Sources – Part I

To aid the reader, sources are listed in order of use

CPI: Nothing Like Heat, Right?

Feeling Depressed? 27 Depressing Statistics About The U.S. Economy

West Region Consumer Price Index

Arizona State University Annual Financial Reports

Maricopa Community Colleges Annual Financial Reports

How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke

Team Marketing Report – NFL Prices

Estimated Probability of Competing in Athletics Beyond High School

Jesus of Suburbia (historical home square footage)

Living in Beverly Hills (automobile quote)

The Plight of the Working Class (median income, number employed and debt graphs)

Stock Charts

Home Price Index Graph

Case Shiller Absolute House Price vs. Median Household Income

Empty Houses Taking Toll on Valley

Nearly 20% of Florida Homes are Vacant

Population and Housing Unit Change: 2000 to 2010

Negative Home Equity Continues to Rise

Home-Price Drop Leaves 27% of U.S. Owners Underwater on Loans, Zillow Says

More Americans leaving the workforce

Take This Job and Shove It (food stamp graph)

Walmart's Midnight Baby Formula Bread Line

One in Four Households Have No Net Worth

BofA CEO: Owners Shouldn't Look at Home as an Asset

“EBRI’s 2011 RCS: How Many Workers Are Postponing Retirement? Why?”

Sources – Part II

To aid the reader, sources are listed in order of use

Maricopa Community Colleges Fall Enrollment

NACE Press Releases

2011 College Grads Finding a Better Job Market

End of the ‘Ownership Society’

Bernanke Quotes

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession

NACE 2010 Summer Salary Survey

ASU Tuition and Fees

Fewer and Less Qualified StudentsAre Choosing Accounting as a Major


WP Carey Cost of Attending

Graduation Rates

Why Did 17 Million Students Go to College?

Arizona Board of Regents Annual Report (under Governance/Accountability)

Big Tuition Hikes Urged by State's 3 Universities (52% Graduated in Debt)

Sallie Mae

Student Loan Debt Exceeds Credit Card Debt in USA

Maricopa Community Colleges Adopted Budgets

Income Tax Credits