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Maraba Ulfina

Mailing Address: 40236 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nationality: Ethiopian

Phone: +251 921511201 E-Mail: or

Skype: mypassion2016


Translation services and leadership training is my expertise area. I am Leadership development professional with unique perspective on leadership development issues backed by education and over 11 years of career experience. Excellent knowledge and hands on experience on leadership issues focused on youth, gender and senior officials in government and non-government organizations. Managed various projects focused on women, youth, child and community development with governments and NGOs.


Addis Ababa University – Addis Ababa, EthiopiaIn progress (expected completion date April 2018)

  • Masters in Social Work

MekaneYesus Management and Leadership Collage – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia2008-2010

  • BA in Leadership and Development Studies

Maichew ATVET Collage – Maichew, Ethiopia2003-2005

  • Diploma in Natural Resources


Youth Leadership Development Specialist

Center for Creative Leadership – Addis Ababa, EthiopiaApril 08.2017– present

  • Co –managed Engaged Educated Empowered Ethiopian Youth project in collaboration with World Vision Ethiopia.
  • FacilitatedLeadership Essential, Communication Essentials, TOT and process facilitations for Education specialists and Livelihood specialists
  • Coaching the field based project team
  • Facilitating summer camps and preparing training materials
  • Follow ups and monitoring on quarterly basis
  • Writing reports and important documents

Program Manager and Senior Facilitator

Center for Creative Leadership – Addis Ababa, EthiopiaJuly 2013 – April 07.2017

  • Trained Hararge Catholic Secretary’s senior leaders on leadership essentials and team building
  • Co –managed Civil Society Support Program in collaboration with the British Embassy
  • Facilitated over 100 Leadership Essential, Communication Essentials, TOT and process facilitations for youth, women and government body representatives and aid agencies including for E4Y program
  • Developed and delivered a youth and women audio toolkit program for Catholic Relief Services
  • Assisted young women’s empowerment project partnering with the Australian Embassy
  • Write proposals and report
  • Organize trainings
  • Design and deliver facilitations
  • Coaching at senior level leaders
  • Co-managing E4Y (Engaged, Educated, Empowered Ethiopian Youth) project based in World Vision Country representing office funded by USDOL.
  • Managing federalism Leadership development program

Project coordinator

MekaneYesus Development and Social Service Commission – Addis Ababa, EthiopiaMay 2012 – July 2013

  • Managed Compassion program that focused on Children and youth development
  • Worked on Child protection and Advocacy for youth
  • Developed and implemented a youth program that focused on youth cognitive, sport, health and social services for youth
  • Report and proposal writing
  • Developed network with CCRDA and other NGOs in Dire Dawa
  • Supported youth in school and either.
  • Represented Dire Dawa Child Development program office

Project coordinator

GudinaTumsa Foundation, CSO – Addis Ababa, EthiopiaSep 2006 – May 2012

  • Managed a women and youth empowerment program focused on functional literacy
  • Managed the integrated women empowerment program including Income Generating Activities
  • Provided training for social workers’ capacity development
  • Worked on Child protection and Advocacy for youth
  • Managed drought cycle management
  • Worked on emergency duties
  • Conducted market Assessment
  • Conducted monitoring and evaluation for the project
  • Managed empowering Karayu Pastoralist in livelihood security and against drought vulnerability
  • Established woreda level stakeholders committee
  • Created awareness on early warning systems and conflict resolution methodology
  • Business development
  • Report and proposal writing


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  • Training/Event organization
  • Fluent in Amharic, Afaan Oromo and English
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Clean full driver’s license
  • Enjoy reading , swimming and music
  • Short trainings I have received in different times by various organizations:

No / Training Topics / Type / Organized by / Duration
1 / Project Monitoring and Evaluation / Certificate / Basic Education Network / March17-19,2011
2 / Business Development Services / Certificate of achievements / dvv Intentional / September19-23, 2011
3 / Project Cycle Management / Certificate of participation / CCRDA / October 22-36,2012
4 / Integrated Functional Adult Education / Certificate of achievements / dvv Intentional / October 3-7,2012 and November 17-22, 2011
5 / Project Cycle Management / Certificate of participation / Compassion International Ethiopia / June 12-15,2012
6 / Leadership training facilitation / Certificate of achievement / Center for creative leadership / February 1 to 3 2016.
7 / Lead for Success / Certified Master trainer / Center for creative leadership / April,2017


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Food Program Manager

Samaritan Purses, South Sudan

Email address:


Co-founder and Manager, Ayana Publishing PLC

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Kuku Mesfin

Regional director, Center for Creative Leadership

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
