Scappoose High School

Faculty Name: Kristen Hagen


Room Number: D3

Class Websites: TBA

Biology Essential Questions

Semester 1 / Semester 2
1.  How do plants acquire water and carbon dioxide needed to undergo photosynthesis?
2.  How do plants create a complex organic molecule from light, water and carbon dioxide?
3.  How do plants maintain homeostasis while trying to undergo photosynthesis?
4.  How do animals metabolically acquire glucose?
5.  How is sugar regulated in the blood?
6.  How is sugar broken down and converted into energy?
7.  How does the body acquire and store essential macromolecules?
8.  What are the three major building blocks of the human body?
9.  How does the body regulate essential macromolecules?
10. How are proteins regulated in the body?
11.  What is the process by which proteins are created in the body?
12. How do mistakes in a gene affect the proteins produced?
13. What properties define a cell?
14. What is the process by which cells are grown and replaced? / 1.  How does a cell with 46 chromosomes produce 4 cells with 23 chromosomes?
2.  How does meiosis increase genetic variation?
3.  What happens when there is an error in the process of meiosis? What do our genes tell us?
4.  How can you use a Punnett Square to analyze genetic relationships?
5.  How can you use a Punnett Square to analyze genetic relationships?
6.  How can you use a pedigree to analyze genetic relationships?
7.  What is the mechanism of evolution?
8.  What forces drive evolution?
9.  How can we determine if evolution is/has occurred?
10. How do fossils help us understand the evolution of life?
11.  How can we look at life, then and now to determine common relationships and descent?
12. How has our understanding of evolution changed in the last 50 years?
13. What is the structure of an ecosystem?
14. What factors affect the growth or decline of a population?
15. What is biodiversity and why is it so it so important?

Course Description

Biology is a core science course upon which many other science strands build on. This course is designed to challenge students to question the daily observable life phenomena surrounding them and ask how and why. By using this expeditionary method to learn about the living world instills a higher level of understanding and set a solid science foundation.

Behavior Expectations & Classroom Conduct


A tardy means entering the classroom after the bell has rung. If you are tardy please do not disrupt the class. Entering the class more than 10 minutes after the bell has rung will be recorded as an absence.


Late work will only be accepted from an excused absence. It is the responsibility of the student to get any missing work from an absence. One day excused absence will equal one day extension on any assignment. All work for each standard must be submitted at the time of the standard. NO LATE WORK FOR THE STANDARD WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE STANDARD HAS BEEN TAKEN.


Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom. If present, they must be turned off and out of sight. Cell phones found in the classroom will be confiscated and bought to the main office for parent retrieval. Use of Headphones and IPods are not allowed during instruction. If seen, they will also be confiscated.

Grading Policies

Students must show proficiency in all five standards in order to pass the class. This equates to a score of 7 or better on a scale of 1-10 for each standard. Students must pass each standard on the final to maintain a standard score higher than 7. Grading will be determined according to a points/percentage system with the following breakdown:

Standards 70%

Personal Management/Assignments 20%

Final 10%

A =>90 % B=>80% C=>70% D=>60% F=<60%

Dear Parent,

I am looking forward to a great Biology class at Scappoose High school. In order to have a successful term, it is important that you and I work as a team to ensure the success of all our students. Biology is a Standard Based, Credit by Proficiency class. This means that all standards must be passed in order for the student to receive credit for the class. This also means that students will have many opportunities to show proficiency in each standard. I believe this system allows for more opportunities for individualization in student learning and for me to differentiate my instruction for the needs of each student. Let me explain how I plan to use standards and differentiation in my classroom.

I see many benefits from using the standard based system. The most important benefit is that it allows me to create more individualized learning opportunities to cater to the different strengths and needs of each student. Students will be allowed to move at their own pace with in the guidelines of the class, so if they understand the concepts quickly, they can test for proficiency and then move on. On the other hand, if students are struggling, they can spend more time with the material until they are ready to test their proficiency. During this time, I can create customized activities and assessments to strengthen their skills and understandings.

Feel free to contact me before school (usually 7:40-8:10 am) or after school (3:15-4:00 pm) at the following number 503-200-8005 ext 5133. You can also reach me via email at . I am here to help your child succeed and want them to feel safe and respected in our classroom. I do my best to recognize and honor each student’s individual needs and abilities. If there is anything I can do please feel free to call or email.


STUDENTS! Please detach and turn in this page. Keep the front pages for your reference.

Biology 2015-16

Parent Contact Information

Student Name: ______

(Please Print)

Parent Name: ______

(Please Print)

Home Phone Number: ______Work Number ______

Parent Email: ______

Student Email: ______

Parental/Student Awareness:

I have read and understand this document. I agree to abide by all of the policies and expectations, and understand the consequences of choosing not to meet them.

______(Parent Signature)

______(Student Signature)

Questions, Comments or Concerns for Mrs. Hagen