POSC 215Part 1
Kesselman, pgs. 13-17, C:CP2-12
True or False Questions
1. The fundamental purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to lower or remove barriers to free trade. Trueor False
2. Whenever the IMF provides financial or technical assistance to a country, it does so without any strings attached if it is identified as a Third World country. True or False
3. Because of the rise of international financial institutions and the integration of national economies through trade, telecommunications, and the rise of other technologies, Kesselman et. al., argue that states are no longer the primary actors on the world stage. True or False
4. States still dwarf other political institutions in the exercise of power that matters, whether with regard to war, peace, and national security, or when it comes to providing educational opportunities, heath care, and pensions.True or False
5. The United States is the only country that can shape the world to fully suit its own designs or achieve its aims by acting solely on its own. True or False
6. A country’s political borders can and do protect its citizens from global warming, environmental pollution, or infectious diseases that come from abroad.True or False
7. According to Kesselman, et. al., The more advantages a state possesses, as measured by its level of economic development, military power, and resource base, the more global influence it will likely have and the more it will benefit from globalization.True or False
8. China’s stunning success in promoting economic development has not generated much support for the communist regime in that country.True or False
9. According to Kesselman, et. al., there is a particular formula for state economic governance that produces maximum success in promoting national prosperity and that is having a democratic system in place. True or False
10. An influential study by political scientist Adam Przeworski and colleagues concludes, after an exhaustive comparison of the economic performance of democratic and authoritarian states, that there is no clear-cut answer to the question of which regime is better able to achieve superior economic performance.True or False
Multiple Choice Questions
1. States in which the government no longer functions effectively: a) autarky, b) oligarchy, c) failed states, d) underdevelopment.
2. The absence of any form of political authority or effective rule: a)fascism, b) containment, c) agrarianism, d) anarchy.
3. A treaty among the United States, Mexico, and Canada implemented on January 1, 1994, that largely eliminates trade barriers among the three nations and establishes procedures to resolve trade disputes: a) NAFTA, b) SEATO, c) NATO, d) ASEAN.
4. The total of all goods and services produced within a country that is used as a broad measure of the size of its economy: a) Gross Domestic Product, b) Gross National Product, c) Per Capita Income, d) Institutional Economic Indicators.
5. According to Kesselman, et. al., states have been the primary actors in the world stage for the past: a) 100 years, b) 500 years, c) 1,000 years, d) 5,000 years.
6. Approximately, how many countries comprise the world today? a) 90, b) 110, c) 150, d) 200.
7. According to the “Failed State Index,” which of the following countries are the most vulnerable to complete political collapse? a) Jamaica, Honduras, New Guinea, b) Chile, Miramar, Singapore, c) Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, d) Haiti, Afghanistan, Somalia.
8. Before the creation of the state, the following philosopher suggested, human beings lived in a constant war “where every man is enemy to every man,” all suffered from “continual fear, and danger of violent death,” and life was “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” a) Karl Marx, b) John Locke, c) Thomas Hobbes, d) Niccolo Machiavelli.
9. What was an important reason for the rejection of communism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe in 1989? a) an inadequate economic performance, b) lack of a free press, c) the inability to participate in elections, d) poor health care system.
10. The following term refers to the interaction between politics and economics, that is, to how government actions affect economic performance and how economic performance in turn affects a country’s political processes: a) political integration, b) assimilated governance, c) political economy, d) public economic assimilation.
11. The following policy promotes ecologically sound ways to modernize the economy and raise the standard of living: a) sustainable development, b) synchronized growth, c) environmental efficiency, d) specialized accountability
Fill-in Questions
1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF):
a) is the “sister organization” of the ______and also has more than 180 member states.
b) It describes its mandate as “working to foster global ______cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international ______, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty.”
c) It has been particularly active in helping countries that are experiencing serious ______.
2. Democracy: From the Greek demos (the people) and kratos (rule).
a) A political system featuring: selection to public offices through free and fair ______;
b) the right of all adults to _____; political parties that are free to compete in elections; c) government that operates by fair and relatively open ______;
d) political rights and civil ______; an independent judiciary (court system);
e) civilian control of the ______.
True or False Questions
1. True
3. False
5. False
7. True
9. False
Multiple Choice Questions
1. c
3. a
5. b
7. d
9. a
11. a
Fill-in Questions
1. a) World Bank, b) monetary, trade, c) financial problems.