Faculty of Medicine & Biological Sciences: Graduate Studies
Student: ______Email (): ______
University Department: ______Degree (PhD/MD): ______
Supervisor: ______Initial registration date (mm/yr): ______
Year of Study: Year 1(APG) ; Year 2 ; Year 3 ; Year 4(writing-up)
(tick one box)
Instructions (Important - Please Read!)
Every year, each student should assess and record the skills that he/she needs to develop in addition to the discipline-specific research and technical skills that will be acquired through the research project. The Research Councils expect a student to receive the equivalent of two weeks skills-training per year.
Details of skills-training offered via the Faculty PG Training Programme and the Student Learning Centre are available at URLS, and , and on the Blackboard site that supports the Faculty Programme .
Summary of actions needed
- At the start of the academic year each student should meet with his/her supervisor and Thesis Committee to decide what skills-training he/she should undergo; the Summaries of what is covered in each session may be helpful. The outcome of this discussion should be recorded on the Training Needs-Assessment Form and signed by student and supervisor. The completed form should be attached to the Thesis Committee Training Plan in the Student’s Progress File, and copies retained by the supervisor and departmental Postgraduate Tutor.
- The student must also complete the faculty Training Booking Forms (one per Semester). To reserve a place at each of the training sessions he/she wishes to attend the student MUSTsendthe completed Booking Formto;-
PG Secretary, Faculty Office, MedicalSchool, Maurice Shock Bldg, University Rd.
The information is needed in order to book places at the sessions, and to notify session leaders about class sizes and how much hand-out material to prepare.
NB. Numbers at some sessions are limited by the capacity of the room; students will be notified whether or not they have secured a place; those who have not booked will be turned away.
- Students should maintain a record of all training undertaken on their Postgraduate Training Passport/Record of Achievement, which should also be kept in the Progress File.
- At the “end of the year” progress-assessment meetings, particularly at the end of year 1 when APG upgrade is decided, students must present both their Training Plan/Training Needs Assessment Form and Postgraduate Training Passport/Record of Achievement to the Thesis Committee for consideration.
Code / Topic (* = Core) / Notes / Yearrecommended / AttendTransferable Skills
TS1 / Planning & managing your doctorate; Personal development planning* / Each session limited to 30.
TS2 / Critical appraisal & study skills * / APG
TS3 / Demonstrating and teaching skills * / Needed if demonstrating in undergraduate lab classes.
Each session limited to 30.
MUST BOOK PLACES Repeated in each semester / APG
TS4 / Working with others; teamwork & leadership * / Each session limited to 30.
TS5 / Basic e-library skills / For ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS or those needing refresher
CFS registration (user @le.ac.uk) needed. Each session limited to 40.
TS6 / Internet searching; beyond Google / CFS registration (user @le.ac.uk) needed. Limited to 40 / APG
TS7 / Writing up your research & getting it published* / 2/3
TS8 / Use of MS-Word for long documents * (theses and reports) / CFS registration (user @le.ac.uk) needed.
Limited to 40 / APG
TS9 / Giving research seminars & conference talks * / APG
TS10 / Off to a conference? Posters and how to prepare them* / APG
TS11 / Improving your Powerpoint presentations * / APG
TS12 / Building a portfolio of career-skills * / Two alternative sessions; indicate date preferred on Booking Form / APG
TS13 / Completing your research and writing the thesis * / 2/3
TS14 / Preparing for your viva * / 3/4
TS15 / Faculty PG Careers Symposium * / Deposit cheque required to secure place; returned on attendance. / 2/3/4
TS16 / Creativity & problem-solving workshop / APG
TS17 / Small worlds; social networks for lab-based pg scientists / APG
Generic Research Skills
GR1 / Laboratory safety *
(i) Safety management & risk assessment
(ii) Biological & chemical hazards
(iii) Radiation safety
(iv) Genetic modification / Compulsory for all laboratory workers using these materials / APG
GR2 / Use of radio-chemicals in life sciences Research / Book places at / Any
GR3 / Experimental design & practical statistics * / Course of 6 sessions; students expected to attend all sessions.
Limited to 44 participants. / APG
GR4 (E) / Advanced database searching & bibliographic software; use of ENDNOTE* / CFS registration (user @le.ac.uk) needed. Repeated sessions each limited to 44; indicate date preferred on Booking Form. / APG
GR4 (R) / Advanced database searching & bibliographic software; use of REFWORKS* / APG
GR5 / IPR, protection & commercialisation of research * / Any
GR6a / Ethical issues in research; use of animals / Any
GR6b / Ethical issues in research; research on human subjects & materials / Any
GR7 / Research governance and ethical approval procedures / Any
GR8 / StatsVision: online tuition for statistics / Any
Science Skills
SS1 / DNA Bioinformatics; databases & GCG programme / CFS (user @le.ac.uk) and ULTRA registration needed / APG
SS2 / DNA sequencing & genomics; science & services / APG
SS3 / DNA sequence compilation & analysis; BioLinux & Staden programmes / Any
SS4 / Protein Bioinformatics: databases & programmes / CFS (user @le.ac.uk) and ULTRA registration needed / APG
SS5 / Protein sequencing & proteomics / Any
SS6 / Microarrays / Any
SS7 / Structural biology & protein modelling / Any
SS8 / Chromosome analysis & molecular karyotyping / Any
SS9 / Advanced microscopy/Bioimaging / Any
SS10 / Protein expression and recovery / Any
Other Training Opportunities (seminars, conferences, courses, etc)
Graduate School Festival of PG Research: presenting research to the wider audience & dealing with the media* / Students must apply via the Student Learning Centre
Deposit cheque required; returned on attendance. / 2/3/4
Vitae/UKGRAD Graduate School
or equivalent * / Free to all RC students
See Vitae/UKGrad Web site / 2/3
BioTechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES) competition / See BiotechnologyYES web site / 2/3/4
PGR Training Needs Assessment, 2008/09