Chem101, General Chemistry I (GenEd/Natural Sciences) Sections 03

STAR 83821

Syllabus Fall 2013

Credit hours: 4

Lecture Time: Tue. Thurs. 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm, Currens 202

Course Description:A survey for students who do not plan to take chemistry beyond the 100 level. Application of the general principles of inorganic and organic chemistry to biological, environmental, and applied sciences. Prerequisites: one year of high school algebra or MATH 099N, and either one year high school chemistry or CHEM 100. 3 hrs. lect.; 2 hrs. lab.

Instructor:Dr. Mai-Lei Chen, Office: CH 519-B; Ph: 298-2578; Fax: 298-2180


Office Hours:Mon., 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm;Tue. and Thurs., 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm, or by appointments


Lecture: Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 10th edition by Bettelheim,

Brown, Campbell, Farrell and Torres; Student Copy ISBN: 978-1-133-10508-4

Laboratory: Chem 101 Laboratory Manual, 1sst edition by Prentice Hall/Pearson Learning 2010.

Students enrolled in this course are levied a non-refundable laboratory usage fee of $35 to cover the cost of consumable supplies utilized during the semester.

Prerequisites: One year of high school algebra or MATH 099N and either one year high school chemistry or CHEM 100.

Goals of the Course:It is desired to give the student a basic grounding in all of the basic areas of inorganic chemistry. In order to accomplish this, weekly reading assignments will be given as well as a series of laboratory experiments to carry out. Completing the reading assignments on a timely basis is preferable and more rewarding than last minute cramming. The lecture will cover the following chapters:

Topics include:

1. Matter, Energy and Measurement.

2. Atoms.

3. Chemical Bonds.

4. Chemical Reactions.

5. Gases, Liquids, and Solids.

6. Solutions and Colloids.

7. Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium.

8. Acids and Bases

9. Nuclear Chemistry

A laboratory syllabus will be made available on the first lab meeting as well as online.

Attendance Policy:Attendance will be taken each class period. Students need to sing in on the lecture signup sheet before the lecture. Each student will start with 5 % percentage points for attendance. More than 3 absences will result in the loss of these points (5 points will be deducted form your attendance grade points for each absence after your 3rd absence).

Definition of Excused Absences: Excused absences include: documented illnesses, documented family medical emergencies, military commitments, WIU required athletic trips, and other absences excused by the course instructor.

HourExaminations: These will constitute 49.2 % of the final point total.

Exam 1: September 17, Tuesday - Chapters 1 - 3

Exam 2: October 15, Tuesday - Chapters 4 -5

Exam 3: November 15, Tuesday - Chapters 6 - 7

Exam 4 : November 17, Thursday - Chapter 8 - 9

FinalExamination: A final examination will be given on Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

1:00 pm - 2:50 pm. This exam is comprehensive, and contributes 13.4 % to total points.

Exam Policy

* You only need a pen/or pencil and a simple scientific calculator for your exam.

* If a student takes the exam paper out of the classroom during or after the exam, he/or she

will get a zero for that exam.

Homework: Since critical thinking and problem solving are important components of chemistry; homework will be assigned regularly in order to help students grasp principles and concepts discussed in class. Regular practice will help your overall exam scores. Homework will contribute 10.1 % to total points.

Laboratory:Labwill count as22.3%of the final grade. You must earn at least 70% (140 points) of the maximum points attainable (200) in lab or you automatically fail lab and the course.

Grading System

4 Lecture exams (110 points each) = 440 points

1 Final exam = 120 points

Lecture attendance = 45 points

Homework (10 points for each) = 90 points

Lab = 200 points:


Total: 895 points

Grading: You must attain passing scores in both the lecture and lab in order to pass the course. Letter grades for the course will be assigned based on the following point system out of a maximum of 800 points:

≥ 787 (88%) = A ≤ 501532 (56%-59.5%) = D+

≤ 760 < 786 (85%-88%)= A-≤ 465500 (52%-55.9%) = D

≤ 716 < 759 (80%-84.9%)= B+≤ 429 < 464 (48%-51.9%) = D-

≤ 680 < 715 (76%-79.9%)= B428 = F

≤ 653< 679 (73%-75.9%) = B-

≤ 617< 652 (69%-72.9%) = C+

≤ 581616 (65%-68.9%) = C

≤ 537 < 580 (60%-64.9%) = C-

Additional Required Expenses:

A simple scientific calculator(not a graphing calculator) is required for the course. TI-30XA is recommended.

"Personal protective eye wear is required. The student must purchase safety goggles (and any lab notebooks if required)."

Students are expected to wear clothing that completely covers the feet and legs in lab. (Sandals and shorts are not appropriate dress in lab). Alternatively, students may purchase lab coats or aprons to cover themselves.

Outside work requirements for the course: Students are expected to study, review and learn all material discussed in lecture, as well as read assigned chapters in the textbook, and to work assigned practice problems/questions/terms listed in class or on Western Online. Generally a minimum of 2 to 3 hours of outside study time is required for each hour of class time for this course.

