We don't post ours until August after registration, as well.

In the past we have not posted class lists for K-6 until after Augustregistration. The class lists are pretty much developed before we leavefor the summer. This allows us to make adjustments to class lists withouthaving to make calls to parents or upsetting children who are planningto be with a particular teacher. I receive the occasional comment thatother schools post class lists before students leave for the summer. I'm interested in hearing how others approach this issue. Thanks for anyhelp you can give.

20 people responded to my request for information about when they postedclass lists. 19 said they posted in August (1 of those mails theinformation in late July or early August), and 1 said they post at thebeginning of summer. The one who posts at the beginning of summer saidthey didn't make any changes to the list once posted - parent complaintsor not.

We also do our basic class list in the spring before. Parents who have"requests for consideration" for a specific teacher have to fileaccording to administrative procedures prior to the end of mail-in
registration (June 30) in the registration packet is consent for thechild's name to be posted on our website. Those who give consent (andof course have submitted their registration materials will find their
child listed on the website list as of Aug. 15. Eliminates the crowd atthe door where we used to post. One night I had a group who came atmid-night to see the names on the door!

I have sent the class lists home in report cards at the end of the year. I had one year with many move-ins and special needs that required me to make phone calls to parents and having parents refuse to allow me to move their child. Now, I have parents not happy with me, BUT I post the class lists after registration. A word of caution-this too happened to me, we updated our AR class lists and students logged on at the end of the year and found their classes. If you have grades online, you need to change their student ID number or parents go online and find out their child's teacher before the posting as well! Hope that helps!