July 2015

Patient safety healthcare projects receive share of £450,000 funding pot

Almost half a million pounds has been awarded to healthcare organisationsacross the region to fund six innovative projects in patient safety.

The funding has come from the Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC)as part of thefive-yearPatient Safety Collaborative (PSC) work programme, which was launched last year.

The programme aims to improve healthcare in the region by identifying and supporting innovative projects across a range of areas that can help transform processes that impact on the safety of patients.

Tony Roberts, AHSN NENC Interim Programme Lead for the Patient Safety Collaborative, said:“We are pleased to be able to announce the six projects that have received funding as part of the PSC work programme here in the North East and North Cumbria.

“In order to receive funding, each project has clearly demonstrated a need to improve care in a specific area. This means we can be confident that these innovative projects will help transform services for patients across the region.”

The six funded projects are each collaborations between the NHS and other organisations from a range of sectors, universities, the voluntary sector and commercial partners and will build on existing initiatives to spread learning more widely. The funded projects are:

  • A project led by North East Quality Observatory System (NEQOS) and supported by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust to measure the care of patients with sepsis or Community Acquired Pneumonia;
  • ‘Preventing Fracture in the North’, which is a project to identify those most at risk of broken bones, led by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
  • A South Tees NHS Foundation Trust led project, to speed up the identification of patients with acute kidney injury;
  • ‘The Resilience’ project, which aims to address the difficulties in recognising severe illness in young children, which is led by Newcastle Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust;
  • A South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust led project, which aims to reduce avoidable pressure ulcers (bedsores);
  • A project aimed at reducing the number of falls taking place in hospital, led by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Oliver James, AHSN NENC Medical Director, said: “It was clear from the high standard of applications received that many healthcare organisations in the region are aligned with the core aims of the programme - to help transform processes that impact on the safety of patients.

“However, collaborative working is key to the success of these projects, and we are delighted with the spread of organisations involved and the clear commitment to partnership working to address each of these key topics regarding patient safety.”

To find out more about the AHSN NENC and the Patient Safety Collaborative Programme, please visit


Editor’s note:

The Academic Health Science Network for North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC) is committed to improving both the health and economic prosperity of the region though innovation and through dissemination of best practice.

Key aims for the Network over the next five years will be to improve patient care and population health outcomes and to create wealth and stimulate engagement with industry to promote economic growth.

For further information, please contact:

The AHSN NENC has already embarked on a number of programmes of work:

•Almost £1m invested in partnerships with local SMEs to drive growth

•Secured an additional £900k ERDF funding to provide support to SMEs

•Significant investment in University and Trust Technology transfer programmes and an NHS Innovation Scout Scheme

•Provision of £2m funding for projects designed to disseminate best practice and make a demonstrable impact on health outcomes

•Secured significant matched funding for investments from partner organisations such as Health Education North East, the NIHR Clinical Research Network, the Strategic Clinical Networks and the Local Area Teams

For further information, please contact:

Kirstie Taylor, AHSN NENC, Room 2.13, Biomedical Research Building, The Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Nuns' Moor Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 5PL, Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 1329, E-mail: , web: