Faculty Timeline for Coordination of
Summer Faculty-Led Programs
Standard service level from the Study Abroad Programs Office
The purpose of this document is to provide program leaders with the general framework of the processes involved in developing a faculty led program. The timeline should be used as a guide.
□The Study Abroad Programs Office (SAPO) will notify faculty of proposal statusand assignment to a specific study abroad advisor to the program. The first planning meeting will arranged.
Faculty Leaders:
□Discuss with department the development and financial management of program: the Study Abroad Office can assist fully (called: standard service level) or in a limited capacity if the department/college and their business office have the infrastructure to manage recruitment, budgeting, student fee charge and all logistical set ups. Note that some colleges require one type of level.
□Develop a detailed itinerary: day-by-day class, lectures, activities, academic field trip, and/or cultural visit
□Write a one-paragraph program description and share pictures with study abroad advisor for brochure
□Identify the size of your group: minimum/ideal/maximum number of students
□Contact foreign partner (if any) to discuss what they can offer academically and logistically
□Contact foreign vendor(s) if already identified to evaluate availability and prices based on need and itinerary
□Discuss recruitment ideas with department advisors to identify target student population (by department , classroom visits, informational, listserv announcement, international program coordinator from college)
Study Abroad Office (or department/college is limited service level chosen):
□Submit request to charge program fees for new programs through the Student Fee Committee to the President’s Office. This process takes 4-6 weeks. Accounts cannot be set up to charge and collect program fees without this approval.
□Study Abroad Advisor meet with faculty leader to discuss project:
- Service level requested for program management (standard or limited)
- Confirm courses for the program and any potential alterations (addition, deletion, change in faculty or session)/ Submit a proposal modification form for changes that need approval.
- Fine tune program dates and travel dates (if different).
- Decide prerequisites, selection process, application requirements and application deadline
- Discuss marketing/recruitment plan: Study Abroad Fair in September (rsvp for table reservation)
- Review itinerary, activities, field trips and cost estimates
□SAPO will design tentative budget to calculate program cost to be used in promotional material
□Study abroad advisor will create the program website and brochure.
Finalize itinerary and logistical needs to receive cost estimates:
□Work with SAPO advisor on tentative budget based on detailed itinerary and needs of the program
□SAPO will contact program provider and/or vendors to create contracts for payment approval. Those will be routed to Contract and Grants and the Provost Office for approval (prepayment requirement).It can take up to 3 months for the university to route and sign contracts (through the Provost Office and Contract & Grants Office). No pre-payments can be remitted without a signed contract.
Marketing and study recruitment: Faculty and SAPO collaboration
□Finalize content for brochure, program specific website, fliers, listserv announcements.
□Design marketing plan with classroom presentations (most successful when faculty involved), informational sessions, outreach to academic advisors and departments. SAPO advisor will assist with the recruitment efforts where the need is identified (standard service).
□Establish prerequisites and selection process: application review, student interviews (faculty choice), GPR
□Both faculty and SAPO advisor will communicate with interested students and will send them to the program website and application portal. There will be regular follow ups.
Course and financial set ups
□SAPO office will submit program courses to the Provost and THECB for approval to be taught overseas.
□SAPO will work with the Academic Affairs Business office to establish financial accounts (FAMIS and detail codes) to charge students and process program invoices.
□Encourage students to apply for or renew his/her passport as soon as possible. SAPO is a Passport Application Acceptance Facility for Texas A&M and the general public:
□Encourage students to explore funding opportunities: grants, loans, scholarships, and sponsorships. SAPO will offer informational sessions on funding and will advise students at events and at Study Abroad office.
□Continue with recruitment and program arrangements
□Firm up cost estimates in order to finalize budget in December. Most students talk about program expenses and make decisions about participation with parents during holidays and school breaks.
□SAPO liaison will prepare and send teaching faculty members the Study Abroad Course Request form to complete for each course and to forward to their department heads. Department heads will review, sign and forward to the Office of the Registrar for set up in the system. Special Topics courses will also require the standard Special Topics form. Templates are at: ( and the Departmental Request for Special Topics Course ( if teaching a 289/489/689 course.
□Submit a copy of your Pre-Trip Travel Authorization email from Concur to your SAPO liaison. The Fiscal Management Office (FMO) cannot remit payment for any program’s invoices without it including faculty airfare
□Assess program enrollment and determine contingency plan, in case the program does not reach desired student numbers. Work with SAPO liaison to establish a spring semester recruitment plan, if necessary.
January – FEBRUARY (~4 Months prior to program start)
□Reviewairfare guidelinesand discuss purchase of faculty airfare as well as group flight options for students with SAPO liaison. It is recommended to purchase flights in February or early March to obtain the best rates. Concur Travel Authorization must be approved before purchase
□Provide a final itinerary
□Coordinate with SAPO liaison to schedule pre-departure orientations and to discuss roles and responsibilities. SAPO will assist with two pre-departure orientations for standard service programs. They include a session on health and safety.
□Encourage students to apply to and confirm participation in the program before February 1stin order to be eligible to apply for SAPO Scholarships: Scholarships awards are announcedby the Scholarships and Financial Aid Office in late March.
□Encourage students to talk to SAPO and attend funding workshops.
February- MARCH (~3 Months prior to program start)
□Recommended time for first orientation meeting.
□Encourage students to talk to SAPO to discuss program and funding opportunities.
□Encourage students to return paperwork and complete require on-line forms as soon as possible.
□Program fees will be posted (by SAPO liaison) to student accounts, typically in two or three installments.
□SAPO liaison will begin processing invoices for program expenses once they arrive and contracts have been approved by the Provost.
□Faculty will receive briefing information from the SAPO director through an online program or through a meeting (for new faculty leaders)
□Invoice payments for program expenses will continue to be processed by SAPO.
□Finalize detailed itinerary and list of onsite expenses for projected activities.
□Program fees will continue to be posted to student accounts by SAPO.
□Finalize the faculty travel dates to purchase the faculty airfare. Finalize the travel dates and options for students, whether there are part of a group airfare or they are instructed to meet at a specific location, at a set time and day.
april – MAY (~1 Month prior to program start)
□Second SAPO orientation meeting. Faculty may add pre-departure orientations.
□Faculty to decide: who will handle the working fund (on-site expenses), do they want a credit card.
□SAPO liaison will schedule working fund/exit meeting with AABS Office at least two weeks prior to faculty departure from College Station.
□Invoice payments for program expenses will continue to be processed by SAPO.
□Program fees will continue to be posted to student accounts by SAPO.
□Submit copy of passport and personal emergency contact information to SAPO liaison.
□Meet with SAPO and AABS for Exit/Working Fund Meeting to discuss finalized program details and budget
□SAPO liaison will register students with the Department of State
□Go abroad! (if first summer session or summer 10-week program).
□Notify SAPO liaison of the group’s safe arrival and provide on-site contact number, if you have not done already.
□Contact the Study Abroad Office if you have any concern or emergency while abroad.
□Submit receipts and supporting working fund documentation to AABS within 14 days of return to College Station.
□After return, SAPO liaison will contact faculty to schedule a meeting to debrief
□Submit class evaluations and grades to college/department upon return to College Station.
O:\GPS\SAPO\FACULTY LED PROGRAMS\FACULTY\Faculty MEETINGS and FORMS\Faculty Timeline DRAFTS\Timeline for Summer Faculty-Led Programs_DRAFT 13.docx Page 1 of 3 Last Updated: 6 Aug 2013