On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Cynthia Abrahamson
Lesson PlanAssessments may occur at any time during the lesson and should be noted in the appropriate section of the lesson; supporting assessment or lesson documents may be attached as a separate page.
Learning Objective: I can roll a ball underhand to a target. / Lesson Notes/materials:
Set up 6 bowling lanes in gym using:
10 Bowling pins per lane
Bowling balls
Poly spots
Gator skin balls
Lively music
Use re-printed circles on gym floor to assist in pin placement
*This class includes one student with Down Syndrome.
SOL: 1.1c – The student will demonstrate approaching mature forms (at least two critical elements) for use in the manipulative skill of rolling a ball underhand to a target.
Link to Background Knowledge
What is the background knowledge that students need to meet the learning objective? May include pre-assessment or review of previous instruction.
Students have been taught the skill cues for underhand throw and rolling a ball. Ask the students to think back to the cues they have learned previously for the underhand throw and rolling a ball.
Ask the students to raise a quiet hand if they have ever been bowling. What is the object of the game? What equipment is used? How do we send the ball down toward the pins (throw or roll)?
Engage and Explain
What is the knowledge or skill that students will need to be successful in meeting the learning objective?
Explain to the students that we will be learning how to roll a bowling ball, and we will be bowling. Demonstrate how to hold the ball. Tell and show them that the pinky and pointer fingers do NOT go in the holes. Have the students demonstrate “Texas Longhorns” to show they know which fingers to place in the ball holes. The middle and ring finger go in the top holes, and the thumb stands alone in the bottom hole. Demonstrate how to roll the bowling ball. Stand with ball in front of chest. Take three steps starting with the opposite foot that you are rolling with, push ball out in front, bend knees, backswing and release ball forward on the third step (“tick-tock”), follow through, ball should roll smoothly and not bounce. Emphasize bending the knees and follow-through toward the pins.
Active Learning
How will students apply the new knowledge?
Divide students into 6 groups by sending each one to a lane. One student will stand behind the pins. Each bowler will have 2 bowls to knock down as many pins as possible. The first student in line will roll the ball toward the pins. The student standing behind the pins will retrieve the ball and roll it back to the bowler for their second turn. At the end of their second turn, have the bowler add the total number of pins they knocked down. At the end of the second turn, the student standing behind the pins will set the pins back up, bring the bowling ball to the front of the line and will stand at the end of the line. The bowler will become the student standing behind the pins. Place poly spots on the floor to show students where to stand.
What will you do for students who have early success?
For students who easily knock down their pins, challenge them to move their poly spot back a step after each successful underhand roll. / What will you do for students who need additional support (special needs, EL, or more time/practice)?
Simplify/reduce the number of steps.
Have the student stand closer to the pins.
Use two hands to hold the ball rather than one.
Remain in stationary position.
Ask a competent peer to provide verbal cues and shadow the student.
Give continuous verbal cues.
Give student a smaller, lighter ball to roll (gator skin ball).
Reduce the number of pins.
How will students connect new learning to previous learning? How will students make connections?
Ask students: Why did some balls bounce instead of roll? (Did not bend knees when rolling.) What can we do to try to make the ball go towards the pins instead of away from them? (Follow through.) / Assessment: How will students know if they got it? How will teacher know if students got it?
Formative assessment – visually assess the students as they bowl, looking for the following cues: stand with ball in front of chest, take three steps starting with the opposite foot, push ball out in front, bend knees, backswing and release on the third step (“tick-tock”), follow through. Provide positive reinforcement and corrective feedback when appropriate.
Summative assessment – See rubric below
Next Steps
What is the real world application for this new learning? How does it connect to future learning?
This lesson provides some basic skills and knowledge to allow students to participate competitively and/or socially in the lifelong activity of bowling. This activity can contribute to a pattern of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Assessment Rubric
Bowling Ball Underhand to Target
Steps / Never / Sometimes / AlwaysStand with ball in front of chest / 1 / 2 / 3
Take 3 steps starting with opposite foot / 1 / 2 / 3
Push ball out in front / 1 / 2 / 3
Bend knees / 1 / 2 / 3
Backswing and release (tick tock) / 1 / 2 / 3
Follow through toward target / 1 / 2 / 3
Ball rolls smoothly and doesn’t bounce / 1 / 2 / 3
Total Score: ______