RFS Proposals

RFS Proposal # / Title / Primary
Sponsor / Which RFS Study? / ESU
001 / Investigation of the Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery and Wild Steelhead in the DeschutesRiver Basin / ODFW / 182 Repro / MCR SH
002 / Evaluation of the Reproductive Success of Wild and Hatchery Steelhead in Natural and Hatchery Environments / UW / 182 Repro / Puget Sound SH
003 / Pedigree Approach to Determine Reproductive Success of Natural and Hatchery Origin Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Spawners in Johnson Creek, Idaho / NPT / 182 Repro / SR Sp/Su CH
004 / Reproductive Success of Natural-Origin, Endemic Hatchery Origin, and Reconditioned Kelt Summer Steelhead in the TucannonRiver (FCRPS BiOp Action #184) / WDFW / 184 Kelt / SR SH
005 / Assessment of the Reproductive Success of Reconditioned Kelt Steelhead with DNA Microarray Technology / Battelle / 184 Kelt / MCR SH
006 / Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery-Origin and Wild-Origin Steelhead Spawning Naturally in the HoodRiver / OSU / 182 Repro / LCR SH
007 / Reproductive Success of Hatchery Spawners in the ChinookRiver, Washington / Sea Resources / 182 Repro / LCR Coho
008 / Evaluating the Reproductive Success of Natural- and Hatchery-Origin Columbia River Chum Salmon / WDFW / 182 Repro / CR Chum
RFS Proposal # / Title / Primary
Sponsor / Which Study? / ESU
009 / An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Steelhead Kelt Reconditioning to Address Biological Opinion Action 184b: The Reproductive Success of Hatchery-Origin and Wild-Origin Repeat Spawners / USGS / 184 Kelt / LCR SH
010 / A Tool for Evaluating Risks and Benefits of Reform Actions in Hatchery Programs / WDFW / 184 Synthesis
Analyt App
011 / Comparative Reproductive Success of Wild and Hatchery Origin Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon that Spawn Naturally in the Pahsimeroi and UpperSalmonRivers / IDFG / 184 Repro / SR Sp/Su CH
012 / Evaluating the Relative Reproductive Success of Natural- and Hatchery-Origin Snake River Fall Chinook Spawners Upstream of Lower Granite Dam / WDFW / 184 Repro / SR Fall CH
013 / Analytical Approach for Determination of Effects of Hatchery Reform on Extinction Risk and Recovery of Salmon and Steelhead / CRITFC / 184 Synthesis Analyt App
014 / Proposal to Evaluate Reproductive Success of Natural-Origin, Hatchery-Origin, and Kelt Steelhead in the ColumbiaRiver Basin (FCRPS BiOp Action #184) / CRITFC / 184 Kelt / Multiple candidate
015 / Natural Reproductive Success and Demographic Effects of Hatchery-Origin Steelhead in Abernathy Creek, Washington: Can Newly Developed, Native Broodstocks of Steelhead Derived from Captively-Reared Parr Potentially Contribute to Recovery of Naturally Spawning Populations? / USFWS / 182 Repro / SW WA SH