.

Mark Turner, E911, re-joined the meeting. Sandquist moved to send AT&T a letter to request Phase I and Phase II. Beck second, carried. Turner left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board