LCI Cleanroom Project Request Form -- KSU & LCI Users

Step 1. Fill out this form to request services or materials from the LCI cleanroom. This form must be filled out in advance of any work being done. Please fill out top half of form in its entirety and return to cleanroom staff. Cleanroom staff will then fill out Step 2 and return to you and your advisor for approval. Cost of materials and services rendered may be billed for project requests involving funded projects (on a voluntary basis).
Project Title: / Date of Request:
Your Name: / Contact phone number:
PI / Advisor Name: / Contact E-mail:
Type of Request (check all that apply): / Training / Assistance / Prototyping Services by Cleanroom Staff
Cleanroom Usage by User / Materials Request
Description of request
(Describe in complete detail. Any details not included are considered to be insignificant to your request. Also specify which tasks are to be done by you, and what you would like cleanroom staff to do. Attach device drawing if possible, and additional sheet if necessary):
Desired completion date: / Not needed after:
Step 2. Cleanroom Staff Use Only (do not fill out items below line) / Step 3. PI / Advisor Work Authorization. To be filled out by
Cleanroom Staff will fill out information below and return to you. / PI before work begins.
Project Number assigned:
Estimated cleanroom personnel time to complete: / I authorize charges for up to $
Estimated start date range: / (enter zero above if you decline to authorize charges)
Estimated completion date range: / Account name / number:
Estimated cost (labor / materials):
Estimated start / completion date for expedited service:
Estimated cost for expedited service (labor / materials): / PI authorization / signature / Date
Approved by Cleanroom Manager: / LCI Associate Director / signature / Date

Form Instructions. This form is to be used by LCI and Kent State University researchers to request usage of the cleanroom, services from cleanroom staff (including training), or materials. The form can be filled out as a Word document form, or printed and filled out manually. Please return form with Step 1 complete to cleanroom manager Doug Bryant, Rm 325 LCI, phone 2-1583, e-mail: .

Some guidelines in filling out the information:

Step 1:

Project title: Use a descriptive title for your work, such as “ECB cells for switching speed measurements”, or “Training on use of Spectroscopic Ellipsometer”; avoid generic titles such as “Fabricate LC cells”, or “Cleanroom Use”

Description: Use as much detail as possible, especially for cell requests. Details such as cell size (active area and overall size), ITO pattern (if any), cell gap, alignment layer, rub directions, spacer type, vac fill vs. capillary fill, liquid crystal to use, etc. are important parameters. If you will be using the cleanroom to make the cells, it is not as important to include this information. Be clear as to who will be doing the work (you or cleanroom staff). If you will be doing the work, but have not been trained on the relevant equipment, please be sure to note that you will require training on that piece of equipment. If you do not supply enough information, staff will not be able to accurately judge time required, and the form will be returned to you.

Desired completion date. When you would like to have the work complete. Note that in step 2, cleanroom staff will estimate when it can be completed within the existing schedule. If it is not possible to meet your desired completion date within the existing schedule, it is possible to request “expedited service”.

Expedited Service. In most cases, cleanroom staff will be able to fulfill your request within 2-3 weeks, if not sooner. If we are unable to meet your needs without significantly impacting our schedule (“I need this tomorrow!!”), it is possible to request expedited service. Staff will make every effort to meet your time constraints.

Step 2: Cleanroom Staff will fill out the information in Step 2 and return to you, after all information in Step 1 has been completed. This may take several days for complex requests. Actual cost of work to the cleanroom will be noted.

Step 3: To be filled out by Principal Investigator. Any payments authorized here are strictly voluntary at this time. A PI signature / authorization is required before work can begin.

Project Funding Information. Please enter the source of funding for your work if there is a budget for this particular request, and you would like to volunteer payment (full or partial) for the services rendered. The intent of these charges is to defray costs of materials and personnel time that are not covered by university overhead.

Last Revision 9/21/05