Tourism London Youth Grand Prix

Youth Cup #5

Saturday August 5th 2017

Technical Guide

Version 1.3 June 26th, 201

General Information

Youth Cup RR (1.35 km per lap)

  • All races will be held as timed events.
  • A race clock will be displayed and replaced with a “laps to go” at the Chief Commissaries’ discretion at any point in the race.
  • All riders will finish on the same lap.
  • The winner of the race will be determined by the places in the final sprint.

Youth Cup ITT (1.35 km per lap)

  • Athletes will start in 30 sec intervals
  • Time trial will run counter-clockwise around the circuit

Results will be posted 20 minutes after the last rider is finished. Race results will only be published online. While every effort will be made to start the races as advertised, delays can happen. All riders should be ready to race at least 15 minutes before their advertised start time. Races will not be delayed for late riders.

Registration Information

  • Registration is available at Wednesday August 2rdat midnight.
  • Sign in for pre-registered riders will be available up to 30 minutes before each race.
  • All riders must sign in at registration to receive race number and race package.
  • Sign on is located at 555 Admiral Dr, London, ON N5V 4L6
  • Cost $35.00 (all fees and HST included)
  • Youth Cup Requirements: UCI License or Citizen Permit


The race day will start with the time trial and finish with the road race. Time trial times start times will be posted on on Friday, August 4. The first rider off will be at 9:30am starting with the E grade. For each road race, there will be a 10 min gap between races. Pre-riding the course will be permitted after the time trial when the course is clear, up until 5 mins prior to the E grade road race.Awards will be presented at the end of each race.

A Grade / 7.12M / U19 Female - top 5 in the 2016 Ontario Cup Series
U19 Male - finishing in the 2016 Ontario Cup Series
U17 Male - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series / 65 Minutes / 2:05pm / 6 laps
B Grade / 7.12M / U19 Female - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
U 19 Female - mid pack in the 2016 Ontario Cup Series
U17 Female - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
U17 Male - finishing in the pack
U15 Male - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
New U19/U17 riders / 55 Minutes / 1:05pm / 4 laps
C Grade / 7.12M / U17 Female - finishing in the pack
U15 Female - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
U15 Male - finishing in the pack
U13 Male - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
New U17/U15 riders / 45 Minutes / 12:10pm / 4 laps
D Grade / 7.12M / U13 Female - finishing in the pack,
U11Male - top 5 in the 2016 Youth Cup Series
New U15/U13 riders / 35 Minutes / 11:35am / 2 laps
E Grade / 7.12M / U11 Female - finishing in the pack
U11 Male – New athletes
New – U13/U11 riders / 25 Minutes / 11:00am / 2 lap

Course Map

Course Safety

  • This is a 1.35 km closed course. This is a 20+ feet (2 + car lanes) wide loop ideal for Bicycle Racing. The turns are gradual and safe. There is no elevation change.
  • In case of lightning, the race may be delayed or cancelled. If you are informed that the race has been stopped due to lightning, you are advised to seek shelter until the race can resume. If the race is cancelled, refunds will not be made
  • For your safety, if you withdraw from the event for any reason, you must inform the nearest Commissaire that you are no longer racing.
  • You are required to wear an approved, regulation cycling helmet at all times while astride your bike, from the moment you arrive at the race until you leave.
  • Lapped riders out of contention may be withdrawn from the race.

General Event Rules and Regulations

•Theraceswillbe heldundertherulesoftheUCIwith CCAandOCA modifications.

•The CCOCArulesareavailableon-line at:



•Warminguponthecourseisnotpermitted with the except noted in the schedule section.

•Allridersmust signonatregistration.

•Allforeignlicensedridersotherthan U.S.ridersmustproducealetterofpermissionfromtheir country’sfederation.

•AnOCArepresentativewillbepresentattherace toassistwithriderlicensingissues.Licenses must be purchased in advance. Licenses will not be made available for sale at the event.

•Raceswillstartpromptlyatthe indicatedstarttimes.



•Anyriderdroppingoutof theraceshallimmediatelynotifyacommissaire.

•Riderswho aredroppedfromthemainbunchmust proceedattheirownriskandshouldalways,whenpossible,ride on therightside of theroadwiththe flowof traffic.

•Awardswill bepresentedaccordingtothepublishedschedule.Top-3finishersarerequiredto attend awardpresentationsorriskforfeitingtheirawards.Ridersmustweartheircompetitionuniformsforthepresentation.

Specific Course Rules

•As this is a criterium race, riders will be given free laps for recognized mishaps (e.g. crashes, punctures and being caught behind a crash). Improperly maintained bicycles resulting in equipment failure is not considered a mishap. Riders suffering mishaps shall head to the designated pit area via any means other than travelling backwards on the course, report to the Commissaire, and make repairs. At the direction of the Commissaire only, riders will be allowed to resume the race at the same location in the pack where they had their mishap.

•The pit will be closed when there are 5 laps remaining in the race from the perspective of the race leader. No more free laps will be given after this point. The Wheel Pit is located near the Start/Finish area.

•There is no outside feeding allowed in this race

•Lapped riders may be pulled at the order of the Commissaries, either after being overtaken or just before being overtaken. Otherwise, lapped riders must remain separate, even when being overtaken by riders in their own group.

•If two or more riders overtake the field and remain there after there is less than 5km left in the race from the perspective of the race leader, the overtaking riders will be sprinted separately from the field. Instructions on this process will be given by the Commissaries at the start line before the race.


•The wearing of an approved helmet is mandatory.

•Cycling gloves are strongly recommended.

•The participants are encouraged to ride on a road-racing bicycle however other suitable bicycles may be utilized.

•No aero bars, time trial bikes, or other “aero” equipment are permitted.

•All equipment must be in good repair, have adequate tires and operating brakes.

•Warm-up ideally to be completed on trainers.

•Racers be careful during staging and warm-up if on the street.

•Traffic will be restricted and there will be police and marshals on site.

Podium Protocol

Ontario Youth Cup Series:

•Medals will be awarded to the top three Male & Female finishers in both the Time Trial and Road Race for each category.

•Participants do not have to complete both events.

•Ties will be broken by the highest placing in the Time Trial

•Podium awards the top 3 finishers in all categories.

•Participants do not have to complete both events to be eligible for awards

Top-3 finishers are required to attend award presentations or they may be assessed a penalty. Riders must wear their competition uniforms for the presentation. Hats and sunglasses are not allowed on the podium

Directions to Event

Use the address 565 Admiral Dr, London, ON to find the course via GPS. Please be warned that the exit from Veterans Memorial Drive from the 401 is closed. There is a Tim Hortons on the opposite corner of Admiral Dr and Veterans Memorial Dr.

From Toronto and Windsor:

Take Westchester-Bourne Exit 195 when coming from Toronto and turn left onto Hamilton Rd. Turn right onto Veterans Memorial Dr until you get to Trafalgar and turn right. Turn left onto Sovereign Dr. Parking is on Sovereign Dr and Admiral.