MIRA 2 Módulo 6 Barcelona
Unidad 1 La ciudad (pp. 96–97)Framework objectives
/ Reinforce: 8W1 Adding abstract words; 8W4 Word endings; 8S2 Connectives in extended sentences; 8T2 Expression in text; 8T5 Writing continuous textLesson starters / Starter 1:Revising language for expressing an opinion
Starter 2:Revising a with the definite article
Plenary / Revising ¿Qué hay en la ciudad? and Hay … with places in a city; revising expressions used to give an opinion
Learning targets / Saying what there is to see and do in Barcelona
Justifying your opinions of a place
Grammar / Comparatives and superlatives (revision)
me gusta/me encanta + verb/noun
(Programmes of study) / NC levels 2–4
1c use a range of vocab/structures
2a listen for gist and detail
3b interpret meaning
5c express feelings and opinions
5d respond to spoken/written language
5e use a range of resources
5i work in variety of contexts
Contexts / Personal and social life: holidays and special occasions
The world around us: people, places and customs
The international world: tourism at home and abroad
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–4 / Understand the vocabulary for places in BarcelonaUnderstand a listening text about places in Barcelona and reasons for visiting them
Understand a listening text in which people talk about Barcelona
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about places in Barcelona and reasons for visiting them
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand a text giving people’s opinions of Barcelona (whether they like it, why and what they like doing there)
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write a text describing their own town/city
Key language / ¿Qué hay en Barcelona?
En Barcelona hay el acuario.
¿Adónde vas?
Voy …
al acuario
al Camp Nou
al cine IMAX
al monumento a Colón
al museo Picasso
al Tibidabo
a la playa de la Barceloneta y el mar
a la plaza de Cataluña
a la Sagrada Familia
a la torre Agbar
a la Villa Olímpica
a las Ramblas
Me/Le gusta Barcelona porque …
Me/Le encanta …
Me/Le gusta mucho …
ir de compras
montar en las atracciones del parque
sacar fotos
tomar el sol
ver esculturas
ver partidos de fútbol
ver películas
ver tiburones
High-frequency words / el, la, las
me, le
a (al)
de (del)
ir (voy, vas)
ICT opportunities / Internet research
Differentiation / Reinforcement: Cuaderno A, p. 52
Extension: Cuaderno B, p. 52
Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 125, exs 1–2
Literacy / Comparatives and superlatives
Resources / CD 3 tracks 21-23; Cuadernos A and B, p. 52
MIRA 2 Módulo 6 Barcelona
Unidad 2 De compras en Barcelona (pp. 98–99)Framework objectives
/ Reinforce: 8S3 Modal verbsLesson starters / Starter 1:Using reading strategies to work out new vocabulary
Starter 2:Practising using se puede/se pueden
Plenary / Summarising using se puede/se pueden
Learning targets / Talking about different types of shop
Using se puede(n) to say what can be bought there
Grammar / se puede/se pueden + infinitive
(Programmes of study) / NC levels 3–6
3a memorise words and phrases
3b interpret meaning
3c knowledge of language
3d use dictionaries
3e develop independence
Contexts / The world around us: home town and local area
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3, 6 / Understand the vocabulary for shopsUse a listening text to check answers (which items can be bought in which shops)
Understand a listening text about what people have bought and where
Speaking / AT2/4 / Ask and answer questions about which items can be bought in which shops
Reading and responding / AT3/4, 6 / Understand a text about shopping in Barcelona
Writing / AT4/3 / Copy and complete gap-fill text on shopping
Key language / ¿Dónde se puede comprar … ?
un café/un regalo
¿Dónde se pueden comprar … ?
Se puede(n) comprar … en …
un supermercado
una cafetería
una carnicería
una joyería
una librería
una panadería
una pastelería
una tienda de música
una tienda de ropa
una zapatería
High-frequency words / un, una
poder (puede, pueden)
ICT opportunities
Differentiation / Reinforcement: Cuaderno A, p. 53
Extension: Cuaderno B, p. 53
Resources / CD 3 tracks 24-26; Cuadernos A and B, p. 53; flashcards 77-86
Notes / Further information on se puede/se pueden in Pupil’s Book, Gramática 4.8, p. 134
MIRA 2 Módulo 6 Barcelona
Unidad 3 ¿Dónde está? (pp. 100–101)Framework objectives
/ Reinforce: 8T6 Text as model and sourceLesson starters / Starter 1:Revising places in Barcelona
Starter 2:Practising using ser/estar as appropriate
Plenary / Using the Mini-test to review the language of the unit
Learning targets / Asking for and giving directions
Using estar to describe where something is
Grammar / estar (present tense)
Contrasting ser and estar
(Programmes of study) / NC levels 2–4
2c ask and answer questions
2g deal with the unpredictable
3a memorise words and phrases
3d use dictionaries
5a communicate in pairs, etc.
5d respond to spoken/written language
5e use a range of resources
Contexts / The world around us: home town and local area
The world around us: people, places and customs
The international world: tourism at home and abroad
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–4 / Understand the vocabulary for directionsUnderstand listening texts about places and directions
Understand a song about places in Barcelona
Speaking / AT2/4 / Make up dialogues about asking for/giving directions
Reading and responding
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write dialogues about asking for/giving directions
Key language / Perdón …
¿Dónde está el museo Picasso?
¿Dónde están las Ramblas?
A ver …
Bueno …
Pues …
Sigue todo recto.
Dobla a la derecha.
Dobla a la izquierda.
Cruza la plaza.
Toma la primera calle a la derecha.
Toma la segunda calle a la izquierda.
(Está) al final de la calle.
Está a la derecha.
Está a la izquierda.
Está aquí.
High-frequency words / el, la, las
a (al)
estar (está, están)
tomar (toma)
ICT opportunities
Differentiation / Reinforcement: Cuaderno A, p. 54
Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 124, ex. 2
Extension: Cuaderno B, p. 54
Resources / CD 3 tracks 27-30; Cuadernos A and B, p. 54; flashcards 87-96
Notes / Further information on ser and estar in Pupil’s Book, Gramática 4.2 (d), p. 129
Assessment for learning:
Pupil’s Book, Mini-test, p. 101, Gramática worksheet M6 (Ser / estar, Giving directions)
MIRA 2 Módulo 6 Barcelona
Unidad 4 Soy turista en Barcelona (pp. 102–103)Framework objectives
/ Reinforce: 8W3Words about progress; 8W5 Verb tenses (near future tense); 8W5 Verb tenses (preterite tense – ser, –ar verbs, –er/–ir verbs); 8S7 Present, past and future; 8L5 Unscripted speechLesson starters / Starter 1:Reviewing the preterite, present and near future tenses
Starter 2:Revising time expressions
Plenary / Revising time expressions and verb tenses
Learning targets / Describing a holiday in Barcelona
Combining past, present and future tenses
Grammar / Using a range of tenses: preterite, present and near future
(Programmes of study) / NC levels 5–6
1b apply grammar
2c ask and answer questions
2d initiate/develop conversations
2f adapt previously learned language
2i summarise and report
4b communicate with native speakers
4c compare home and TL culture
5a communicate in pairs, etc.
Contexts / Personal and social life: holidays and special occasions
The international world: tourism at home and abroad
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/6 / Understand listening texts about Barcelona featuring the preterite, present and near future tensesSpeaking / AT2/5–6 / Make up sentences using the preterite, present and near future tenses
Ask and answer questions about text on Barcelona featuring the preterite, present and near future tenses
Reading and responding / AT3/6 / Understand texts about Barcelona featuring the preterite, present and near future tenses
Writing / AT4/6 / Rewrite a sequence of sentences in logical order, using time expressions/tenses to determine the order
Key language / Hoy …
Estoy en Barcelona.
Es genial.
Anteayer …
fui a la playa
descansé un poco
tomé el sol
jugué al voleibol
Ayer por la tarde …
fui a un restaurante
comí paella y bebí limonada
Lo pasé fenomenal.
Me gustó.
No me gustó.
Mañana …
Pasado mañana …
voy a ir al Tibidabo
voy a ir de compras
voy a comprar unas camisetas
High-frequency words / el, la
un, unas
a (al)
beber (bebí)
comer (comí)
estar (estoy)
ir (voy, fui)
jugar (jugué)
ser (es)
tomar (tomé)
ICT opportunities
Differentiation / Reinforcement: Cuaderno A, p. 55
Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 124, ex. 1, 3
Extension: Cuaderno B, p. 55
Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 125, ex. 3
Literacy / Verb tenses
Resources / CD 3 tracks 31-32; Cuadernos A and B, p. 55
Notes / Assessment for learning:Gramática worksheet M6(Distinguish present/future/past verbs and phrases and use them together)
MIRA 2 Módulo 6 Barcelona
Unidad 5 Barcelona en tus sueños (pp. 104–105)Framework objectives
/ Reinforce: 8L1 Listening for subtleties; 8L2 Media listening skillsLesson starters / Starter 1:Revising expressions used to give an opinion
Starter 2:Revising le gusta, etc. To revise the preterite and near future tenses
Plenary / Quiz using the Resumen section to review key points of the module (team activity)
Learning targets / Reading a story set in Barcelona
Writing creatively
Grammar / Revision of language from Module 6
(Programmes of study) / NC levels 2–6
1c use a range of vocab/structures
2h scan texts
2i summarise and report
2j redraft and improve writing
5d respond to spoken/written language
5f use language creatively
5g listen and read for personal enjoyment
Contexts / Personal and social life: holidays and special occasions
The international world: tourism at home and abroad
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5–6 / Understand a listening text about a fantasy trip round BarcelonaSpeaking / AT2/6 / Read aloud a dialogue, playing the different parts
Reading and responding / AT3/6 / Understand a text about a fantasy trip round Barcelona
Identify the Spanish for English words using the context of a longer text
Writing / AT4/2–3, 4–5 / Write an identity card for a new character
Write a story about this new character and an angel who takes him/her on a fantasy trip
Key language / Revision of language from Module 6
High-frequency words / Revision of language from Module 6
ICT opportunities / Word-processing
Differentiation / Reinforcement: Cuaderno A, p. 56
Extension: Cuaderno B, p. 56
Pupil’s Book, ¡Extra 1!, pp. 108–109; ¡Extra 2!, pp. 110–111
Literacy / Verb tenses
Resources / CD 3 track33; Cuadernos A and B, p. 56
Notes / Assessment for learning:
Pupil’s Book, Resumen, p. 106; Workbooks A and B, Resumen, p. 59
Pupil’s Book, Prepárate, p. 107; Workbooks A and B, Prepárate, pp. 57-58,
Gramática worksheet M6 (Writing creatively)