Chemistry Resource Center: Currens 107. Free tutoring and/or help is provided by the department through the Chemistry Resource Center.

WIU Policies: It is the policy of Western Illinois University to accommodate individuals with disabilities pursuant to federal law and the University's commitment to equal educational opportunities. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any necessary accommodations at the beginning of the course. Any student with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Support Services.

In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s) you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Resource Center (DRO) and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Resource Center (DRC) at 298-2512 for additional services.

Emergency Preparedness: The WIU Office of Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness provides resources on how to respond to emergency situations. Please view the video resources at (Click “Resources” on the right side of the page). If the fire alarms sound and/or students are asked to evacuate the building all students should proceed immediately to the nearest exit and gather at the southwest corner of the Higgins parking lot (near the fence) until the “all clear” is given.

The following action is prohibited under the Student Conduct Code: Disorderly Conduct: Any behavior which disrupts the regular or normal functions of the University community, including behavior which breaches the peace or violates the rights of others. Any student convicted of academic dishonesty, can receive a failing grade and may be subject to further academic penalties. Web address for Academic Integrity Policy (

Web address for Student Rights and Responsibilities::

CLASSROOM POLICIES: Other than a simple scientific calculator or laptop (for taking notes except during exams),Electronic devices such as graphing calculators, cell phones, IPODs and MP3 playersare notallowedto be used in the classroom at any time!

All hats, caps, and hoods that cover your ears are not allowed to be worn during a quiz or exam. The instructor reserves the right to assign seating for the students during exams and/or any other time deemed necessary.

Exam grades are based on the total number of correct answers, and all grades are final. No curve will be applied to exam grades, and no “retakes” will be allowed. No “extra point” assignments will be made or applied to grades. Students can view their individual quiz and exam scores on Western OnLine (WIU ECom is required for login).

No incomplete will be given to a student with a failing grade in the course. No incomplete will be given in this course unless the student experiences a documented emergency that takes him/her away from the university for at least two consecutive weeks and/or causes him/her to miss the final exam. The student must notify the instructor of this emergency before the final exam.

Makeup exams will only be given if the absence is due to an official university trip with

advance notice, an important personal event cleared with me in advance, or a personal or family emergency with documentation.Oversleeping or forgetting the date of an exam will not be accepted as an excuse.If you know about a conflict in advance, I may allow you to take a "makeup" exam earlier than the scheduled time. EXCUSES MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH DOCUMENTATION, and it is your responsibility to obtain this documentation. If you do not provide documentation, there will be no makeup.

MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE SHORT ANSWER FORMAT. Make-up exams must be taken within one week of the scheduled time, except in exceptional circumstances such as an extended illness.

Keep in mind that you are still responsible for material covered while you are absent, so be sure to copy notes from that day. If you need help to study, please come to me during office hours. As your instructor, I feel honored to have a chance to work with you. I’m here to help you to learn well so do not hesitate to contact me. Even it is not in my office hours, you’re always welcome to email me to make an appointment for us to meet. I sincerely hope you all will enjoy the course and most importantly, you learn fundamental knowledge in general chemistry from this course, and build a solid foundation for your future courses and careers.

CHEM101 Section 03, Fall 2013 Currens 202, 12:00 pm-1:15 pm Dr. Mai-Lei Chen

Lecture Topics Chapter

08-20L01:Matter, Energy, and Measurements1

08-22L02: Matter, Energy, and Measurements1


08-27L03: Atoms2

08-29L04: Atoms2

09-03L05: Chemical Bonds3

09-05L06: Chemical Bonds3

09-10L07: Chemical Bonds3

09-12L08: Chemical Bonds/Exam 1 Review3

09-17Exam 1 (L01-L08)

09-19L09:Chemical Reactions4

09-24L10: Chemical Reactions4

09-26L11: Chemical Reactions4

10-01 L12: Chemical Reactions4 Gases, Liquids, and solids 5

10-03 L13: Gases, Liquids, and solids5

10-08 L14: Gases, Liquids, and solids5

10-10 L15: Gases, Liquids, and solids/Exam 2 Review5

10-15 Exam 2 (L09-L15)

10-17 L16: Solutions and Colloids6

10-22L17: Solutions and Colloids6

10-24 L18: Solutions and Colloids6

10-29 L19:Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium7

10-31 L20: Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium7

11-05Exam 3 (L16-L20)

11-07L21: Acids and Bases8

11-12L22: Acids and Bases8

11-14L23: Acids and Bases8

Nuclear Chemistry9

11-19L24: Nuclear Chemistry9

11-21Exam 4 (L21-L24)

11-26Thanksgiving Holiday (No Class)

11-28 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Class)

12-03 Final Exam Review I

12-05 Final Exam Review II

12-10 Final Exam (L01-L24) 1:00 pm – 2:50 pm