IF SC Meeting Minutes02-07-05
The teleconference meetingconvened at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Roll call:


Patti Aymond

Rex Brooks

Art Botterell

Sukamar Dwarkanath

Dave Ellis

Tim Grapes

Gary Ham

Elysa Jones

Tom Merkle

Michelle Raymond

Carl Reed

Eleanor Robinson

Boris Schur

Lee Tinscher

Sylvia Webb

Reading & Approval of last meeting minutes:

Old Business:

Sensor symbology for DHS Symbology Group?

Ask Dave Ellis & Michelle Raymond for input.

Compile a listing of sensor standards and ongoing sensor working groups to determine overlap and partnering (leveraging) opportunities.

NIST Sensor Harmonization group now handling. The EM TC and IF SC will be very active with NIST.

Status of action items from last meeting:

Michele Raymond will be the liaison between the OASISBuilding Sensors WG and the IF SC.

Dave Ellis will be the liaison between the DTRA SSIWG and the IF SC.

New Business:

Discuss re-define of IF SC mission and update our mission & scope statements.

Discuss NIST Sensor Harmonization Committee meeting March 14, 2006:

e-mail from Dr. Kang Lee [ :


I invite you to attend a second meeting of the Sensor Standards Harmonization Working Group as we have scheduled at the end of our first meeting in December at NIST. It will be held on March 14, 2006, in coincidence with the NIST Interoperability Week. Our meeting in December provided attendees with a high-level understanding of the relevant programs underway. For this follow on meeting, I would like to engage key standards body representatives in a more in-depth, detailed and technical discussion of the sensor related standards work that we are advancing. A key goal of this meeting would be to identify, at a deeper level of understanding, the capabilities, degree of compatibility, and issues related to the sensor standards framework that is evolving via IEEE, OASIS, OGC and others. The location of the meeting place at NIST will be distributed later and the direction to NIST can be found at

Please send me an e-mail if you plan to attend this meeting. Also, feel free to distribute this meeting announcement to your colleagues or people you think who might be interested to attend.

In addition, I am also calling a one-day technical working meeting in Huntsville, Alabama on March 7 (TBR), the week before our Second Sensor Standards Harmonization Working Group meeting, This time and location is advantageous for a number of reasons. Several of the standards experts involved in OASIS and OGC work are located in Huntsville, and the OGC is holding its Technical Committee meetings that week, which gives us opportunity to interact with their members on sensor standards issues. Additionally, Oak Ridge National Lab staff would like to arrange for a detailed discussion of their standards-based SensorNet work being conducted at FortBragg -- their prime contractor on this effort is located in Huntsville.

I propose the following agenda for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any changes or additions to contribute:

Introductions and Welcome

Summary of findings from the initial NIST Sensor Standards Harmonization Meeting

Detailed discussions of Standards Efforts

IEEE 1451


OGC Sensor Web Enablement


CBRN Common Data Model



The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.