Medieval Europe Final Project: ABC Book


You will be creating an alphabet book, which demonstrates your knowledge of the major aspects of Medieval Europe, including social and economic structures, significant historical figures, important historical events, cultural and artistic contributions, religious beliefs and practices, and geography.


1.  Your book must use 23 of the 26 letters of the alphabet. You may decide which three to leave out, or you may include all 26 for extra credit.

2.  Each page of your book must contain a written explanation of an idea, object, person, or place connected to our study of Medieval Europe. That item must match the letter of the alphabet for that page and an illustration of the item must be included.

3.  All written information must be detailed, complete, and accurate and written in paragraph form. Each page should demonstrate your understanding of the topic, although no specific length is required. You may find information in your textbook, from class notes, in a dictionary or encyclopedia, or on the internet. All information in your project should be in your own words and not directly copied from your source.

4.  All writing must be written neatly in ink or typed. (Any font, font size, and color is acceptable as long as it can be read easily.)

5.  All writing must be grammatically correct or and FREE of spelling errors.

6.  Illustrations may be hand drawn, cut from magazines, or printed from the internet. The illustration should be directly related to the explanation of the object.

7.  EVERYTHING must be neat!

8.  All of the pages should be assembled, in alphabetical order, into a book and attached to a cover. The cover must have a title and illustration, as well as your name, date, and period. You may bind your book with staples, yarn, or any other method you choose, or you may assemble your pages into a notebook or scrapbook.

9.  Your project is worth 250 points. Each page is worth 10 points and will be scored based on completeness, neatness, accuracy, and on whether it is grammatically correct. You will also receive 20 points for the overall appearance, neatness, and creativity of the book itself.

10.  Class Presentation = EXTRA CREDIT: You may present three of your 20 pages to the class for extra credit. You must read your information and explain the accompanying illustration.

11.  All work is due on Friday, June 8, 2012. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you plan to be absent, then you must plan to turn it in early.

Alphabet Book Topic Form

Directions: For each letter of the alphabet, choose a specific topic related to Medieval Europe.

Then, create a guiding question or choose an essential question on that topic. Each question will

be a guide as you write your informative paragraphs.

A / Topic =
B / Topic =
C / Topic =
D / Topic =
E / Topic =
F / Topic =
G / Topic =
H / Topic =
I / Topic =
J / Topic =
K / Topic =
L / Topic =
M / Topic =
N / Topic =
O / Topic =
P / Topic =
Q / Topic =
R / Topic =
S / Topic =
T / Topic =
U / Topic =
V / Topic =
W / Topic =
X / Topic =
Y / Topic =
Z / Topic =