Minutes of the Celtics Booster Club Meeting July 8, 2015.
Sammi Freehill called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and David Glorioso said the opening prayer.
In attendance: Sammi Freehill, Billy Ray Laxton, John Pliska, Sandy Pliska, David Butler, David Glorioso, Maria Villela, Rebecca Brink, Lindsay Freedenberg and Rhonda Kasberg.
Members absent: Coach Yosten, Sandra Esqueda.
Minutes from the previous meeting on June 10, 2015 were reviewed and discussed by Sammi Freehill.
Old Business
Sammi discussed the controversy of the Booster Club’s financial statement. Apparently there were additional expenses that were not tabulated and some retained earnings from last year that were not added it. She said that overall the booster club should be in the black but that we will likely start with a clean slate (0 budget) this year. There was concern that that is an outstanding bill for banners that were made for the annual banquet.
Treasurer’s Report
Billy Ray Laxton gave the financial statement that was summarized by stating that for the year we had income of $9070.83 and expenses of $9655.45 with a deficit of $584.62.
Income for the booster club mainly comes from concession sales and sale of spirit gear. The Booster club is responsible for the banners made for the annual banquet but the athletic dept. covers the cost for trophies and plaques.
We then discussed the job descriptions for each of the positions open this year for the Booster Club Board.
Volunteer coordinater- a member of the board who organizes sales of concessions at games (purchases goods, delivers them, arranges for someone to sell items at games) Joanna Laxton was our volunteer coordinator last year and she did a wonderful job. She did a lot of the work herself. It was discussed that it is possible to get “burnt out” in this position when there are not enough helpers. Rhonda mentioned that it might be better to have parents volunteer to help with a particular sport and allow the coordinator to supervise. This has worked at other schools and spreads the work to numerous parents. We need to approach parents of students who are active in a particular sport if they will be willing to help with that sport (concessions, sale of spirit gear etc.). Lindsay mentioned that we might coordinate volunteers from parents of “forensic” students who could help out when forensics wasn’t very active and “sports” parents could help out in forensics when sports events are not active.
Treasurer- reports on income and expenses from reports obtained from Ms. Riley in the school office. Keeps a running report of profit/loss.
Secretary- Keeps minutes from each Booster club meeting, types them up and emails them out in a timely fashion.
The need to raise awareness of the responsibility of parents to volunteer with booster club activities was discussed. The could be discussed at the “Welcome Night”.
Vice President- fills in for duties of the President when the President is absent. Acts as President-elect for the coming year.
President- sets the agenda and runs the monthly Booster Club meeting. Coordinates all booster club activities and acts as liaison/intermediary between the booster club and the administration.
New Business
President- Sammi Freehill
Vice President- Kelly Sheets
Volunteer Coordinator- Mary Doak
Treasurer- Billy Ray Laxton
Secretary- Rhonda Kasberg
Billy Laxton demonstrated a new logo on a T-shirt to be sold as spirit gear. It had the 4 torches in the shape of a cross and had “Building Christian Leaders for tomorrow” and Holy Trinity Catholic High School.
This logo will be place on “dry fit” material and cotton shirts.
We plan to have a fire sale for old inventory.
We discussed our current inventory available at Rocksports in Round Rock.
Important dates:
The Annual School Picnic will be Saturday August 15 at Belton Lake.
Trivia night- to be determined
Open House- August 9 (2-3 pm)
New Parent Orientation August 6
The Booster Club meeting has been moved to Wednesday Aug. 5 instead of August 12 in order to accommodate other meeting at this busy time of year.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm with a closing prayer said by David Butler.