Damage to the adjacent tissue during inflammation is mediated mainly by:

a. Catalases

b. Neutral proteases

c. Caspases

d. C3a and C5a

e. DNAses

Which of the following inhibits the matrix metalloproteinases, and thus contributes to scar formation/preservation:

a. TGF-beta

b. EGF


d. TNF

The pathologic findings in slide no.xxx are:

a. Malignant epithelial cells.

b. Malignant mesenchymal cells.

c. Benign epithelial cells.

d. Lymphoid cells.

e. Epithelioid cells.

The most common mutation affecting a dominant oncogene in

human tumors is:

a. p53 mutation

b. ATM mutation

c. RAS mutation

d. RB gene mutation

e. MYC mutation

The most common mutation affecting a dominant oncogene in

human tumors is:

a. p53 mutation

b. ATM mutation

c. RAS mutation

d. RB gene mutation

e. MYC mutation

Which of the following lesions is not preneoplastic?

a. Dysplasia

b. Hyperplasia

c. Hypertrophy

d. Leukoplakia

e. Barrett's esophagitis

The tumor on slide no. xxx has the following characteristics, except:

a. On Fine Needle Aspiration this tumor yields abundant myoepithelial cells disclosing its benign nature.

b. This benign tumor appears usually in young women.

c. The presence of mixed elements makes its prognosis unpredictable.

d. Complete encapsulation is a constant feature of this tumor.

Which substance accumulates in tissues of patients with Tay -Sacks disease ?

a. Ganglioside

b. Cholesterol

c. Sphingomyelin

d. Hexosaminidase

e. Glycocerebroside

What is NOT correct regarding fetal hydrops?

a.  Rh incompatibility occurs in Rh positive infants born to Rh negative mothers.

b.  Kernicterus is caused by binding of conjugated bilirrubin to brain lipids

c.  Most A and B antibodies are of Ig M type.

d.  In the present time non-immune hydrops is more common than immune hydrops.

e.  Antigen D is the most frequent cause of of Rh incompatibility.

The source of pulmonary embolism is most frequently located in:

a. Left ventricular lumen in a patient with myocardial infarction

b. Deep leg veins

c. Mitral valve endocarditis

d. Aortic aneurysm

e. Portal vein thrombosis

The most frequent site of origin of the tumor shown in Figure A is:

a. Retroperitoneum

b. Neck

c. Sacrococcygeal area

d. Mediastinum

e. Head